Vrksasana is a basic yoga pose (asana) and easy to perform. It’s specially helpful for students who have problems concentrating.
o Stand in Tadasana (Mountain Pose). (please give a link to Tadasana article)
o Spread the toes of your feet.
o Feel your weight equally on both of your feet.
o Slowly shift the body weight over to the right foot
o Slowly lift the left foot off the floor, bend your left knee to bring the sole of the left foot onto the inner right thigh.
o Pull the left heel as high as possible.
o Press the foot into the thigh and the thigh back into the foot.
o Keep your pelvis aligned and don’t let the hip stick out.
o Focus your gaze on something in front of you to maintain your balance.
o Slowly bring the foot down without loosing your balance.
o Repeat with the other leg.
Beginners: If you cannot bring the feet high, you should keep them lower initially and try to improve gradually. If you try to place your feet higher without having sufficient practice, you may loose balance and may fall. If required, use a wall for balance.
Advanced: Open the arms out to side. Then try taking them upwards towards the ceiling and joining the palms. If you find maintaining balance difficult when you raise your arms, practice the pose against a wall.
Try closing the eyes and see if you can keep the balance
o Improves balance.
o Enhances concentration.
o Strengthens the chest, shoulders, quadriceps muscles, thighs, calves, ankles and spine.
o Elongates the spine.
o Alleviates sciatica.
o Helps reduce flat feet.
o Headache
o Insomnia
o Low blood pressure
o High blood pressure: Don’t raise arms overhead
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