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Saturday, April 17, 2010

Easy Guacamole

This recipe is so delicious and so easy to make. It's not only a great dip recipe on it's own, but is also perfect served alongside many other Mexican dishes like Nachos or Quesadillas.

Asian Beef with Snow Peas

Stir-fried beef in a light gingery sauce. Serve over steamed rice or hot egg noodles.

Mexican Pasta

Original recipe yield: 4 servings


This Recipe makes: 8 servings

PREP TIME 10 mins

READY IN 10 mins

National Minorities

By Mary Anne Winslow

The problem of segregation and racism remains real and vital for every country in the world as in every country there are representatives of different nations who struggle to share and enjoy the same rights as native population does. The reason for segregation and racism is not the skin colour, or different culture, faith or language; it is deep in the hearts and minds of people.

The Biggest Cause Of Death In The Western World!

Health & Ethnicity
By Michael Russell

Drugs can control symptoms, but in severe cases or after a heart attack, surgery may be the only option. Some risk factors you can change and improve upon, but some you cannot. Therefore it is vital that you make all the possible changes to your lifestyle to reduce as many risk factors as possible.

What Is The Link Between Anti Aging And Ethnicity?

Health & Ethnicity
By Louise Forrest

It is very true that Caucasians are more affected by sun damage (photo aging) and the associated visible signs of aging more than many other ethnic groups, but the number of anti aging dermatological procedures being performed on people with diverse ethnic backgrounds has been on the rise in the past few years.

Acne in Underdeveloped Countries

Health  & Ethnicity
By Michael Russell

Acne vulgaris is a skin disease that affects between 79% and 95% of the population in America and Europe. Even adult men and women, between 40% and 54% of them, have some kind of acne. After the age of 45, 12% of women and 3% of men still suffer from this affliction.

Chanukah: The festival of lights… and fried food

Ethnic Recipes

Do a mitzvah, eat a latke!

Jews from around the world gather together this week to celebrate the festive, eight-day holiday of Chanukah. In commemoration of the rededication of the Second Temple thousands of years ago, we light candles every evening remembering how a tiny vile of oil, only enough for one day, was able to miraculously keep the eternal flame alight for eight days during the time of the Maccabean rebellion.

Simple ways to reduce your daily stress

Circle of Wellness

Stress has become an inevitable part of life for many, causing health related problems. The human body is designed to experience stress and react to it. Stress can be positive, keeping us alert and ready to avoid danger. Stress becomes negative when a person faces continuous challenges without relief or relaxation between challenges.

Stress management for difficult times

Circle of Wellness

Unexpected hurdles are a fact of life. When tough times arrive, such as illness, the illness of a loved one, poverty, or any other obstacle, you need to give yourself space to cope. The following is a guide to living happily, even when you feel overburdened.

Healing power of prayer

Circle of Wellness

Are you a spiritual person? The answer, no matter who you are, is probably yes. This is because spirituality is an innate force. It manifests itself in ways that are as unique as we are.

Keeping Your Mind Active

The brain is perhaps the most cherished organ in our bodies, and yet it is the one that bewilders us the most. Because our thoughts and feelings are associated with our personalities, we often fail to recognise that the brain is an organ that reacts to its environment.

Weight Problem? Blame it on Your Genes

Circle of Wellness
Know your body type

Yes, it’s true: the code to obesity is written in our genes. How, when, and where we have cellulite, largely depends on our Body Type.

Body types can be divided into 4 categories: Android, Gynaeoid, Thyroid and Lymphatic. Each one of these has distinctive hormonal and metabolic characteristics. By understanding your body type, you can find out whether and where you are prone to gaining weight, and in which areas you are more susceptible to cellulite.

Bailing You Out From Bad Breath

Circle of Wellness

Consistant bad breath is more than a socially embarrassing problem. Halitosis, the medical term for bad breath, is a medical condition. The severity of the problem depends on the underlying cause. Bad breath can be a warning signal or symptom of a more serious ailment.

Managing Arthritis

Circle of Wellness

Gone are the days when Arthritis was considered an old age disease. Today, not only that it’s affecting younger population, it’s becoming prevalent in kids too. According to the data available, 1 in 1,000 Canadian children (boys and girls) of under the age of 16 suffer from juvenile arthritis.

Has Your Eating Routine Gone out the Window!

Physical Wellness

Do you always find yourself eating on the run? Are you “rolling up the rim to win” every morning? For many, drive-thru restaurants, and eating while driving, working, or watching TV have become common routines.

Healthy environment for healthier life

Our environment is everything around us – our physical surroundings, people we live and work with, air we breathe, the water we drink and use, and the food we consume.

Physical Touch Matters

Circle of Wellness

As human beings, we thrive on touch. The abundance or absence of touch we receive in our childhood shapes up our emotional balance, physiological well-being, and our capacity to lead a normal and healthy life when we grow up. 

Combating Clinical Depression

Circle of Wellness

Mrs. Johnson’s 20 year old is behaving a little odd nowadays. Generally a cheerful kid, he has become a loner and rarely interacts with others. Most of the time he remains self-occupied, and complains of feeling sad and hopeless. He suffers from a considerable loss of appetite, insomnia and fatigue. Moreover, he often expresses recurrent thoughts of death and suicide.

Games That Exercise The Mind

Circle of Wellness

Games are an important part of a child’s life. But selecting the right game for your kid is not a child’s play. Games play a critical role in the physical and psychological development of a child. They influence children’s thinking and can determine their social behaviour.

Computer Related Stress Problems

Circle of Wellness
Physical - Body

Computer Related Stress Problems are injuries that generally afflict the muscles, nerves, tendons and other soft body tissues located on the hands, arms, shoulders and upper back. The problems surface when the muscles in these regions are forced to continually remain tense for prolonged periods of time.

The Hazards of Sleep Disorders

Circle of Wellness
Physical - Body

A good night’s sleep promises a more productive tomorrow, and a bad night of sleep can make you drag through the next day. Whether it is a lack of sleep, too much sleep or sleeping fitfully, sleep problems are considered to be serious health conditions. We have gathered information here on what causes sleep disorders, and how to tackle the problem.

Let Health Travel With You

Circle of Wellness-Physical

There’s nothing better to beat the stress and anxiety of modern living than a long, relaxing vacation. According to Statistics Canada, Canadians took over 6.7 million trips abroad in 2006. While some of these trips may be for business, others are for pleasure and relaxation.

Some Common Heart Problems

Circle of Wellness-Physical

An amazing fact: The human heart beats more than 2.5 billion times in an average lifetime. An unfortunate truth: An unhealthy heart can reduce this number considerably.

How Unhealthy Are Perfumes?

Circle of Wellness
Physical - Environment

Many of us use perfumes for the pleasant fragrances they give off. Yet we are largely unaware that the multitude of chemicals that are used to produce that magical smell can be dangerous to our health!

Taking Public Transit the Healthy Way

Circle of Wellness
Physical - Environment

Canada has some of the cleanest and safest public transit lines in the world. However, accidents still happen on our systems, and diseases are still transmitted. Read below for some tips to make sure you arrive at your destination no worse for wear: 

Give your home a healthy base(ment)

A healthy home is built on top of a sound basement. Too often, basements are neglected, resulting in poor air quality upstairs. Whether you enter your basement daily, or only occasionally, in order to be healthy, it needs to be maintained regularly.

Pesticides: Chemical warfare in your home

Circle of Wellness
Physical - Environment

Do you reach for a spray bottle when your plants suffer from infestations? Do you store insecticides, termiticides, rotenticides, or fungicides in your home? Keep in mind that the word "cide" means "to kill." Pesticides should be avoided whenever possible, and handled with great care when they are used.

Laundry Room Culprits!

The average family visits the laundry room once a week to wash their clothing and other fabrics. When carrying out this common routine, we think of our clothes, but rarely think about the products being used, and their contents.

Nature’s purifiers or hazardous breeding grounds?

Circle of Wellness
Physical — Environment — Home Wellness

Plants certainly add life and beauty to your home, but what else do they do to your home?

Your Space Outdoors Affects your Space Indoors

The air quality in your home is directly related to conditions outside. Factors such as the state of your gutters, the vents around your home, and the location of trees, can make a difference to your indoor environment.

Greening your Kitchen

Circle of Wellness
Greening your Kitchen
Home Wellness

If, as the French say, “The torch of love is lit in the kitchen,” say then a love for nature must be lit in a green kitchen!

Kids’ Playrooms – A Serious Concern

Circle of Wellness
Kids’ Playrooms – A Serious Concern

Kids are carefree, and this freedom of spirit is often reflected in the state their rooms. It is possible, however, to provide children with a a natural, clean, and orderly space. Here are some simple and sensible solutions to your playroom problems. So, take a deep breath, and read on!

Carpet: Danger under Foot

Circle of Wellness
Carpet: Danger under Foot

If you are one of the many people who enjoy the warmth and plush texture of carpeting, keep in mind that carpet requires a lot of effort in order to remain healthy. New carpets can release harmful chemicals that may cause irritation of the eyes, nose, and throat, as well as fatigue, and flu-like symptoms.

Air Pollution in Canada

Circle of Wellness
Air Pollution in Canada
Physical — Environment — Outdoors

Air pollution is no longer a remote problem. We can no longer say that it will not affect us or our loved ones. A quick look around will tell us that changes have already started. We must change our habits in order to create a safe future for our generation, and for generations to come.

Global Warning for Global Warming

Global Warning for Global Warming

We are exploiting our environment in order to improve our lives. But are we actually improving our lives? Global warming has proved us wrong. From freakish weather, to inexplicable diseases, the impact of our thoughtless actions is becoming more and more visible.

Convert your mess into a green office kitchen

Concept of clean, green kitchen is as much applicable to office as home. We should remain committed to recycling, minimizing waste, buying organic and other activities that contribute to good health and a clean environment.

Stretching - Ergonomics And Office Chairs And How They Affect Your Health


Stretching - Ergonomics And Office Chairs And How They Affect Your Health

Amy Pedersen

Even with a well-designed workstation, problems may arise when working long hours in your office chair.When this happens, you must pay attention to the work at hand, and how it is performed daily if you plan to continue working such long hours.

Eco-Friendly Work Habits

Eco-Friendly Work Habits

Like it or not, your office is taking a toll on the environment. Greenhouse gases are produced by the energy you use to power the office. More are released when vehicles are used to support your business. Furthermore, the paper you use (and possibly throw away) take their toll on the environment too.

Office Products for the Long Haul

Office Products for the Long haul

The products that are best for the environment are often the best for your business as well. When considering the cost of new office equipment, take a life-cycle approach.

A Positive Mind: Your Passport to Longevity

Healthy Living
A Positive Mind: Your Passport to Longevity
Healthy Habits

Whether you call it self-hypnosis or self-induced brain washing, the fact remains that the power of mind over body can prove to be a great tool to ensure a sounder health for yourself. Your body will do wonders if you can simply make yourself believe that it is relentlessly busy in keeping the diseases away.

A Recipe for an Improved Memory

Healthy Living
A Recipe for an Improved Memory
Healthy Habits

Competition is the catch word today! And crucial to competition is a good memory. For this, you got to get your grey cells working hard for you.

Resist Antibiotics For Better Resistance

Circle of Wellness
Resist Antibiotics For Better Resistance
Physical - Body

At the first sign of a sniffle or cough, many people run for antibiotics. With busier schedules and no time to be sick, popping pills has become a substitute for bed rest and clear fluids.

Tuberculosis: A Disease of the Past Presents New Fears

Circle of Wellness
Tuberculosis: A Disease of the Past Presents New Fears
Physical - Body

A new study done at Montreal’s McGill University has renewed concerns about the disease Tuberculosis (TB). The study has found that the TB vaccine is not suitable to fight the disease anymore.

Be A Man - Emotionally

Healthy Living
Be A Man - Emotionally
Men’s Health

Often it is said that men keep a lid on their emotions. But is it really true? Yes and no. The answer depends on social conditioning, as certain emotions are deemed fit for the “stronger” sex, and some for the “weaker” sex.

Outdoor Allergies

Healthy Living
Outdoor Allergies
Healthy Habits

May is spring time. We re-immerge after our months of winter hibernation to enjoy the warmer weather, the fresh breezes, the budding trees and first blooming flowers of the season.

Healing with Colour

Circle Of Wellness
Healing with Colour

Colour metaphors are often used to describe human emotions, such as ‘in the pink of health’, ‘to turn red in the face’ or even ‘a fit of blues’. Time and again we associate colours with our feelings. The reality is that colours influence our emotional and physical health, and possess healing properties that can restore our inner harmony.

Breathing With a Difference

Torontonians prepare for visit of His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

TORONTO – Iraqi youth, South African prisoners, New York City firefighters, Kenyan slum-dwellers, European corporate leaders, Indian villagers, First Nations youth. What do these people have in common?

Just four words: Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.

Stress – Mind, Body or Emotions?

Circle of Wellness—Emotional
By: Jacob Eapen

High levels of stress have become synonymous with our busy, active everyday lifestyles. We recognize its symptoms — the tension, headaches, and other aches and pains. When ignored, stress can lead to high blood pressure, ulcers, heart problems and many other serious health problems.

Is your job ruining your life?

Circle of Wellness

Are you safe? You have probably asked yourself this question countless times throughout your life with regards to your home, your commute, when walking across a dark parking lot, when choosing a lunch option, or when analyzing a bad relationship.

To Talk or Not To Talk on Mobile Cell Phones

Circle of Wellness

Since the time cell phones became mainstream communications device in the late 1980s, the debate about whether or not they could give us cancer or other illnesses has been going on.

Take the “SAD” out of Seasonal Affective Disorder

Circle of Wellness — Mental
Take the “SAD” out of Seasonal Affective Disorder
Sheri Stock

If you’ve been feeling particularly gloomy this winter, it may be more than just a case of the “holiday blues”. According to the Mood Disorders Society of Canada, approximately 2-4% of Canadians experience Seasonal Affective Disorder.

Is Your Immune System Ready for Cold and Flu Season?

Circle of Wellness — Physical — Body
Is Your Immune System Ready for Cold and Flu Season?
Kim Edmundson, R.N.C.P., R.h.A.

As we say goodbye to summer and hello to fall and winter, we also enter into cold and flu season. Is your immune system ready? Keeping your immune system strong is your best defense against colds and flu.

Protecting the Health of Canadians: Recognizing the Vital Role of Environmental Public Health Professionals

VANCOUVER, Jan. 14 /CNW/ - The Canadian Institute of Public Health inspectors would like to invite all Canadians to celebrate Environmental Public Health Week (EPHW) from January 14th to 20th.

A Family Assignment

Most parents hope to give their children a head start in life by sending them to good schools. It is seen as an investment in their future.

Food, Mood & Relationships

Circle of Wellness — Mental
Food, Mood & Relationships
Kim Edmundson, R.N.C.P., R.h.A.

Your mood has a great impact on the relationships in your life, but have you ever thought about how the foods you have an impact on your mood?

Hope for the Heart treatments in February

Circle of Wellness — Physical
Hope for the Heart treatments in February
Arlen Panchoo

Heart disease is Canada’s number one killer, accounting for the death of more Canadians then any other disease. Every year approximately 75,000 Canadians suffer heart attacks alone.

Earth Day: Build your Eco-Knowledge (Energy)

Courtesy of

Build your Eco-knowledge and share it with others. Use these fun and challenging questions as resources in your environmental activities and initiatives.

Earth Day: Build your Eco-Knowledge (Water)

Courtesy of

Build your eco-knowledge and share it with others. Use these fun and challenging questions as resources in your environmental activities and initiatives.

Earth Day: Build your Eco-Knowledge (Food & Garden)

Courtesy of

Build your eco-knowledge and share it with others. Use these fun and challenging questions as resources in your environmental activities and initiatives.

Tadasana (Mountain Pose)


Tadasana (Mountain Pose)

A basic asana, it is ideal for the new yoga practitioners. Tadasana is also a preparatory asana for the standing poses. Though it is one of the easiest asanas, it is not as simple as it looks. It may seem as if you are just standing there, but bringing the body into a proper alignment and keeping it that way, takes quite some effort.

Dandasana (Staff Pose)


Dandasana (Staff Pose)

Dandasana is a basic seated pose. It is also a resting pose and a preparatory pose for all the seated asanas.

Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge Pose)

Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge Pose)

It is a basic asana. It derives its name from the Sanskrit word “Setu” which means bridge. It is also known as Ardha Chakra Asana (Half Wheel Pose). It strengthens the spine, opens the chest, improves spinal flexibility and stimulates the thyroid.

Shalabhasana (Locust Pose)


It is one of the easy-to-do basic pose. The asana derives its name from the word “Shalabh” which in Sanskrit means “locust”. It is very effective in strengthening the back, legs, and arms.

Vrksasana (Tree Pose)


Vrksasana is a basic yoga pose (asana) and easy to perform. It’s specially helpful for students who have problems concentrating.

Surya-Namaskar - Sun Salutation


Surya Namaskara (Sun Salutation) literally means paying respect to the Sun God. In Hindu mythology Sun is respected as the source of energy, life and vitality. This is why traditionally Surya Namaskar is done at sunrise.

Sukhasana (Easy Pose)


Easy, comfortable, relaxation pose for meditation. This pose relieves tiredness, opens the hips, lengthens the spine and promotes inner calm. In yoga, this process is called “Pratyahara” which is a turning inward into the self. As the name suggests, this pose is very easy to do.

Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend)


It is one of the basic asanas. Attaining ideal pose of this apparently simple asana requires regular practice. When done with proper concentration, it heals emotional pains and confers mental calm and peace.

Bhujaangasana (Cobra Pose)


One of the basic asanas, it is an excellent pose to counter hours of sitting at the computer. It is useful for developing the strength and flexibility of the entire back. It tones the legs and buttocks, increases blood circulation and improves kidney functions.

Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog)


It is a transitional pose, a resting pose and an asana by itself. It is one of the basic poses. It is useful as a preparation for standing poses and as a warm-up of your muscles at the beginning of yoga practice. It provides a transition between poses, especially in sun salutation and vinyasa flow yoga. 

What Are Sit- Bones


What are sit bones?
Quite literally, sit bones are the butt bones which we sit on. Hidden under the flesh, they are rarely noticed or felt except when we sit for a longer time or on a hard floor. They are part of the pelvic girdle and technically known as the Ischial Tuberosity.

Precautions for Yoga Practice


Yoga, if practiced with due diligence, is beneficial not only for your physical health but also for your emotional and mental wellbeing. However, if proper precautions are not taken it could even be harmful. To ensure a safe practice and get maximum benefit, one should follow these precautions in addition to contraindications and cautions recommended for each individual asana.

Yoga Can Do Wonders For Your Children

Alternative Therapy

In an era Playstations and stressed parents transporting kids to extracurricular activities such as piano classes, swimming lessons etc., it’s no wonder that children—even kindergarteners—sometimes find life stressful. In response, an increasing number of schools are using private donations to teach the ancient practice of yoga to youngsters as a way to encourage relaxation while building self-esteem.

Know Your Limits With Yoga

Know Your Limits With Yoga
Alternative Therapy

Contemporary yoga has become a popular recreational activity, although some styles bear little resemblance to the classical Indian forms that are associated with the Hindu religion. People from all walks of life and even some physicians are discovering the benefits of modern yoga. According to Yoga Journal, about 18 million people practiced yoga in 2003, up from 7 million in 1998.

Bhadrasana (The Gracious Pose)


Bhadrasana (The Gracious Pose)This asana is simple and easy to perform. It is preventive as well as curative in nature. Not only it averts the chances of genital related problems, it also provides relief in for patients suffering with problems such as hernia.

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