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Showing posts with label Yoga. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Yoga. Show all posts

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Breathing With a Difference

Torontonians prepare for visit of His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

TORONTO – Iraqi youth, South African prisoners, New York City firefighters, Kenyan slum-dwellers, European corporate leaders, Indian villagers, First Nations youth. What do these people have in common?

Just four words: Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.

Tadasana (Mountain Pose)


Tadasana (Mountain Pose)

A basic asana, it is ideal for the new yoga practitioners. Tadasana is also a preparatory asana for the standing poses. Though it is one of the easiest asanas, it is not as simple as it looks. It may seem as if you are just standing there, but bringing the body into a proper alignment and keeping it that way, takes quite some effort.

Dandasana (Staff Pose)


Dandasana (Staff Pose)

Dandasana is a basic seated pose. It is also a resting pose and a preparatory pose for all the seated asanas.

Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge Pose)

Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge Pose)

It is a basic asana. It derives its name from the Sanskrit word “Setu” which means bridge. It is also known as Ardha Chakra Asana (Half Wheel Pose). It strengthens the spine, opens the chest, improves spinal flexibility and stimulates the thyroid.

Shalabhasana (Locust Pose)


It is one of the easy-to-do basic pose. The asana derives its name from the word “Shalabh” which in Sanskrit means “locust”. It is very effective in strengthening the back, legs, and arms.

Vrksasana (Tree Pose)


Vrksasana is a basic yoga pose (asana) and easy to perform. It’s specially helpful for students who have problems concentrating.

Surya-Namaskar - Sun Salutation


Surya Namaskara (Sun Salutation) literally means paying respect to the Sun God. In Hindu mythology Sun is respected as the source of energy, life and vitality. This is why traditionally Surya Namaskar is done at sunrise.

Sukhasana (Easy Pose)


Easy, comfortable, relaxation pose for meditation. This pose relieves tiredness, opens the hips, lengthens the spine and promotes inner calm. In yoga, this process is called “Pratyahara” which is a turning inward into the self. As the name suggests, this pose is very easy to do.

Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend)


It is one of the basic asanas. Attaining ideal pose of this apparently simple asana requires regular practice. When done with proper concentration, it heals emotional pains and confers mental calm and peace.

Bhujaangasana (Cobra Pose)


One of the basic asanas, it is an excellent pose to counter hours of sitting at the computer. It is useful for developing the strength and flexibility of the entire back. It tones the legs and buttocks, increases blood circulation and improves kidney functions.

Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog)


It is a transitional pose, a resting pose and an asana by itself. It is one of the basic poses. It is useful as a preparation for standing poses and as a warm-up of your muscles at the beginning of yoga practice. It provides a transition between poses, especially in sun salutation and vinyasa flow yoga. 

What Are Sit- Bones


What are sit bones?
Quite literally, sit bones are the butt bones which we sit on. Hidden under the flesh, they are rarely noticed or felt except when we sit for a longer time or on a hard floor. They are part of the pelvic girdle and technically known as the Ischial Tuberosity.

Precautions for Yoga Practice


Yoga, if practiced with due diligence, is beneficial not only for your physical health but also for your emotional and mental wellbeing. However, if proper precautions are not taken it could even be harmful. To ensure a safe practice and get maximum benefit, one should follow these precautions in addition to contraindications and cautions recommended for each individual asana.

Yoga Can Do Wonders For Your Children

Alternative Therapy

In an era Playstations and stressed parents transporting kids to extracurricular activities such as piano classes, swimming lessons etc., it’s no wonder that children—even kindergarteners—sometimes find life stressful. In response, an increasing number of schools are using private donations to teach the ancient practice of yoga to youngsters as a way to encourage relaxation while building self-esteem.

Know Your Limits With Yoga

Know Your Limits With Yoga
Alternative Therapy

Contemporary yoga has become a popular recreational activity, although some styles bear little resemblance to the classical Indian forms that are associated with the Hindu religion. People from all walks of life and even some physicians are discovering the benefits of modern yoga. According to Yoga Journal, about 18 million people practiced yoga in 2003, up from 7 million in 1998.

Bhadrasana (The Gracious Pose)


Bhadrasana (The Gracious Pose)This asana is simple and easy to perform. It is preventive as well as curative in nature. Not only it averts the chances of genital related problems, it also provides relief in for patients suffering with problems such as hernia.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Marjari asana (Cat Stretch Pose)


Marjari asana (Cat Stretch Pose)

If you have observed cats stretching themselves after a nap, you would know why this asana is named so. This asana is actually a combination of two poses, one flowing into the other. It is as simple as it looks but much more beneficial than it seems.

Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)


Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)

This asana is not very difficult and even beginners who have practiced some basic back bend asanas can practice this. It stretches the whole body and is extremely beneficial. However, it should be practiced with caution by beginners as well as advance practitioners as it could cause major injuries.

Janu Shirshasana (Head to Knee)


Janu Shirshasana (Head to Knee)

In Sanskrit "Janu" means "knee" and "Shirash" means "head". In this basic yogic posture one leg is folded at the knee and the other is stretched out. The head rests on the knee of the stretched leg, hence the name. Among its many benefits are stretching and opening the back and hamstrings, and improving flexibility.

Makarasana (The Crocodile Pose)


Makarasana (The Crocodile Pose)

One of the easy asanas, Makarasana is a relaxation pose. ’Makara’ in Sanskrit means ’Crocodile’. In this pose body resembles the shape of a ’crocodile’, hence it is known as Makarasana. This is practiced in between asanas to release the strain caused by other asanas.

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