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Saturday, April 17, 2010

Games That Exercise The Mind

Circle of Wellness

Games are an important part of a child’s life. But selecting the right game for your kid is not a child’s play. Games play a critical role in the physical and psychological development of a child. They influence children’s thinking and can determine their social behaviour.

Canadian kids

Of late, the concept of games has changed radically and Canadian society is no exception. Games that required children to interact with each other and use mind skills have gradually been replaced by video games that are both addictive in nature and do not encourage thinking.

Every day, Canadian parenting web sites and assistance centres are receiving more and more calls from the anxious parents about their child’s alleged “video game addiction.” These games are not only addictive; they also stop the child from interacting with other children.

What should you do

When in a toy store next time, look for more than just a price tag of the games you want to buy for your child. Look for toys and games that induce thinking behaviour in the child. Based on the age of the child, the games could be as simple as dressing a toy. For kids who are above 6 years of age, one can choose from the wonderful range of chess, scramble, monopoly etc.,

If your child is not used to games like this, avoid giving them a lecture about the benefits of playing such games. This may even make them feel like these games are being imposed on them. Remember that children are natural imitators. So, playing these games with them or with others will get them interested in these games.

Some local tournaments of these games can also help you in getting them interested in these games. Build in excitement about the game first. Then, the excitement will build up and the child will be encouraged to play.

Available options

With the advent of technology, the toy industry today offers a big range of wonderful games that are both interactive and intelligent. Some of the most popular and proven games that can be fun to play and exercise your child’s brain are:

Chess: Chess is a game of countless possibilities and ideas. Introducing your child to chess at an early age will sharpen his/her thinking skills and make them look at all the possible outcomes of a situation.

Monopoly: Introduce your child to the best commercial board game in the world! Monopoly introduces your child various economic activities such as buying, selling trading etc. This game involves applying mind in retaining or selling a property.

Backgammon: This is one of the oldest of the board games in the world and there are countless possibilities to employ strategies and counter strategies. Whenever a dice rolls, the player has to take into account numerous possibilities and come up with some strategies.

Dominoes: Many different games can be played with a set of dominoes and each game is sure to provide good exercise to your child’s brain.

Othello: Othello is an abstract strategy game that involves strategising and applying thought.

Books: Books are the best friends your child can have. They stimulate imagination, encourage creativity and of course, improve language skills!

The above-mentioned list of games is by no means complete. This is just a starter’s list. These are the games that have entertained and educated many generations and will never cease to do so. Of course, there are so many more options available in the market to stimulate the thinking process in your child.

So, now we have got you initiated, exercise your mind and buy as many mind exercising games for your kids as you and they can handle. Happy playing!

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