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Saturday, April 17, 2010

Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend)


It is one of the basic asanas. Attaining ideal pose of this apparently simple asana requires regular practice. When done with proper concentration, it heals emotional pains and confers mental calm and peace.


• Sit with your legs stretched in front of your.

• Open your sit bones by alternating weight between both buttocks.

• Turn the top thighs slightly in and press them down.

• Place your palms on the floor next to your sit bones.

• Straighten your spine.

• Slowly raise your arms in front of you and move them over your head in line with your shoulders.

• Do not bend backward or forward.

• Lean forward from the hip joints (not from the waist) in front of you.

• Try to touch your forehead on the knees.

• Try to hold/touch you toes without bending your knees.

Beginners: If you can’t reach your toes, try holding your legs at ankles or higher. With each exhalation, lengthen your torso in front of you.

Advance: Concentrate on attaining mental calmness along with the physical ideal pose.


• Increases spinal flexibility and strengthens the back.

• Massage to the abdominal organs.

• Offers calming effect.

• Stimulates adrenal glands.

• Relieve stress and mild depression

• Stretches the spine, shoulders, hamstrings

• Stimulates the liver, kidneys, ovaries, and uterus

• Relieves menstrual discomfort and menopause symptoms.

• Soothes headache.

• Relieves anxiety and reduces fatigue.

• Therapeutic for high blood pressure, infertility, insomnia, and sinusitis.

• Increases appetite, improves digestion and reduces obesity.

• Therapeutic pose for relief from respiratory and kidney problems.


• Asthma

• Diarrhea

• Spinal or neck injury

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