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Saturday, April 17, 2010

Nature’s purifiers or hazardous breeding grounds?

Circle of Wellness
Physical — Environment — Home Wellness

Plants certainly add life and beauty to your home, but what else do they do to your home?

Clean air

There is evidence that, in large numbers, houseplants are effective in helping the air in your home clean. This is because plants digest the chemicals in their surroundings. Unfortunately, studies have not yet shown the impact of only a small number of plants on air quality. That doesn’t mean you can’t create your own personal study! If you are interested in trying out the purifying benefits of household plants, try aloe Vera, spider plants, chrysanthemums, or peace lilies.

If you suffer from allergies, keep in mind that you must be careful when choosing and maintaining your plants.

When shopping for plants, be mindful of allergies you or your family members may have, and avoid plants that exacerbate your symptoms. A recent Belgian study found that over 75% of hay fever sufferers also had allergies to some houseplants. Plants that can cause allergies include Ficus, Yucca, Ivy, Palm, Orchids, and Ferns.

Don’t over water your plants. The potential air cleansing benefits of your houseplants will be lost if you water them too much. Wet areas invite microorganisms (like moulds) into your home environment.


Many common houseplants can be poisonous when ingested, causing severe reactions. Therefore, it is important to research every plant that you bring into your home. Some of the more common poisonous houseplants are Mums, English Ivy, Dumbcane, and Hyacinth. If you have any poisonous plants, keep them out of the reach of children and pets. Another alternative is to remove any poisonous plants from your home altogether.


Do you reach for a spray bottle when your plants suffer from infestations? Keep in mind that the word "cide" means "to kill." These chemicals must be used with caution. Choose your plants wisely and control the amount of water and pesticides you give them. You will be rewarded with added life in your home, and maybe even fresher air!

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