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Friday, April 30, 2010

Ways to Flourish with Diabetes

Managing diabetes is vital if people are to flourish and live their lives to the fullest. A diabetic condition can leave you feeling low in energy and depressed at a point. Increase in blood sugar is triggered by ailments such as flu, nausea and colds. A wound may also leave your sugar levels high or low leading to fatigue. When such ailments occur, it is advisable to keep the sugar levels in check in intervals over the day.

Vital Lessons on Acupuncture

Acupuncture is one of the most popular Chinese medicines practiced today in the west as a form of alternative or complimentary therapy. It was first introduced into Europe in the 1600s, from where it penetrated to North America. Today, acupuncture is widely used for the treatment of chronic and acute pain through out the world. It is also used for the treatment of allergies, infertility and asthma.

Tai Chi as a Wellness Technique

Tai Chi is an antique Chinese exercise created by a Taoist saint known as Chang San Feng about 700 years ago. The exercise is based on four fundamental categories namely: health, mental accomplishment, self-defense and ways of attaining immortality. The exercises are made of slow and tranquil movements intended to aid in self-development.

Naturopathy Healing System

Naturopathy is a system of healing that relies heavily on natural remedies. Such include water, air and sunlight. The natural environment is supplemented with natural therapies and diets. The medical system was first developed in Germany, and slowly found its way to North America in the 20th century, where it is deeply rooted as a complementary type of medicine.

Homeopathy: Get Healed Naturally

Homeopathy is a form of alternative treatment whereby the mind and body are stimulated to heal themselves naturally. It is derived form two Greek words “homeo” meaning the same and “pathos” meaning disease. This practice has its roots in Germany where it had been in use since the 18th century. The whole idea was created by Samuel Hahnemann who was a doctor.

Facts about Shiatsu

Shiatsu is a finger pressure massage therapy whose origin is traced to the East. It refers to “finger pressure” where “Shi” means finger and “atsu” pressure. It is a traditional massage therapy which is non-invasive and deeply relaxing. It involves the use of fingers and the thumb to apply pressure to the body parts.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Managing Menopause

Healthy Living
Womens Health

When a middle aged woman seems to be irritable, throws frequent temper tantrums, appears quiet at times, it’s not what she deliberately wishes to be like, but it is the period of her life which give rise to such behavior in her. It is menopause – a gradual, but permanent cessation of menstruation.

Symptoms of PMS - Do You Have The Symptoms Of PMS?

Healthy Living
By Vanessa Youngstrom

PMS or premenstrual syndrome is a term used to describe a set of hormonal changes that trigger a syndrome in a significant number of women for up to two weeks before the start of her period. More than 5 million women require treatment for symptoms of PMS such as marked mood changes and behavioral changes.

Prevail over PMS

Healthy Living
Womens Health

You suddenly feel like breaking into tears without any reason. The headache that just doesn’t seem to go away; you constantly feel a sense of fatigue….irritable and the people around, make you feel worse. Does all this sound familiar to you? If the answer is yes, then it’s quite likely that you are suffering from PMS or Pre-Menstrual Syndrome.

7 Reasons To Power Walk

Healthy Habits
By Nneka Kelly

When I was in college my roommate and I would take a 30 minute power nap every afternoon. One week her mother was visiting and was outraged that this was a regular occurrence. By the third day she joined us in our afternoon siesta, but warned that this would not go over well when we hit the “real” world.

Sway, Swing and Rock your Way to Better Health

Healthy Living
Physical Activity

What can dance do for your health?

In addition to promoting cardiovascular health, muscle tone, balance and posture, dance improves your immune system and elevates your mood.

Maximize Your Fat Burning Potential

Physical Activity
By Kevin Koskella

Are you frustrated by that stubborn fat that seems to stay with you no matter how hard you work out or exercise? Are you getting annoyed that no matter how you eat, you cannot seem to lose that extra 10 pounds you’re carrying around with you?

7 Steps To Having More Energy

By Melanie Mendelson

1. Get enough sleep.

Sleep deprivation is the most common cause of low energy and fatigue. Most adults need 8 hours of sleep every night. If you are sleeping in late on weekends, it’s a sign that you don’t get enough sleep during the week.

Diabetes in Children

Healthy Living

Diabetes Mellitus, commonly known as Diabetes is a health disorder in which the body has trouble regulating its blood sugar levels. Diabetes can be categorised as type 1 diabetes (an autoimmune disease also known as juvenile diabetes) and type 2 diabetes (a metabolic disorder also known as adult onset diabetes).

Transgendered: In Quest of a Place on the Gender Spectrum

Healthy Living

An interesting way to look at gender identity is to imagine a spectrum between the standard "male" and "female" sexes. Physical, mental, and emotional factors all help us decide where we lie on that spectrum. While this concept sounds simple enough, it leads us to an understanding of the turmoil some people go through in a society that does not view gender as having grey or mid-points.

Fight Against Breast Cancer

Healthy Living
Women’s Health

The second most dreaded disease after lung cancer, breast cancer is more common among North Americans than others. Though identified as women’s disease, it is not limited to women alone. Since breast tissues are similar in both genders, men can also develop breast cancer. However, the latter’s occurrence is rare.

Respiratory Diseases in Children

Healthy Living

More than 3 million Canadians suffer from serious respiratory diseases such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), lung cancer, influenza and pneumonia, bronchiolitis, tuberculosis (TB), cystic fibrosis, and respiratory distress syndrome (RDS).

Television and Children

Healthy Living

Parental guidance is required

The invasion of cable TV, DVD and Direct to Home (DTH) TV in our family lives, especially in the context of children, has spread more ills than the benefits they can offer.

Stiff neck – A Real Pain in the Neck

Healthy Living
Common Ailments

Looking at someone turning the whole body when only a slight turn of neck is needed can make you smile or laugh. But if you have ever experienced a stiff neck – you will sure feel the pain of that person and refrain from doing that.

Bye-Bye Bloating

Healthy Living
Healthy Habits

Just yesterday you were happily considering buying a new pair of jeans – one size smaller. And today, your tummy is ballooned so much that even your regular pair of jeans seems to be crimping your belly. Blame it on bloating.

Downside of Supplements

Healthy Living
Food and Nutrition

The habit of choosing supplements over a balanced diet is on the rise among the growing population of health nuts. The growing fascination for the supplements stems from the belief that in addition to warding off a deficiency, they also help stave off various illnesses.

Ten Best Energy Foods

Healthy Living
Food and Nutrition

Ever wondered why some people eat less but are more energetic? The secret may lie in the kind of foods they consume. Foods that are high in carbohydrates with a little potion of protein but have no or low fats are often termed as energy foods.

Essential Fatty Acids are Essential for Health

Healthy Living
Food and Nutrition

Essential fatty acids (EFA) are the fatty acids that are required to create and repair cell membranes in the human body. These essential fatty acids cannot be obtained synthetically and they have to be obtained only through diet.

Sharing Combs and Towels

Healthy Living
Healthy Habits

When you share a comb or a head towel – you might be sharing more than that. You might be sharing some germs, infections and lice. So, for sake of your crowning glory’s health do not ever share combs and towels.

Grow Grey Healthfully!

Healthy Living

Thanks to the advancements of medical science the life expectancy has increased many folds. The population of baby bloomers is bigger than ever and is growing. However, there is a flip side. It is burdening the medical system of Canada because living longer rarely means living healthier.

Presiding over Prostate Problems

Healthy Living
Men’s Health

Prostate problems are becoming more common than ever. However, increased awareness can help in managing or even preventing many prostate problems.

Is It Safe To Travel During Pregnancy

Healthy Living
Women’s Health

If you are pregnant and a trip comes up, it is normal to get worried about the effects and potential risks of travel on your unborn baby. The questions that generally crop up in the mind are:

How Healthy are Canadian Eating Habits?

Healthy Living
Food and Nutrition

Walk into an eatery or wheel into a drive thru – you will be welcomed by mouth-watering images of sweet and sugary donuts, cookies, French fries, chicken wings, hamburgers … great!

Stop the Unstoppable Hiccups

Healthy Living
Common Ailments

Without causing a pain in the real sense, non-stop hiccups can be a real pain. Medically speaking, a hiccup (some prefer to refer to it as hiccough) is an involuntary spasm of the diaphragm. It can go on for several minutes or longer. It is often triggered when diaphragm is irritated by any of the following causes:

Does Coffee Really Perk You Up?

Healthy Living - Food and Nutrition
Rizani Razeed

Are you one of those who just can’t start the day without their morning coffee? Do you love chocolate? Are you a pop junkie? You might be wondering what these three have in common. Well, it’s the caffeine content – a key ingredient in all of them.

Ill Effects of Tight Clothing

Healthy Living
Women’s Health

Last time you were getting dressed, planning for a big night out or shopping for some new clothes, I’m sure you spent a lot of time trying to find clothes that flatter your figure, complement your complexion or fit in with your sense of style. Chances are you didn’t spend much time worrying about the affect those clothes could have on your health.

Flushing you clean –A Guide to Detoxing

Healthy Living
Healthy Habits

Toxins in the body are the underlying cause of almost all illnesses, both minor and major. From fast foods to environmental pollution, there are many factors that lead to the accumulation of toxins in the body. Some of the main sources of toxins in the digestive system include pesticides, chemical additives, denatured processed food and undigested stored wastes from foods.

Focus on fight against diabetes

Circle of Wellness

There is a new epidemic facing people around the world. It’s not heart disease, cancer, or AIDS: it’s Diabetes. The rise of fast food, environmental pollution, and sedentary lifestyles, has contributed to the alarming growth of diabetes, both globally and in Canada. According to Health Canada, diabetes affects approximately 2 million Canadians, and more than 180 million people worldwide.

Just for the Girls

Healthy Living — Womens Health
Humera Sayeed

It was a fun-filled weekend full of style tips, contests and loads of goodies – and it was just for the girls! The Sixth Annual National Women’s show took place on November 2- 4, 2007 at the Metro Convention Centre, attracting more than 32000 people.

Resolve To Butt Out In The New Year

Healthy Living-Healthy Habits
Success Quitting Smoking Depends On Early Preparation

TORONTO, Dec. 20 /CNW/ - Smokers have many reasons for smoking, but the reasons for quitting outweigh them all, says Health Promotion Minister Margarett Best. "A New Year’s resolution is a great way for Ontarians to quit smoking, but it is important that they prepare themselves properly," said Best.

Oil Change in Calgary

Healthy Living —Food & Nutrition
Arlen Panchoo

Calgary started 2008 by making history as the first Canadian city to ban the use of trans fats in restaurants. On January 1, all margarines, spreads, and oils used for cooking in restaurants were limited to a maximum of two percent trans fats of the total fat content in foods.

The liver – Your body’s barometer for ill-health

Healthy Living
Common Ailments

Have you ever wondered if there was a gage within your body measuring health? Many people would assume the closest thing would be the heart or cardiovascular system. The liver, however, turns out to the true barometer of modern ill-health.

Learning to Understand Learning

Healthy Living
Alessandra Cerroni

Learning is an important part of our lives. However, education has historically catered mainly to children and young adults, because the brain was thought to be at its most malleable during the formative years.

Whole Grains vs. Whole Wheat - What is Best For You?

Healthy Living — Food & Nutrition
Kim Edmundson, R.N.C.P., R.h.A.

We hear it all the time, “Eat more whole grains”. But what does this really mean? Most people think that eating more whole grains means simply eating more whole wheat.

Ovarian Cancer

Healthy Living
Womens Health

Ovarian cancer is a form of gynecological cancer that affects the ovaries. It is the most severe of the gynecological cancers, made worse by the fact that there is no screening test for this type of cancer available in hospitals. Most doctors usually ignore the possibility of such a diagnosis even when the symptoms are there as the symptoms of ovarian cancer can be very confusing and subtle.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Maintaining your Ideal Weight

Weight Management
Maintaining your Ideal Weight
Weight Maintenance

Gaining and losing those extra pounds to reach your ideal weight was not a small feat. And now when you have done this, you can’t slack back and undo your achievement.

How to Maintain a Healthy Weight

Weight Management
How to Maintain a Healthy Weight
Weight Maintenance

There is nothing as frustrating as gaining weight after you worked so hard to lose it. It is a stab in the back, especially for those people who put so much time and effort to reach their goals but did not stick to a healthy lifestyle after attaining their desired weight.

Which Diet Pills Are Safe

Weight Management
Which Diet Pills Are Safe
By Denis Seguin

Almost all weight loss diet pills promise to burn fat, increase metabolism, and keep that excess weight off. What many people don’t know is that a lot of the products on the market are unsafe. When trying to find out which diet pills are safe, there are a few things to keep an eye out for. If you’re planning to use prescription drugs, take this into consideration.

25 Slow & Steady Tips for Healthy Weight Loss

Weight Loss
25 Slow & Steady Tips for Healthy Weight Loss
By Mary M. Alward

I know that you’ve heard it a million times, but in order to lose weight you have to burn more calories that you consume. No one promised it would be easy to lose weight – and it’s not.

Weighing in on Weight Loss

Weight Management
Weighing in on Weight Loss
Weight Loss

Dieters have long searched for secret paths to easy weight loss. Soon enough, anyone trying to lose weight will discover a mind-boggling variety of weight loss plans, even some that appear to contradict others.

Natural approach to Weight Loss

Weight Management
Natural approach to Weight Loss
Weight Loss

Starting on a new weight loss program or to follow any diet plan is nerve-racking for a beginner. We should all work towards making our health better. The right preparation and positive attitude can surely take us on the road to weight loss.

Weight Loss and Diabetes

Weight Management
Weight Loss and Diabetes
Weight Loss

Diabetes prevention; losing weight

Diabetes (type 2) is often triggered by rapid weight gain or obesity in the childhood years. Obesity is a big risk factor and approximately 90 percent of all sufferers of diabetes type 2 are overweight, or were overweight, when they started receiving treatment for diabetes.

Dieting – To do or not to do?

Weight Management
Dieting – To do or not to do?
Weight Loss

While dieting for weight gain is growing in both popularity and recognition, dieting is mostly favoured by people trying to lose weight. If you are healthy and physically fit, yet think that skipping a few meals or halving your meal size will do you a world of good, you may be mistaken.

Keep Those Calories Off While On A Holiday

Weight Management
Keep Those Calories Off While On A Holiday
Weight Loss

After slogging out day and night in the office, you have been able to save up enough for a nice short vacation. After returning from well-deserved, hard-earned holidays, the last thing you want to do is to hit the gym, because you have put on weight.

Wise Weight Loss

Weight Management — Weight Loss
Wise Weight Loss
Kim Edmundson, R.N.C.P., R.h.A.

As we celebrate the holidays, many of us will probably partake in a little too much good food, and decide in January that we need to lose weight.

Are Toxins Making You Fat?

Healthier Living for You

Warm weather is coming! Unfortunately, this also means leaving our cozy confines, stepping out from hibernation and removing the heavy sweaters that have camouflaged the excess weight we have been secretly accumulating over the winter months.

Aging and Vision Loss

Eye Care
Aging and Vision Loss
Dr. Dennis Ruskin

We expect more from our eyesight now than ever before. Whether at work or play, our sight is precious to our understanding and enjoyment of the fascinating world around us.

Let Your Eyes Sparkle This Winter

Health Guides
Let Your Eyes Sparkle This Winter
Eye Care

Your eyes may light up seeing preparations for the winter holiday season in Canada. But are you prepared for the care that your eyes need in the winter?

Computer Vision Syndrome

Health Guides
Computer Vision Syndrome
Eye Care

Your eyes are dry and stinging, and your head is pounding. Just another rough day at the office? Or could your computer screen be the culprit? Sore eyes and headaches are just two symptoms of Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS). CVS is a relatively common problem occurring in approximately 70-75 per cent of computer users.

Sunglasses – Not just for summer anymore

Health Guides
Sunglasses – not just for summer anymore
Eye Care

Your eyes need protection from the sun all year round – the same as the rest of your body. Just as in the summer, the two main risks are damage from the sun’s UV rays, and discomfort caused by glare. 

Vision Loss Etiquette 101

Health Guides
Vision Loss Etiquette 101
Eye Care

So you’ve just met someone with vision loss – perhaps at work, through a friend or out in the community. It’s only natural to feel unsure about how to behave and to want to avoid doing something inappropriate. Here are a few simple tips to help you be more comfortable and supportive around a person with vision loss. 

What to expect during an eye exam

Health Guides
What to expect during an eye exam
Eye Care

That big “E” on the wall of your family doctor’s office is looking blurry, and you’re off to your first-ever eye exam. Here’s a primer on what to expect when you get there. 


Health Guides
Eye care

Q. My mother has glaucoma. What are my chances of getting it? What can I do to prevent it?

Canadian researchers break ground unlocking mysteries of glaucoma in one of world’s largest studies of disease

Health Guides
Eye Care

CNIB-funded study produces “gold mine” of new data, bringing hope to 67 million affected by open-angle glaucoma.

MONTREAL, June 22 – The world community of glaucoma researchers and 67 million people with this devastating eye disease worldwide can expect to benefit from a groundbreaking CNIB-funded study released today. More than 15 years in the making, the Canadian Glaucoma Study positively identified, for the first time, several risk factors predicting the progression of this little understood disease.

New method to detect high-risk glaucoma patients

Health Guides
New method to detect high-risk glaucoma patients
Eye Care

A scientific method of identifying glaucoma patients at high risk for rapid deterioration and blindness has been developed by a researcher at Montreal’s Maisonneuve-Rosemont Hospital.

Dental Route to Disease Depiction

Health Guides
Dental Route to Disease Depiction
Dental Care

Your smile can reveal more than your teeth. Researches show that 90% of systemic health problems show dental symptoms. Diseases such as diabetes, HIV, heart problem, liver disease and even some pregnancy risks can be detected through oral symptoms.

Natural Treatments For Dandruff

Solution Center
Natural Treatments For Dandruff
Hair Guide

Dandruff, known to science as seborrheic dermatitis, is one of the most common conditions of the hair and scalp. In a classic case of dandruff, there is inflammation of the top layers of the skin, which causes scales on the scalp and other parts of the body.

Watch Your Mouth: Poor Oral Health Can Kill You

Dental Guide
Watch Your Mouth: Poor Oral Health Can Kill You

Lots of Canadians neglect their teeth. Big mistake. Aside from the cosmetic and aesthetic positives of having attractive teeth, poor dental hygiene leads to more than gum diseases like gingivitis. Poor dental hygiene also increases the severity of other diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and stroke.

The one Dimensional Approach

Health Guides
The one Dimensional Approach
Skin Care

Dry? Oily? Combination? Sensitive? We have all heard the usual words to describe skin types. But what do they actually mean?

Dealing with Heel Pain

Health Guides
Dealing with Heel Pain
Foot Care

With every step, we pound our feet more and more. Put too much stress and you end up with sore heels, an ordinary problem which usually recovers on its own. When we walk, the heel bone or calcaneus, the largest bone in the foot is the first to hit the ground.

The Right Fit

Health Guides
The Right Fit
Foot Care

An interesting fact about our feet is that they are of slightly different size and shape. And so, when we go out to buy shoes, we have to get the fit for the bigger foot.

Foot care and Pregnancy

Health Guides
Foot care and Pregnancy
Foot Care

You have just found out that your bundle of joy is on its way and life turns over a whole new leaf for the mother-to-be. The body changes in structure, undergoes a lot of hormonal variations and gains a lot of weight.

Keep Those Aging Feet Agile

Health Guides
Keep Those Aging Feet Agile
Foot Care

For many, the feet are mere body appendages that carry them from one place to another. But, it is the feet that contribute significantly to your sense of well-being and independence. And as you age, these need just as much more care as the rest of your body.

Little Footprints

Health Guides
Little Footprints
Foot Care

Foot care is important at all stages in life, but the first few years are the most crucial to your children’s development of healthy feet. After all, these little twinkle toes are going to carry them places for the rest of their life.

Put your Best Foot Forward

Health Guides
Put your Best Foot Forward
Foot Care

The outing was great, you couldn’t expect it to be better! And now you feel like putting your feet up and relaxing! Your feet are aching so badly that you see a new relevance of ‘putting your feet up’ to relax.

Head Oil Massage

Health Guides
Head Oil Massage
Hair Care

Scalp massage for Healthy Hair

To save your skin from harmful UV rays you use SPF, but what about your hair? Your hair bears the brunt of the hot sun, but it is often unprotected. The sun is not the only culprit - unavoidable tensions at work, dust, dirt and stress all take their toll on your tresses.

Exercises for healthy hair

Health Guides
Exercises for healthy hair
Hair Care

Did you know that long hours in front of a computer or TV, bad posture, and lack of physical activity can make your hair brittle and lustreless?

Greying Before Time

Health Guides
Greying Before Time
Hair Care

Greying hair used to be a phenomenon linked with aging and often used to set in after 50 years. But now its early onset is becoming very commonplace.

Treating Dry Hair

Solution Center
Treating Dry Hair
Hair Guide

We all know how damaging the winter months can be to our hair. Many of us even face the same problems - dry, frizzy, flyaway hair - in the summer. Lack of humidity, cold, blustery winds, indoor heating, hats, and long hot showers can all contribute to the problem.

Natural Treatments for Dandruff

Solution Center
Natural Treatments for Dandruff
Hair Guide

Dandruff, known to science as seborrhea dermatitis, is one of the most common conditions of the hair and scalp. In a classic case of dandruff, there is inflammation of the top layers of the skin, which causes scales on the scalp and other parts of the body. This mild inflammation of the scalp is caused by the reaction of the body to both the pityrosporum yeast and to products that break down oils.

Sunburn: Causes, Care, Cures and Cautions

Health Guides
Sunburn: Causes, Care, Cures and Cautions
Skin Care

Days are getting hotter and mercury is rising. While some would be heading for shade whenever possible, others may head for the sun to get a tan. If you are the later type, stop. Don’t expose yourself to the danger of UV rays.

Move It or Lose It

Move It or Lose It
Skin Care

Talk about exercise and the idea conjures up images of losing weight, building muscle, and trimming thighs. But do you know that regular workouts can work wonders for your skin? Exercise plays a big role in how young and healthy your skin looks and feels.

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate
Skin Care

Drinking water moisturizes your skin from the inside out. Water is essential to maintaining elasticity and suppleness, and it helps prevent dryness. Avoid alcohol as it dries out your skin, giving you premature lines and wrinkles.

Smoking and Your Skin

Smoking and Your Skin
Skin Care

It may be hard, but the best thing you can do to have a beautiful, glowing complexion - Stop smoking. After you quit smoking, you will see one of the real benefits – a more beautiful, smoother and more radiant skin.

Eating Healthy for Great Skin

Eating Healthy for Great Skin
Skin Care

Vitamins and minerals play an important role in maintaining health of your skin. Following chart will help you ensure that you are including these vitamins and minerals in your daily diet.

Head for the Shade

Health Guides
Head for the Shade
Proactive Skin Care

Soaking up the sun’s rays used to be healthy when global warming had not depleted environment of its ozone layer leaving us vulnerable to sun’s ultraviolet rays.

Tips for Darker Skin Types

Skin Guide
Tips for Darker Skin Types

Darker skin is melanin rich and is definitely less prone to skin diseases and ailments. But it’s important to preserve the smooth, rich tone of your skin. You can look after your skin with simple and safe skin care routine.

Photo facial Rejuvenation

Skin Guide
Photo facial Rejuvenation

We all want clear skin, but nature has a way of sabotaging us with frustrating imperfections. The good news is that you can rejuvenate your skin with photofacial technology.

Ayurvedic Skin Care

Skin Guide

Vata skin

Recommendations for care: Since your skin does not contain much moisture, preventing it from drying is the major consideration. You can do so by following these easy tips: 

Botox and Wrinkles

Are you unhappy about your wrinkles letting out your age secret or is it your flat cheek bones which make you miserable? Whatever it may be you can resolve these and similar problems.

Herbal Skin Care

Skin Guide
Herbal Skin Care

Today, when more and more people are rediscovering the art of healing with herbs, herbal skin care is more popular than ever. This is found to be specially useful in the following skin conditions:

Holistic Skin Care

Skin Guide
Holistic Skin Care

Holistic skin care proposes that instead of putting stuff inside of our pores and sticking things on our face, we instead expel things from the inside out. In simpler words, have a positive outlook.

Asian Skin Types

Skin Guide
Asian Skin Types

Asian skin is generally smooth and has yellow undertones. This skin type is more prone to irritation and acne problem. It has a greater need for daily upkeep to minimize the appearance of pores, and even out skin tone and texture. 

Hispanic Skin Types

Skin Guide
Hispanic Skin Types

Hispanic skin care, like the skin care for any other race-based skin type varies from person to person. So, looking after your skin will depend on your individual skin type. However, there are some useful generalities when it comes to taking care of the brown skin. Here is a daily regime to suit this skin type: 

Caution, Care for Cavities in Children

Health Guides
Caution, Care for Cavities in Children
Dental Care

Children’s refreshing smile can warm up the hearts of even complete strangers. But sometimes it is not so. Unfortunately, dental health trends among young children are both worsening and worrisome.

The Dreaded Dry Nose

Health Guides
Skin Care

Winter is a magical time of year: picturesque, snow covered vistas; romantic strolls through the brisk air; children building snowmen; holiday cheer. Unfortunately, it is often impossible to enjoy all that winter has to offer.

Weightlifting linked to eye risk

Health Guides
Weightlifting linked to eye risk
Eye Care

Now that the holiday feasting is over, many people step up their exercise regimes to burn off those extra pounds. But new research shows that you may want to take extra precautions before hitting the weight machines.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Easy Guacamole

This recipe is so delicious and so easy to make. It's not only a great dip recipe on it's own, but is also perfect served alongside many other Mexican dishes like Nachos or Quesadillas.

Asian Beef with Snow Peas

Stir-fried beef in a light gingery sauce. Serve over steamed rice or hot egg noodles.

Mexican Pasta

Original recipe yield: 4 servings


This Recipe makes: 8 servings

PREP TIME 10 mins

READY IN 10 mins

National Minorities

By Mary Anne Winslow

The problem of segregation and racism remains real and vital for every country in the world as in every country there are representatives of different nations who struggle to share and enjoy the same rights as native population does. The reason for segregation and racism is not the skin colour, or different culture, faith or language; it is deep in the hearts and minds of people.

The Biggest Cause Of Death In The Western World!

Health & Ethnicity
By Michael Russell

Drugs can control symptoms, but in severe cases or after a heart attack, surgery may be the only option. Some risk factors you can change and improve upon, but some you cannot. Therefore it is vital that you make all the possible changes to your lifestyle to reduce as many risk factors as possible.

What Is The Link Between Anti Aging And Ethnicity?

Health & Ethnicity
By Louise Forrest

It is very true that Caucasians are more affected by sun damage (photo aging) and the associated visible signs of aging more than many other ethnic groups, but the number of anti aging dermatological procedures being performed on people with diverse ethnic backgrounds has been on the rise in the past few years.

Acne in Underdeveloped Countries

Health  & Ethnicity
By Michael Russell

Acne vulgaris is a skin disease that affects between 79% and 95% of the population in America and Europe. Even adult men and women, between 40% and 54% of them, have some kind of acne. After the age of 45, 12% of women and 3% of men still suffer from this affliction.

Chanukah: The festival of lights… and fried food

Ethnic Recipes

Do a mitzvah, eat a latke!

Jews from around the world gather together this week to celebrate the festive, eight-day holiday of Chanukah. In commemoration of the rededication of the Second Temple thousands of years ago, we light candles every evening remembering how a tiny vile of oil, only enough for one day, was able to miraculously keep the eternal flame alight for eight days during the time of the Maccabean rebellion.

Simple ways to reduce your daily stress

Circle of Wellness

Stress has become an inevitable part of life for many, causing health related problems. The human body is designed to experience stress and react to it. Stress can be positive, keeping us alert and ready to avoid danger. Stress becomes negative when a person faces continuous challenges without relief or relaxation between challenges.

Stress management for difficult times

Circle of Wellness

Unexpected hurdles are a fact of life. When tough times arrive, such as illness, the illness of a loved one, poverty, or any other obstacle, you need to give yourself space to cope. The following is a guide to living happily, even when you feel overburdened.

Healing power of prayer

Circle of Wellness

Are you a spiritual person? The answer, no matter who you are, is probably yes. This is because spirituality is an innate force. It manifests itself in ways that are as unique as we are.

Keeping Your Mind Active

The brain is perhaps the most cherished organ in our bodies, and yet it is the one that bewilders us the most. Because our thoughts and feelings are associated with our personalities, we often fail to recognise that the brain is an organ that reacts to its environment.

Weight Problem? Blame it on Your Genes

Circle of Wellness
Know your body type

Yes, it’s true: the code to obesity is written in our genes. How, when, and where we have cellulite, largely depends on our Body Type.

Body types can be divided into 4 categories: Android, Gynaeoid, Thyroid and Lymphatic. Each one of these has distinctive hormonal and metabolic characteristics. By understanding your body type, you can find out whether and where you are prone to gaining weight, and in which areas you are more susceptible to cellulite.

Bailing You Out From Bad Breath

Circle of Wellness

Consistant bad breath is more than a socially embarrassing problem. Halitosis, the medical term for bad breath, is a medical condition. The severity of the problem depends on the underlying cause. Bad breath can be a warning signal or symptom of a more serious ailment.

Managing Arthritis

Circle of Wellness

Gone are the days when Arthritis was considered an old age disease. Today, not only that it’s affecting younger population, it’s becoming prevalent in kids too. According to the data available, 1 in 1,000 Canadian children (boys and girls) of under the age of 16 suffer from juvenile arthritis.

Has Your Eating Routine Gone out the Window!

Physical Wellness

Do you always find yourself eating on the run? Are you “rolling up the rim to win” every morning? For many, drive-thru restaurants, and eating while driving, working, or watching TV have become common routines.

Healthy environment for healthier life

Our environment is everything around us – our physical surroundings, people we live and work with, air we breathe, the water we drink and use, and the food we consume.

Physical Touch Matters

Circle of Wellness

As human beings, we thrive on touch. The abundance or absence of touch we receive in our childhood shapes up our emotional balance, physiological well-being, and our capacity to lead a normal and healthy life when we grow up. 

Combating Clinical Depression

Circle of Wellness

Mrs. Johnson’s 20 year old is behaving a little odd nowadays. Generally a cheerful kid, he has become a loner and rarely interacts with others. Most of the time he remains self-occupied, and complains of feeling sad and hopeless. He suffers from a considerable loss of appetite, insomnia and fatigue. Moreover, he often expresses recurrent thoughts of death and suicide.

Games That Exercise The Mind

Circle of Wellness

Games are an important part of a child’s life. But selecting the right game for your kid is not a child’s play. Games play a critical role in the physical and psychological development of a child. They influence children’s thinking and can determine their social behaviour.

Computer Related Stress Problems

Circle of Wellness
Physical - Body

Computer Related Stress Problems are injuries that generally afflict the muscles, nerves, tendons and other soft body tissues located on the hands, arms, shoulders and upper back. The problems surface when the muscles in these regions are forced to continually remain tense for prolonged periods of time.

The Hazards of Sleep Disorders

Circle of Wellness
Physical - Body

A good night’s sleep promises a more productive tomorrow, and a bad night of sleep can make you drag through the next day. Whether it is a lack of sleep, too much sleep or sleeping fitfully, sleep problems are considered to be serious health conditions. We have gathered information here on what causes sleep disorders, and how to tackle the problem.

Let Health Travel With You

Circle of Wellness-Physical

There’s nothing better to beat the stress and anxiety of modern living than a long, relaxing vacation. According to Statistics Canada, Canadians took over 6.7 million trips abroad in 2006. While some of these trips may be for business, others are for pleasure and relaxation.

Some Common Heart Problems

Circle of Wellness-Physical

An amazing fact: The human heart beats more than 2.5 billion times in an average lifetime. An unfortunate truth: An unhealthy heart can reduce this number considerably.

How Unhealthy Are Perfumes?

Circle of Wellness
Physical - Environment

Many of us use perfumes for the pleasant fragrances they give off. Yet we are largely unaware that the multitude of chemicals that are used to produce that magical smell can be dangerous to our health!

Taking Public Transit the Healthy Way

Circle of Wellness
Physical - Environment

Canada has some of the cleanest and safest public transit lines in the world. However, accidents still happen on our systems, and diseases are still transmitted. Read below for some tips to make sure you arrive at your destination no worse for wear: 

Give your home a healthy base(ment)

A healthy home is built on top of a sound basement. Too often, basements are neglected, resulting in poor air quality upstairs. Whether you enter your basement daily, or only occasionally, in order to be healthy, it needs to be maintained regularly.

Pesticides: Chemical warfare in your home

Circle of Wellness
Physical - Environment

Do you reach for a spray bottle when your plants suffer from infestations? Do you store insecticides, termiticides, rotenticides, or fungicides in your home? Keep in mind that the word "cide" means "to kill." Pesticides should be avoided whenever possible, and handled with great care when they are used.

Laundry Room Culprits!

The average family visits the laundry room once a week to wash their clothing and other fabrics. When carrying out this common routine, we think of our clothes, but rarely think about the products being used, and their contents.

Nature’s purifiers or hazardous breeding grounds?

Circle of Wellness
Physical — Environment — Home Wellness

Plants certainly add life and beauty to your home, but what else do they do to your home?

Your Space Outdoors Affects your Space Indoors

The air quality in your home is directly related to conditions outside. Factors such as the state of your gutters, the vents around your home, and the location of trees, can make a difference to your indoor environment.

Greening your Kitchen

Circle of Wellness
Greening your Kitchen
Home Wellness

If, as the French say, “The torch of love is lit in the kitchen,” say then a love for nature must be lit in a green kitchen!

Kids’ Playrooms – A Serious Concern

Circle of Wellness
Kids’ Playrooms – A Serious Concern

Kids are carefree, and this freedom of spirit is often reflected in the state their rooms. It is possible, however, to provide children with a a natural, clean, and orderly space. Here are some simple and sensible solutions to your playroom problems. So, take a deep breath, and read on!

Carpet: Danger under Foot

Circle of Wellness
Carpet: Danger under Foot

If you are one of the many people who enjoy the warmth and plush texture of carpeting, keep in mind that carpet requires a lot of effort in order to remain healthy. New carpets can release harmful chemicals that may cause irritation of the eyes, nose, and throat, as well as fatigue, and flu-like symptoms.

Air Pollution in Canada

Circle of Wellness
Air Pollution in Canada
Physical — Environment — Outdoors

Air pollution is no longer a remote problem. We can no longer say that it will not affect us or our loved ones. A quick look around will tell us that changes have already started. We must change our habits in order to create a safe future for our generation, and for generations to come.

Global Warning for Global Warming

Global Warning for Global Warming

We are exploiting our environment in order to improve our lives. But are we actually improving our lives? Global warming has proved us wrong. From freakish weather, to inexplicable diseases, the impact of our thoughtless actions is becoming more and more visible.

Convert your mess into a green office kitchen

Concept of clean, green kitchen is as much applicable to office as home. We should remain committed to recycling, minimizing waste, buying organic and other activities that contribute to good health and a clean environment.

Stretching - Ergonomics And Office Chairs And How They Affect Your Health


Stretching - Ergonomics And Office Chairs And How They Affect Your Health

Amy Pedersen

Even with a well-designed workstation, problems may arise when working long hours in your office chair.When this happens, you must pay attention to the work at hand, and how it is performed daily if you plan to continue working such long hours.

Eco-Friendly Work Habits

Eco-Friendly Work Habits

Like it or not, your office is taking a toll on the environment. Greenhouse gases are produced by the energy you use to power the office. More are released when vehicles are used to support your business. Furthermore, the paper you use (and possibly throw away) take their toll on the environment too.

Office Products for the Long Haul

Office Products for the Long haul

The products that are best for the environment are often the best for your business as well. When considering the cost of new office equipment, take a life-cycle approach.

A Positive Mind: Your Passport to Longevity

Healthy Living
A Positive Mind: Your Passport to Longevity
Healthy Habits

Whether you call it self-hypnosis or self-induced brain washing, the fact remains that the power of mind over body can prove to be a great tool to ensure a sounder health for yourself. Your body will do wonders if you can simply make yourself believe that it is relentlessly busy in keeping the diseases away.

A Recipe for an Improved Memory

Healthy Living
A Recipe for an Improved Memory
Healthy Habits

Competition is the catch word today! And crucial to competition is a good memory. For this, you got to get your grey cells working hard for you.

Resist Antibiotics For Better Resistance

Circle of Wellness
Resist Antibiotics For Better Resistance
Physical - Body

At the first sign of a sniffle or cough, many people run for antibiotics. With busier schedules and no time to be sick, popping pills has become a substitute for bed rest and clear fluids.

Tuberculosis: A Disease of the Past Presents New Fears

Circle of Wellness
Tuberculosis: A Disease of the Past Presents New Fears
Physical - Body

A new study done at Montreal’s McGill University has renewed concerns about the disease Tuberculosis (TB). The study has found that the TB vaccine is not suitable to fight the disease anymore.

Be A Man - Emotionally

Healthy Living
Be A Man - Emotionally
Men’s Health

Often it is said that men keep a lid on their emotions. But is it really true? Yes and no. The answer depends on social conditioning, as certain emotions are deemed fit for the “stronger” sex, and some for the “weaker” sex.

Outdoor Allergies

Healthy Living
Outdoor Allergies
Healthy Habits

May is spring time. We re-immerge after our months of winter hibernation to enjoy the warmer weather, the fresh breezes, the budding trees and first blooming flowers of the season.

Healing with Colour

Circle Of Wellness
Healing with Colour

Colour metaphors are often used to describe human emotions, such as ‘in the pink of health’, ‘to turn red in the face’ or even ‘a fit of blues’. Time and again we associate colours with our feelings. The reality is that colours influence our emotional and physical health, and possess healing properties that can restore our inner harmony.

Breathing With a Difference

Torontonians prepare for visit of His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

TORONTO – Iraqi youth, South African prisoners, New York City firefighters, Kenyan slum-dwellers, European corporate leaders, Indian villagers, First Nations youth. What do these people have in common?

Just four words: Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.

Stress – Mind, Body or Emotions?

Circle of Wellness—Emotional
By: Jacob Eapen

High levels of stress have become synonymous with our busy, active everyday lifestyles. We recognize its symptoms — the tension, headaches, and other aches and pains. When ignored, stress can lead to high blood pressure, ulcers, heart problems and many other serious health problems.

Is your job ruining your life?

Circle of Wellness

Are you safe? You have probably asked yourself this question countless times throughout your life with regards to your home, your commute, when walking across a dark parking lot, when choosing a lunch option, or when analyzing a bad relationship.

To Talk or Not To Talk on Mobile Cell Phones

Circle of Wellness

Since the time cell phones became mainstream communications device in the late 1980s, the debate about whether or not they could give us cancer or other illnesses has been going on.

Take the “SAD” out of Seasonal Affective Disorder

Circle of Wellness — Mental
Take the “SAD” out of Seasonal Affective Disorder
Sheri Stock

If you’ve been feeling particularly gloomy this winter, it may be more than just a case of the “holiday blues”. According to the Mood Disorders Society of Canada, approximately 2-4% of Canadians experience Seasonal Affective Disorder.

Is Your Immune System Ready for Cold and Flu Season?

Circle of Wellness — Physical — Body
Is Your Immune System Ready for Cold and Flu Season?
Kim Edmundson, R.N.C.P., R.h.A.

As we say goodbye to summer and hello to fall and winter, we also enter into cold and flu season. Is your immune system ready? Keeping your immune system strong is your best defense against colds and flu.

Protecting the Health of Canadians: Recognizing the Vital Role of Environmental Public Health Professionals

VANCOUVER, Jan. 14 /CNW/ - The Canadian Institute of Public Health inspectors would like to invite all Canadians to celebrate Environmental Public Health Week (EPHW) from January 14th to 20th.

A Family Assignment

Most parents hope to give their children a head start in life by sending them to good schools. It is seen as an investment in their future.

Food, Mood & Relationships

Circle of Wellness — Mental
Food, Mood & Relationships
Kim Edmundson, R.N.C.P., R.h.A.

Your mood has a great impact on the relationships in your life, but have you ever thought about how the foods you have an impact on your mood?

Hope for the Heart treatments in February

Circle of Wellness — Physical
Hope for the Heart treatments in February
Arlen Panchoo

Heart disease is Canada’s number one killer, accounting for the death of more Canadians then any other disease. Every year approximately 75,000 Canadians suffer heart attacks alone.

Earth Day: Build your Eco-Knowledge (Energy)

Courtesy of

Build your Eco-knowledge and share it with others. Use these fun and challenging questions as resources in your environmental activities and initiatives.

Earth Day: Build your Eco-Knowledge (Water)

Courtesy of

Build your eco-knowledge and share it with others. Use these fun and challenging questions as resources in your environmental activities and initiatives.

Earth Day: Build your Eco-Knowledge (Food & Garden)

Courtesy of

Build your eco-knowledge and share it with others. Use these fun and challenging questions as resources in your environmental activities and initiatives.

Tadasana (Mountain Pose)


Tadasana (Mountain Pose)

A basic asana, it is ideal for the new yoga practitioners. Tadasana is also a preparatory asana for the standing poses. Though it is one of the easiest asanas, it is not as simple as it looks. It may seem as if you are just standing there, but bringing the body into a proper alignment and keeping it that way, takes quite some effort.

Dandasana (Staff Pose)


Dandasana (Staff Pose)

Dandasana is a basic seated pose. It is also a resting pose and a preparatory pose for all the seated asanas.

Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge Pose)

Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge Pose)

It is a basic asana. It derives its name from the Sanskrit word “Setu” which means bridge. It is also known as Ardha Chakra Asana (Half Wheel Pose). It strengthens the spine, opens the chest, improves spinal flexibility and stimulates the thyroid.

Shalabhasana (Locust Pose)


It is one of the easy-to-do basic pose. The asana derives its name from the word “Shalabh” which in Sanskrit means “locust”. It is very effective in strengthening the back, legs, and arms.

Vrksasana (Tree Pose)


Vrksasana is a basic yoga pose (asana) and easy to perform. It’s specially helpful for students who have problems concentrating.

Surya-Namaskar - Sun Salutation


Surya Namaskara (Sun Salutation) literally means paying respect to the Sun God. In Hindu mythology Sun is respected as the source of energy, life and vitality. This is why traditionally Surya Namaskar is done at sunrise.

Sukhasana (Easy Pose)


Easy, comfortable, relaxation pose for meditation. This pose relieves tiredness, opens the hips, lengthens the spine and promotes inner calm. In yoga, this process is called “Pratyahara” which is a turning inward into the self. As the name suggests, this pose is very easy to do.

Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend)


It is one of the basic asanas. Attaining ideal pose of this apparently simple asana requires regular practice. When done with proper concentration, it heals emotional pains and confers mental calm and peace.

Bhujaangasana (Cobra Pose)


One of the basic asanas, it is an excellent pose to counter hours of sitting at the computer. It is useful for developing the strength and flexibility of the entire back. It tones the legs and buttocks, increases blood circulation and improves kidney functions.

Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog)


It is a transitional pose, a resting pose and an asana by itself. It is one of the basic poses. It is useful as a preparation for standing poses and as a warm-up of your muscles at the beginning of yoga practice. It provides a transition between poses, especially in sun salutation and vinyasa flow yoga. 

What Are Sit- Bones


What are sit bones?
Quite literally, sit bones are the butt bones which we sit on. Hidden under the flesh, they are rarely noticed or felt except when we sit for a longer time or on a hard floor. They are part of the pelvic girdle and technically known as the Ischial Tuberosity.

Precautions for Yoga Practice


Yoga, if practiced with due diligence, is beneficial not only for your physical health but also for your emotional and mental wellbeing. However, if proper precautions are not taken it could even be harmful. To ensure a safe practice and get maximum benefit, one should follow these precautions in addition to contraindications and cautions recommended for each individual asana.

Yoga Can Do Wonders For Your Children

Alternative Therapy

In an era Playstations and stressed parents transporting kids to extracurricular activities such as piano classes, swimming lessons etc., it’s no wonder that children—even kindergarteners—sometimes find life stressful. In response, an increasing number of schools are using private donations to teach the ancient practice of yoga to youngsters as a way to encourage relaxation while building self-esteem.

Know Your Limits With Yoga

Know Your Limits With Yoga
Alternative Therapy

Contemporary yoga has become a popular recreational activity, although some styles bear little resemblance to the classical Indian forms that are associated with the Hindu religion. People from all walks of life and even some physicians are discovering the benefits of modern yoga. According to Yoga Journal, about 18 million people practiced yoga in 2003, up from 7 million in 1998.

Bhadrasana (The Gracious Pose)


Bhadrasana (The Gracious Pose)This asana is simple and easy to perform. It is preventive as well as curative in nature. Not only it averts the chances of genital related problems, it also provides relief in for patients suffering with problems such as hernia.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Marjari asana (Cat Stretch Pose)


Marjari asana (Cat Stretch Pose)

If you have observed cats stretching themselves after a nap, you would know why this asana is named so. This asana is actually a combination of two poses, one flowing into the other. It is as simple as it looks but much more beneficial than it seems.

Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)


Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)

This asana is not very difficult and even beginners who have practiced some basic back bend asanas can practice this. It stretches the whole body and is extremely beneficial. However, it should be practiced with caution by beginners as well as advance practitioners as it could cause major injuries.

Janu Shirshasana (Head to Knee)


Janu Shirshasana (Head to Knee)

In Sanskrit "Janu" means "knee" and "Shirash" means "head". In this basic yogic posture one leg is folded at the knee and the other is stretched out. The head rests on the knee of the stretched leg, hence the name. Among its many benefits are stretching and opening the back and hamstrings, and improving flexibility.

Makarasana (The Crocodile Pose)


Makarasana (The Crocodile Pose)

One of the easy asanas, Makarasana is a relaxation pose. ’Makara’ in Sanskrit means ’Crocodile’. In this pose body resembles the shape of a ’crocodile’, hence it is known as Makarasana. This is practiced in between asanas to release the strain caused by other asanas.

Shavasana (The Corpse Pose)


Shavasana (The Corpse Pose)

Shavasan is one of the most important asanas. It looks very simple to do and it’s indeed very easy to get into this pose physically – but unless you quieten your mind and keep it from wandering, you are not really practicing this asana.

This deceptively simple pose is the best asana to relieve stress and anxiety, promote calmness of the mind, and to relax and refresh the body and the mind. It is also known as the Sponge Pose.

Supta Vajrasana (Backward Bend Pose/The Reclining Vajrasana)


Supta Vajrasana (Backward Bend Pose/The Reclining Vajrasana)

Supta-Vajrasana is a further development of Vajrasana. "Supta" means "asleep" in Sanskrit. In this asana we lie on our back with folded legs, hence, it is called Supta-Vajrasana.

Vajrasana (Diamond Pose)


Vajrasana (Diamond Pose)

’Vajra’ means diamond. The body is solid like a diamond in this basic posture, which is a preparatory pose for many other asanas and a posture for practicing pranayaama and meditation.

Uttanasana (Forward Bend Pose)


Uttanasana (Forward Bend Pose)

Uttanasana is a basic standing pose. This posture produces a stretch in the legs and spine. An asana by itself, it is often practiced during the practice of standing poses as a resting or transitory pose because of its recuperative nature. It is one of the twelve asanas that form part of Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) asana chain.

Yoga-For Holistic Healing

Alternative Therapy

The word "Yoga" is derived from the Sanskrit word "yuj" which means "to unite or integrate." Yoga is about the union of a person’s own consciousness and the universal consciousness. Ancient Yogis had a belief that in order for man to be in harmony with himself and his environment, he has to integrate the body, the mind, and the spirit.

Virabhadrasana - I (Warrior Pose - I)


Virabhadrasana -I is the pose of a warrior holding a sword above the head. This asana is suitable for beginners as well as advance yoga practitioners. However, caution is important as loosing balance can cause injury.

Shed Those Extra Pounds with Yoga


If you are overweight and cannot or do not want to do vigorous exercise or hit the gym, yoga is your best bet. Not only will it help you shed those extra pounds but also offer many other health benefits.

The problem of obesity has both physical and psychological aspects; yoga works two ways in solving the problem.

Leaner, Longer and Stronger

Healthy Living — Physical Activity
Humera Sayeed

Often described as an intelligent and precise approach to exercise, Pilates continues to gain popularity worldwide.

Introduced to North America in the early 1920s by Joseph Pilates, the exercise method focuses on lengthening and strengthening the muscles by creating a union between mind and body. It helps people of all ages stay fit, increase flexibility, improve posture and get rid of back pain.

Find a Naturopathic Doctor

Alternative Medicine

If you long for a doctor who uses natural therapies to keep you healthy and tends to minor medical conditions, consider a naturopathic doctor (ND). Like MDs, many of these healers diagnose and treat health problems, draw blood, order lab tests, perform physical exams, and even pre- scribe some drugs. 

‘Doctors who listen’ – Naturopathic medicine is on a rise in Canada

Alternatives— Naturopathy
Humera Sayeed

Today more Canadians are seeking a more natural approach to their healthcare. A recent survey done by the Canadian Association for Naturopathic Doctors (CAND) showed that 40 per cent of Canadians (who had not practiced naturopathy) were now interested in seeing a naturopathic doctor.

What Every Canadian Needs to Know Before Visiting a Natural Health Practitioner


A recent study indicated that over 87% of pediatricians had been asked by their patients for complementary or alternative therapy. More than half of Canadians surveyed in 2006 reported using at least one form of alternative health care during the previous year, according to a report published by The Fraser Institute.


As the name suggests Naturopathic medicine (also known as Naturopathy) is a total naturalapproach to health. It is similar to the vitalistic tradition of medicine in the Western world,emphasizing the treatment of disease through the inherent healing capacity of the person. It addresses the root causes of illness, and promotes health and healing using natural therapies....

Home Remedies to Strengthen the Immune System

Home Remedies

Home Remedies to strengthen the immune system.

Home Remedy #1: Astragalus boosts the immune system and generates anticancer cells in the body. It is also a powerful antioxidant and protects the liver from toxins. This makes this plant ideal for people suffering from dark circles due to liver problems and depressed immune system. IMPORTANT: Do not take this herb if fever is present.

Hyperacidity and Heartburn

Home Remedies

When the level of hydrochloric acid in the stomach increases and goes beyond the normal, it causes hyperacidity. And when the gastric acid refluxes back to oesophagus, it causes heartburn.

Hyperacidity promotes heartburn, ulcers and reflux.


Home Remedies

We all have experienced burns. Incidents like touching a hot plate by mistake or spilling some hot coffee on oneself are commonplace. While you can treat only first- and second-degree burns yourself, third-degree burns need medical attention of a doctor – without delay.

Home Remedies for Dandruff

Home Remedies

Excessive shedding of dead skin cells from the scalp is known as dandruff or scurf. A small amount of flaking is normal, because as skin cells die they flake off. Unfortunately, some people, either chronically or as a result of certain triggers, experience an abnormally large amount of flaking. This is often accompanied by redness and irritation.


Home Remedies

When the free flow of air through the passages at the back of the mouth and nose is obstructed, snoring takes place.Sometimes kids with large tonsils and adenoids snore. Deformities of the nose, for instance, deviated nasal septum can also cause snoring.

Constipation-Uff! Those trying times!

Home Remedies

If you suffer from constipation, you know what we are talking about. No jokes! Actually nothing could be more nagging than this. In spite of abundance of ways to prevent and cure constipation, many of us suffer from this irksome problem.

Yeast Infection: Causes, Symptoms and Cures

Home Remedies

Yeast infections primarily inflict women of child-bearing age.According to the medical statistics, 70% to 80% of this infection is caused by Candida Albicans, a common strain of yeast. Normally, this and some other strains of yeast present in a woman’s vagina in miniscule amount, are kept in control by Lactobacillus Acidophilus which is a bacterium existing naturally in the vagina.

Home Made Beauty Recipes

Home Remedies

Making your own Homemade beauty products has never been easier, with these simple recipes covering everything from haircare to face masks you can look and feel great without paying a fortune


Home Remedies

Acne is a skin condition caused by inflamed hair follicles and sebaceous glands. Areas most susceptible to acne are the face, neck, chest, back, and shoulders.

Tips on Home Remedies for the Winter Season

Home Remedies

In today’s fast paced society, everyone is looking for a quick fix for all their problems; one of the common fixes is popping pills for every sniffle we get. When the doctor recommends bed rest, most people say that they don’t have time.

Ayurvedic Medicine with a Touch of Mysticism


Ayurveda or Ayurvedic medicine is an ancient system of healthcare that is native to India. It is one of the most popular alternative medicines all over the world. The word ‘Ayurveda’ is a compound of two Sanskrit words ‘ayus’ meaning ‘life’ and ‘veda’ which refers to a system of ‘knowledge’. Thus, ‘Ayurveda’ is often defined as ‘knowledge of life’.

Know Your Ayurvedic Skin Types

Skin Guide
Know Your Ayurvedic Skin Types

According to the five element theory of Ayurveda, there are three main types of skin. This categorisation is based on the predominance of the three Doshas - Vata, Pitta and Kapha.

Bringing Epilepsy Out of the Shadows

Bringing Epilepsy Out of the Shadows
By: Alessandra Cerroni

Approximately two in every hundred Canadians are diagnosed with having epilepsy, most often during early childhood or in later life.Luckily, there is hope for a significant number of children who, with age, outgrow this disorder and for the great number of individuals who are able to successfully manage epilepsy thanks to anti-epileptic medication.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Products & Services

Who and What is Nikken?
Products & Services


Nikken has been the world leader in wellness ever since they pioneered the concept in 1975. And from the very beginning, they have been a different kind of company.

Their aim is not merely to sell a product or service. Nikken was created to offer people everywhere an improved way of living.

This is made possible through an idea known as total wellness. Instead of following the traditional approach of Western medicine that concentrates on curing disease, wellness emphasizes prevention, avoiding illness rather than curing it.

The Nikken vision includes an understanding that total wellness rests on the 5 Pillars of Health™ — Healthy Body, Mind, Family, Society and Finances. Balance in all of these areas can help produce a more healthy and satisfying lifestyle.

That inspiration led founder Isamu Masuda to begin an organization that became the fastest-growing direct-selling company in Japanese history. Today a global wellness company, Nikken allows people around the world to enjoy a healthy, balanced life.

The problem

An environment that is a source of constant stresses and challenges:

• Too much to do, not enough time

• Physical hazards — air and water pollution

• Poor nutrition that leads to obesity and health problems

• Lack of quality sleep

• Lack of exercise

These problems even exist in our homes — in many cases much worse than in the outside world!

The solution

A Nikken Wellness Home supports good health in four lifestyle categories:

• Rest & Relaxation — better sleep, increased comfort, easing tension and stress

• Environment — cleaner, more healthy air and water in the home

• Nutrition — a whole-foods approach to nutrition and weight management

• Fitness — making physical activity a natural, regular part of every day

Massage Therapy

Healthy Living
Massage Therapy – Indulgence or Investment?
Healthy Habits

There are few greater pleasures in this world than the feeling of a good massage. Feeling tired, sore and stressed? A massage, whether it’s full-body, back or just a head massage, will make you feel refreshed, energetic, relaxed and rejuvenated. Still, for many of us, massages often seem like frivolous expenses. The truth is that massage therapy can be an investment in both our short term and long term health. It not only helps you maintain physical well-being, but it also adds to your mental and spiritual health.

Massage therapy is one of the oldest known remedies used to relieve pain, relax, stimulate, and tone the body. It relies on the use of structured and systematic stroking, rubbing and kneading of the skin, underlying muscle and soft tissues. Massage can be done manually or with the help of mechanical aids to apply pressure, tension, motion or vibration.

If you still need convincing, here are a few more reasons why you should make an appointment with a massage therapist:

Pain Relief

Massage therapy can be used to both correct and prevent pain throughout the body. Muscle soreness and tension is often reduced or eliminated through massage therapy. Deep massage techniques are used to exercise and stretch the body in order to increase joint mobility and prevent cramps and spasms. Repetitive strain, trauma or inflammation can cause adhesions (conditions in which bodily tissues that are normally separate, grow together). Massage therapy combats this condition by encouraging the healing process of injured or overused muscles. It also helps strengthen and tone the muscles to reduce the risk of future injury.

If you are an athlete who experiences sports-related soreness, massage therapy can be especially useful to you.

Reduce Anxiety and Stress

Massages stimulate the body to release endorphins (your body’s natural painkillers) and decrease levels of cortisol (a stress hormone). It relaxes your body and calms your nervous system to reduce mental and emotional stress. Finally, there is scientific proof that a massage will make you feel really good.

As a result of this reduction in stress, massage therapy has been found to help relieve headaches and migraines, and encourage more restful sleep. In addition, studies show that massage reduces anxiety in depressed children and anorexic women, as well as reduces anxiety and withdrawal symptoms in adults trying to quit smoking.

Improved Circulation and Increased Immunity

Massages help improve blood circulation, eliminate toxins and stimulate the lymphatic (immune) system, which can help regulate heart rate and blood pressure.

Research shows higher levels of white blood cells and natural “killer cell” activities in HIV positive individuals after receiving massage therapy.

Softer Skin

Massage can improve the functions of the oil and sweat glands which lubricate, clean and cool the skin. Massage also promotes tissue regeneration, thereby helping to heal scar tissue and eliminate stretch marks. It also makes skin softer and more supple.


Certain medical conditions and situations, such as burns, open wounds, cardiovascular conditions, osteoporosis, broken bones or a recent surgery may make it unsafe for you to receive a massage. It is always advisable to inform your doctor or massage therapist about any medical conditions while making an appointment.

Also, if at any time your massage feels uncomfortable or down right painful, speak up right away. Improper techniques, too much pressure and uncomfortable positions can do more harm than good. Finally, always make sure you opt for a qualified massage therapist, even if it costs a little more and is farther than the spa next door.


Hypnotherapy: Trick or Trade?
Robyn Penney

For most of us, the word “hypnosis” brings to mind a Freud-like character, dangling a pocket watch in front of his patient and muttering, “You are getting very sleepy…” But contrary to popular belief, hypnotherapy did not originate with Sigmund Freud.

Hypnotherapy’s roots can be traced to pre-classical Greek temples, where priests uttered healing incantations to their sleeping patients. Similarly, in the 18th century, Anton Mesmer popularized a therapeutic technique of intense concentration, and eventually discovered that the procedure could evoke a sleep-like state of heightened suggestibility (giving us the word “mesmerize”).

Mesmer’s ideas fell into disrepute until the late 1880s, when Jean Charcot found that his hysterical female patients experienced relief from their symptoms while in a hypnotic trance. It was through Charcot that the technique reached Freud, who would, however come to abandon it in favour of other techniques.

Today, hypnosis involves bringing a patient to a level of deep relaxation, where they become hypersensitive to sensations and suggestions. Sessions typically proceed with a therapist instructing the patient to relax and to concentrate on a specific thought, feeling or image. The therapist may also make posthypnotic suggestions – that is, commands for certain things to happen after the hypnotic state is terminated, such as the command for the patient to forget what happened during the procedure.

Hypnosis is mainly used to supplement regular cognitive behavioural therapy for weight loss, addiction management, and pain relief. It’s also been used effectively in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome, persistent nausea and vomiting in pregnant women, and anticipatory nausea experienced by those undergoing chemotherapy.

The question remains: does hypnotherapy work? In 1995, after reviewing the outcomes of nearly 20 studies, Kirsch et al. found that as a supplement to regular therapy, hypnosis significantly increased the treatment benefits. The effect was most pronounced for those trying to lose weight: they were more likely than a control group to keep the weight off at 6-month and 2-year follow-ups. In fact, the average person who received hypnosis was better off than 70% of those who didn’t receive it.

Studies have also investigated the effectiveness of hypnotherapy for smoking cessation. One study found that with hypnosis training, 50% of people quit smoking, half of whom persisted at the two year follow-up. Although these results are comparable to those achieved with regular therapy, they were achieved much more efficiently – in a single session. As some sources warn, however, an assessment session is typically required before treatment can begin, so don’t expect a single visit to do the job.

As for pain relief, a controlled, randomized study by Spiegel found that women suffering from breast cancer reported no increase in pain when they were treated with hypnosis, unlike those without treatment.

Despite these promising results, some debate remains. Other studies have not been as optimistic, and some critics point to the fact the hypnotized weight loss patients still did not lose much weight overall (an average of 14 lbs). Additionally, therapists disagree as to what exactly happens during hypnosis. Some say that it’s an altered state of consciousness, while others consider it a state of readiness to change expectations and beliefs. And in some cases, it’s unclear whether the therapeutic benefit comes from hypnosis per se or from the simple act of relaxation.

Hypnotherapy is not recommended for patients suffering from schizophrenia, bipolar conditions, suicidal tendencies or senility. The technique is very unlikely to cure disease or enhance mental performance.

Furthermore, in the 1990s, hypnosis was widely used to uncover “repressed” memories, frequently leading to recollections of child abuse, which current evidence suggests never occurred. The heightened suggestibility of the hypnotic state made such stories easy to fabricate. But the good news is that this same element – suggestibility – makes hypnosis an effective treatment.

If you decide to try hypnotherapy, there’s no need to look for a “certified” hypnotist, as nearly any individual or organization can grant themselves that title. Rather, look for an accredited therapist experienced in treating your particular condition, who uses hypnosis as a supplement. Current evidence suggests that most everyone is moderately hypnotizable. The average treatment will require six to eight sessions, although one session may be sufficient to quit smoking.

Finally, it’s probably best to avoid the services of any therapist who suggests that you go off medication, leaves you unsupervised with a tape recording, or is providing entertainment – unless, of course, you’re just looking for a laugh.

Friday, April 9, 2010


Acupuncture and Skin

Acupuncture is an old therapeutic method that includes both needle and non-needle acupuncture.

Acupuncture and moxibustion

Acupuncture and moxibustion are two therapies that are commonly applied in combination. They have the same therapeutic theory and use the same stimulating points, though the equipment and materials used in the two methods are different. Acupuncture uses needles whereas moxibustion therapy uses heat produced by ignited moxa wool to stimulate certain points of body.

Acupuncture therapy

From a Western medical standpoint, there are over 2000 conditions that acupuncture can treat. The effects of acupuncture have been clinically shown to increase oxygen and blood flow, in order to speed up healing. Also, the hormonal system can be directly stimulated, which can aid in the repair of your body’s cells.

Acupuncture effectively treats acute urticaria, acne, herpes zoster, psoriasis and atopic dermatitis, as well as rosacea, pruritus, systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma and eczema.

There have been several reports in the medical literature that auricular (acupuncture applied to the ear) and electroacupuncture therapies reduce the symptoms of acne.

Non-surgical facelift

Acupuncture can reduce wrinkling and sagging of skin of the face. According to Chinese medicine, wrinkles and sagging can be a result of weak Qi, or low energy which could be a result of overwork, stress, fatigue, and poor digestion. The meridians of energy that flow towards the face that normally provide a lifting influence become deficient in energy.

By needling certain acupoints on the body, positive energy is stimulated and transmitted throughout the meridian pathways of those points that pass along the face (especially by the eyes and lips) together with oxygen, blood and nutrients, and therefore reducing wrinkles.

By using electro-acupuncture, facial muscle tissues are also stimulated to interlock among themselves and tighten the loosened muscle to achieve face lifting. Acupuncture also stimulates the body metabolism to achieve a healthier and younger looking skins and face.

Modern vs traditional acupuncture Traditional Asian acupuncture is based on correcting imbalances of Qi (the life force), blood fluids, yin and yang. By contrast, modern medical acupuncture is based on the knowledge of neurophysiology and stimulation of different points on the body to alter neuro-endocrine, autonomic and immune function. Modern medical acupuncture sometimes uses electrical currents to stimulate acupuncture points.

Tread with care There is low risk of infection when sterile disposable needles are used. Some patients may have a vasovagal episode during their first few treatments. Acupuncture is not an ideal option for patients who are on anticoagulants, because of the risk of developing hematomas. Serious complications, though extremely rare, include pneumothorax, organ injury and nerve injury.

Caution: If you opt for acupuncture to treat any skin condition, consult a qualified acupuncturist.


Skin Guide
Know Your Ayurvedic Skin Types

According to the five element theory of Ayurveda, there are three main types of skin. This categorisation is based on the predominance of the three Doshas - Vata, Pitta and Kapha.

Often, people have different skin-type in different phases of there life. You may be born with a certain skin-type, but that type may change with factors such as climate, diet, lifestyle and your environmental conditions.

Each skin type is susceptible to a different set of problems. Here is how to know your skin type, identify the problems and their causes, and find their solutions:

Vata Skin

This skin type has dominance of air and space elements. Vata skin type is dry, thin, fine pored, delicate and cool to the touch. When balanced, it glows with a delicate lightness and refinement that is elegant and attractive. When imbalanced, it is prone to excessive dryness and can even be rough and flaky.

Potential problems: The greatest beauty challenge for this skin type is its tendency to show symptoms of early aging. Being dry and thin, Vata skin tends to develop wrinkles earlier than other types. Bad digestion can make this type of skin look dull and greyish, even in 20’s and 30’s. Also, it is more susceptible to disorders such as dry eczema and skin fungus. Mental stress such as worry, fear and lack of sleep, has a powerful debilitating effect on Vata skin and can make it look tired and lifeless.

Pitta Skin

This skin type has dominance of fire and water elements. Pitta skin type is fair, soft, warm and of medium thickness. When balanced, it looks beautiful, slightly rosy or golden glow, as if illuminated from within. The complexion can be pinkish or reddish, and often there is a copious amount of freckles or moles.

Potential problems: Among the many beauty challenges of Pitta skin type is its tendency to develop rashes, rosacea, acne, liver spots or pigment disorders. Because of the large proportion of the fire element, this skin type does not tolerate heat or sun very well. Of all the three skin types, Pitta skin has the least tolerance for the sun, is photosensitive, and most likely to accumulate sun damage over the years. It is aggravated by emotional stress, especially suppressed anger, frustration, or resentment.

Kapha Skin

This skin type has dominance of earth and water elements. Kapha skin type is thick, oily, soft and cool to the touch. It has a glowing porcelain whitish colour complexion like the moon. Kapha skin type, with its more generous collagen and connective tissue, is fortunate to develop wrinkles much later in life than the other two types.

Potential problems: If imbalanced, it can have enlarged pores, excessively oily skin, moist types of eczema, blackheads, acne or pimples, and water retention. Kapha skin is also more prone to fungal infections.


Ion Detox: Spa Your Way Healthy
Mark Sterling, Healthier Living 4 You

We are facing a global epidemic. On a daily basis, the food we eat, the air we breathe and the stress we endure allbombard our bodies to millions of harmful toxins, much to the detriment of our health and overall well-being. The accumulation of toxins in the body has been associated with decreased immune function, lower energy levels and the acceleration of the aging process.

Detoxification through ion technology, especially when administered in the form of footbaths, is one of the most effective ways of eliminating dangerous toxins from our bodies. By cleansing the body of these chemicals, detoxification helps to restore energy and vitality.

The best part is that this treatment feels more like a visit to a luxury spa than an actual medical treatment.

What is an ion?

An ion is a charged atom that has gained or lost an electron, creating a magnetic field capable of attaching to and neutralizing opposite-charged particles.

How it works….

While enjoying a soothing footbath, a device called an array is inserted into the water alongside your feet. The array is connected to a power supply that delivers a low-level, direct current into the water. The current separates the water molecules into oxygen and hydrogen, thereby generating positive and negative ions.

When it is set to positive, the current is directed to the positive pole, producing more negative ions in the water. Conversely, when the array is set to negative, the current is directed to the negative pole, which results in the production of more positive ions in the water.

The ions generated by the footbath travel through the body, attaching to and neutralizing oppositely charged particles. This creates an imbalance of charge between the body and the water. Through osmosis, the neutralized particles are drawn out through the sweat glands in your feet as they soak in the water. As a result, the footbath water will likely change colour, possibly even displaying a variety of colours, as well as flakes and speckles during a detoxification session. This is caused by a reaction between toxins from the body and particles in the water, and the acidity or alkalinity of the person undergoing the detoxification.

This detoxification procedure is non-intrusive and does not detract from the relaxing experience of a footbath.

Who might benefit from a detoxification?

Toxin build-up can detract from our body’s ability to function properly. By ridding our bodies of these toxins, we allow ourselves to heal.

Specifically, people suffering from the following conditions can benefit significantly from detoxification.

• Obesity

• Low energy

• Mood swings

• Irregular bowel movements or Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

• Digestion problems (indigestion, heart-burn, belch and bloating etc.)

• Gallbladder problems (pain or stones)

• Chronic pain or arthritis

• Fibromyalgia

• High cholesterol

• High blood pressure

• Diabetes

• Depression or anxiety

• Allergies or sensitivities (food and environmental)

• Skin problems (eczema, psoriasis, rashes)

• Gingivitis

• Bad breath

• Cancer

What can I expect from doing a detoxification?

Healthy individuals can expect to feel lighter and experience a greater sense of well-being from each session. In addition, people often report experiencing:

• Weight loss

• Stabilization of moods

• Increased energy

• Improved bowel movements

• Improved digestion (especially of fats)

• Improved liver function, specifically relating to the metabolism of nutrients

• Clearer mind

• Decreased cravings

Note: Detoxification is only one step in attaining and maintaining good health and is not meant as a replacement for a well-balanced diet and regular exercise.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Learning is an important part of our lives. However, education has
historically catered mainly to children and young adults, because the
brain was thought to be at its most malleable during the formative years.
Although the learning process during this time is extremely important,
the brain’s development is no longer thought to be “hard-wired” and
immutable thereafter.

Common Ailments

Yeast Infection: Causes, Symptoms and Cures
Home Remedies

Yeast infections primarily inflict women of child-bearing age. According to the medical statistics, 70% to 80% of this infection is caused by Candida Albicans, a common strain of yeast. Normally, this and some other strains of yeast present in a woman’s vagina in miniscule amount, are kept in control by Lactobacillus Acidophilus which is a bacterium existing naturally in the vagina. However, when there is an imbalance of these organisms, yeast infection occurs.

Yeast Infection Causes:

• Broad-spectrum antibiotics, steroids and certain birth control pills that kill the bacteria responsible for maintaining the balance.

• During pregnancy and prior to menstruation a woman goes through hormonal changes. This can also contribute to yeast infection problem.

• When the vagina is frequently exposed to semen, the acidic balance of the vagina is affected causing the infection.

• Sanitary products, including sanitary napkins, sprays, body washes etc. (especially the ones with fragrance) can cause infections.

• Wearing tight clothing such as skin-fitted jeans does not leave room for skin to breathe and can create an environment for this infection.

• Reduced body immunity levels due to illness, lifestyle or heredity.

• Physical and mental stress can cause the yeast level to go up considerably.

• Diabetic conditions may cause the infection in certain cases.

Yeast Infection Symptoms

• Itching and burning in the vagina. May be mild in the beginning and increase gradually.

• Swelling, itching and burning around the skin surrounding the vagina (known the vulva). Vulva may become very tender and sensitive to even the lightest of contact.

• Vaginal discharge. This is typically white, thick and odourless secretion.

• Pain and discomfort during sexual intercourse.

• Burning sensation during urination, and sometimes even after urination, on the skin in and around the vagina.

Maintaining good hygiene and health can help prevent yeast infection. But if you get it then, rather than rushing to a drug store to pick up a quick-fix medication, try these home remedies. Not only they have a lasting effect, they save you the trouble of exposing yourself to known and unknown side-effects.

Following is a list of time tested home remedies for yeast infection:

• Daub diluted apple cider vinegar in the vaginal areas.

• Eat garlic. Raw as well as cooked garlic helps cure the infection.

• Include curds and yogurt in your daily diet to prevent and cure yeast infection.

• Soak a tampon into curds and place it in the vagina for at least an hour. Repeat a couple of time a day. This helps as it takes the healthy bacteria from the curds to replace the unhealthy yeast bacteria.

• Include buttermilk in your daily diet to prevent and cure yeast infection.

• Mix olive leaf extract and grapefruit seed extraction in a glass of water to prepare a curative tonic for this infection.

• A few drops of tea tree oil poured on a tampon and inserted in the vagina can provide some relief.

• For non-vaginal yeast infections, apply garlic paste directly on the affected parts. This remedy is not for the vaginal yeast infection.

• Avoid wearing tight underwear or acrylic garments. Opt for easy fitting cotton underwear and panties. Say NO to tight jeans, leggings and pantyhose.

• Use cotton sanitary pads without deodorant. Change them often. Avoid sprays and other such external agents as they could cause irritation.

• Wearing wet clothes for a long time can provide a breading ground for infection causing bacteria. Wash thoroughly your affected body parts and change into dry clothes as soon as possible.

• Avoid fruits that are rich in sugar content as this can fuel the yeast problem.

• Avoid foods high in carbohydrates as these turn into sugar if not burned off through exercise. Instead, try to keep a diet that consists of mostly vegetables.

Men’s Health

Healthy Living
Choosing Mens Underwear: Boxers vs. Briefs
Men’s Health

Choosing men’s underwear

Boxers or briefs? It is as perplexing as the chicken-egg question. This men’s room debate came into open during 1992 MTV Rock the vote special, when a young lady flanked former President Bill Clinton with this question. Well, if you are guessing an answer, he is “usually” a brief guy.

But in spite of what Bill Clinton, Superman and Spiderman have in common, many men prefer boxers. They believe that nothing can beat the feeling of freedom. On the other hand, brief buffs bet on the sung feeling.

However, whether you belong to the “freedom” camp or "tighty whities" camp, there are some myth-busting facts you should know about man’s underwear.

• Women prefer men in boxers.

Men may love the idea of women banishing the bra – but women creed is intelligent enough to not consider it a reason enough for the bounce. Hope you got the hint!

• Boxers are sexier

May be, if it helps you camouflage your flab. Briefs are what many models prefer to strut their stuff.

• Potent power

Counting on your boxers for a better sperm count? A study done by the doctors from State University of New York at Stony Brook showed that underwear type didn’t affect semen quality or scrotal temperature, and did not affect fertility.

• Uncomfortable comfort

The looseness which makes boxer lovers go for them, can cause them to ride up. Now what’s so comfortable about your underwear halfway up your chest under your tight trousers? Also, the thick waistband boxers are adorned with often causes irritation.

• Boxers and health concerns

Not only boxers increase the chances of physical injury, lack of support down under is also linked to hernia.

• Briefs – the best bet?

Not really if you sit at one place for long periods of time. Wearing tight briefs can lead to moisture, warmth and friction between skin folds and your underwear causing problems of fungal infection, jock itch etc.

You can have best of both worlds

If you desire more room to breathe without sacrificing scrotal support, answer is boxer briefs. Shaped like briefs around the pelvis with legs like boxers, these are just firm enough to provide support without strangulation. Also, without giving up on the sex appeal of your bright, colourful boxers, you can wear briefs/boxer briefs underneath for the support.

Protect your possession

For athletics, briefs are necessary. But if you are a boxer fan, arm yourself with a high quality athletic cup and supporter. An athletic supporter prevents strain on delicate cords and muscles during periods of action.

The supporter pouch or a jockstrap also confines the genitals and protects them from external injuries. When choosing a jockstrap, look for a medium-tension pouch that is soft and roomy to allow for comfortable suspension

Hard cups are highly recommended for both football and baseball. Supporters with a narrow waistband are best for running and swimming. Many athletes choose to wear more than one pair of underwear at the same time for extra support.

Getting injured on a bike is very common. Wearing briefs or supporters helps. On the steps and on a bumpy surface you should walk your bike or stand up on the pedals to protect your groin.

In case of an injury, lie down and apply an ice pack for immediate relief. An anti-inflammatory like Tylenol or ibuprofen may also help. See a doctor as soon as possible. In case of dizziness, swollen testicle or persisting pain head to your nearest emergency room.

Remember, your underwear is not a fashion apparel, it’s a necessity.

Sexual Health

Healthy Living
Transgendered: In Quest of a Place on the Gender Spectrum

An interesting way to look at gender identity is to imagine a spectrum between the standard "male" and "female" sexes. Physical, mental, and emotional factors all help us decide where we lie on that spectrum. While this concept sounds simple enough, it leads us to an understanding of the turmoil some people go through in a society that does not view gender as having grey or mid-points.

Furthermore, it takes a great amount of soul-searching to determine where, exactly, we lie in this spectrum. 

Transgendered individuals are those who feel uncomfortable within their predefined biological gender roles. They feel more at ease somewhere on the spectrum other than at the end points, "male" or "female." The American Psychiatric Association diagnoses these individuals as having "gender identity disorders." Such a diagnosis seems to stick another label on someone who seeks freedom from categories. However, the diagnosis can often help individuals achieve a sense of rightness.

Many individuals make a decision to move to a different place on the spectrum. They seek to achieve a more appropriate identity through the use of clothing choices, name changes, hormone therapy, surgery, or other means that feel right for them. The end result is a sense of liberty.


Mental Health

As if feeling out of sorts in your own body and making a difficult decision, aren’t rough enough; transgender individuals face a whole new set of problems when exercising their choices of change. First, seeking our financial, medical, and psychological help can be difficult. Once resources have been found and the process is underway, unexpected feelings may arise.

Individuals, who have been socialised as one gender, face emotional obstacles as they make changes. Peers may also be unsporting. Extreme physical, emotional, and lifestyle changes happen. All this leads to high stress levels. During this time, individuals may become depressed or anxious, and may turn to substance abuse. Some people may even turn to suicide and self-harm. Having a counsellor who understands transgender issues is very important for making a successful transition.

Physical Health

Transgender individuals often take hormones throughout their lives. Others undergo surgeries that change their bodies. Both can have health effects that need to be acknowledged and monitored to maintain the good health of a transsexual person.

Transgender people often do not receive the thorough and sensitive health care they deserve. However, they are a population who require comprehensive medical attention. Hormone therapy can increase probability of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, thromboembolic events, liver abnormalities, and other diseases. Therefore, it is crucial to keep the body in tip-top shape and regularly see a knowledgeable (who understand transgender issues well) physician. Aerobic exercise, yoga, tai chi as well as working with weights will help keep the body in good shape and keep bone density high.

Individuals in transition may benefit from calcium supplements. Also, it is important to drink plenty of water, eat a diet high in vegetables and omega-3 fats and to limit intake of sugar, trans fats and saturated fats.

Transgendered individuals should never borrow hormones from friends or buy them from the black market. Individuals should be beware of dietary supplements called "herbal hormones," and SHOULD NEVER use these without their physician’s permission. It is important to refrain from smoking while on hormone therapy as it can aggravate risks associated with hormones. Hormonal scans are a regular part of a medical check-up.

Some people who have undergone sex reassignment surgery do not realise that they may still have remaining breast or prostate tissue. It is important to be upfront with doctors about the surgery and be aware that screening of the breasts, uterus, and cervix (in female to male) or prostate (in male to female) may still be a priority.

Sexually transmitted diseases occur disproportionately among the transgender community. Like everyone, transgender people should keep their sexual partners to a minimum and use condoms every time. Furthermore, sharing needles is a dangerous practice and should never be permitted.

With great soul-searching, dedication, and a healthy lifestyle, every individual can find a happy place within the spectrum of gender.

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