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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Managing Menopause

Healthy Living
Womens Health

When a middle aged woman seems to be irritable, throws frequent temper tantrums, appears quiet at times, it’s not what she deliberately wishes to be like, but it is the period of her life which give rise to such behavior in her. It is menopause – a gradual, but permanent cessation of menstruation.

Symptoms of PMS - Do You Have The Symptoms Of PMS?

Healthy Living
By Vanessa Youngstrom

PMS or premenstrual syndrome is a term used to describe a set of hormonal changes that trigger a syndrome in a significant number of women for up to two weeks before the start of her period. More than 5 million women require treatment for symptoms of PMS such as marked mood changes and behavioral changes.

Prevail over PMS

Healthy Living
Womens Health

You suddenly feel like breaking into tears without any reason. The headache that just doesn’t seem to go away; you constantly feel a sense of fatigue….irritable and the people around, make you feel worse. Does all this sound familiar to you? If the answer is yes, then it’s quite likely that you are suffering from PMS or Pre-Menstrual Syndrome.

7 Reasons To Power Walk

Healthy Habits
By Nneka Kelly

When I was in college my roommate and I would take a 30 minute power nap every afternoon. One week her mother was visiting and was outraged that this was a regular occurrence. By the third day she joined us in our afternoon siesta, but warned that this would not go over well when we hit the “real” world.

Sway, Swing and Rock your Way to Better Health

Healthy Living
Physical Activity

What can dance do for your health?

In addition to promoting cardiovascular health, muscle tone, balance and posture, dance improves your immune system and elevates your mood.

Maximize Your Fat Burning Potential

Physical Activity
By Kevin Koskella

Are you frustrated by that stubborn fat that seems to stay with you no matter how hard you work out or exercise? Are you getting annoyed that no matter how you eat, you cannot seem to lose that extra 10 pounds you’re carrying around with you?

7 Steps To Having More Energy

By Melanie Mendelson

1. Get enough sleep.

Sleep deprivation is the most common cause of low energy and fatigue. Most adults need 8 hours of sleep every night. If you are sleeping in late on weekends, it’s a sign that you don’t get enough sleep during the week.

Diabetes in Children

Healthy Living

Diabetes Mellitus, commonly known as Diabetes is a health disorder in which the body has trouble regulating its blood sugar levels. Diabetes can be categorised as type 1 diabetes (an autoimmune disease also known as juvenile diabetes) and type 2 diabetes (a metabolic disorder also known as adult onset diabetes).

Transgendered: In Quest of a Place on the Gender Spectrum

Healthy Living

An interesting way to look at gender identity is to imagine a spectrum between the standard "male" and "female" sexes. Physical, mental, and emotional factors all help us decide where we lie on that spectrum. While this concept sounds simple enough, it leads us to an understanding of the turmoil some people go through in a society that does not view gender as having grey or mid-points.

Fight Against Breast Cancer

Healthy Living
Women’s Health

The second most dreaded disease after lung cancer, breast cancer is more common among North Americans than others. Though identified as women’s disease, it is not limited to women alone. Since breast tissues are similar in both genders, men can also develop breast cancer. However, the latter’s occurrence is rare.

Respiratory Diseases in Children

Healthy Living

More than 3 million Canadians suffer from serious respiratory diseases such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), lung cancer, influenza and pneumonia, bronchiolitis, tuberculosis (TB), cystic fibrosis, and respiratory distress syndrome (RDS).

Television and Children

Healthy Living

Parental guidance is required

The invasion of cable TV, DVD and Direct to Home (DTH) TV in our family lives, especially in the context of children, has spread more ills than the benefits they can offer.

Stiff neck – A Real Pain in the Neck

Healthy Living
Common Ailments

Looking at someone turning the whole body when only a slight turn of neck is needed can make you smile or laugh. But if you have ever experienced a stiff neck – you will sure feel the pain of that person and refrain from doing that.

Bye-Bye Bloating

Healthy Living
Healthy Habits

Just yesterday you were happily considering buying a new pair of jeans – one size smaller. And today, your tummy is ballooned so much that even your regular pair of jeans seems to be crimping your belly. Blame it on bloating.

Downside of Supplements

Healthy Living
Food and Nutrition

The habit of choosing supplements over a balanced diet is on the rise among the growing population of health nuts. The growing fascination for the supplements stems from the belief that in addition to warding off a deficiency, they also help stave off various illnesses.

Ten Best Energy Foods

Healthy Living
Food and Nutrition

Ever wondered why some people eat less but are more energetic? The secret may lie in the kind of foods they consume. Foods that are high in carbohydrates with a little potion of protein but have no or low fats are often termed as energy foods.

Essential Fatty Acids are Essential for Health

Healthy Living
Food and Nutrition

Essential fatty acids (EFA) are the fatty acids that are required to create and repair cell membranes in the human body. These essential fatty acids cannot be obtained synthetically and they have to be obtained only through diet.

Sharing Combs and Towels

Healthy Living
Healthy Habits

When you share a comb or a head towel – you might be sharing more than that. You might be sharing some germs, infections and lice. So, for sake of your crowning glory’s health do not ever share combs and towels.

Grow Grey Healthfully!

Healthy Living

Thanks to the advancements of medical science the life expectancy has increased many folds. The population of baby bloomers is bigger than ever and is growing. However, there is a flip side. It is burdening the medical system of Canada because living longer rarely means living healthier.

Presiding over Prostate Problems

Healthy Living
Men’s Health

Prostate problems are becoming more common than ever. However, increased awareness can help in managing or even preventing many prostate problems.

Is It Safe To Travel During Pregnancy

Healthy Living
Women’s Health

If you are pregnant and a trip comes up, it is normal to get worried about the effects and potential risks of travel on your unborn baby. The questions that generally crop up in the mind are:

How Healthy are Canadian Eating Habits?

Healthy Living
Food and Nutrition

Walk into an eatery or wheel into a drive thru – you will be welcomed by mouth-watering images of sweet and sugary donuts, cookies, French fries, chicken wings, hamburgers … great!

Stop the Unstoppable Hiccups

Healthy Living
Common Ailments

Without causing a pain in the real sense, non-stop hiccups can be a real pain. Medically speaking, a hiccup (some prefer to refer to it as hiccough) is an involuntary spasm of the diaphragm. It can go on for several minutes or longer. It is often triggered when diaphragm is irritated by any of the following causes:

Does Coffee Really Perk You Up?

Healthy Living - Food and Nutrition
Rizani Razeed

Are you one of those who just can’t start the day without their morning coffee? Do you love chocolate? Are you a pop junkie? You might be wondering what these three have in common. Well, it’s the caffeine content – a key ingredient in all of them.

Ill Effects of Tight Clothing

Healthy Living
Women’s Health

Last time you were getting dressed, planning for a big night out or shopping for some new clothes, I’m sure you spent a lot of time trying to find clothes that flatter your figure, complement your complexion or fit in with your sense of style. Chances are you didn’t spend much time worrying about the affect those clothes could have on your health.

Flushing you clean –A Guide to Detoxing

Healthy Living
Healthy Habits

Toxins in the body are the underlying cause of almost all illnesses, both minor and major. From fast foods to environmental pollution, there are many factors that lead to the accumulation of toxins in the body. Some of the main sources of toxins in the digestive system include pesticides, chemical additives, denatured processed food and undigested stored wastes from foods.

Focus on fight against diabetes

Circle of Wellness

There is a new epidemic facing people around the world. It’s not heart disease, cancer, or AIDS: it’s Diabetes. The rise of fast food, environmental pollution, and sedentary lifestyles, has contributed to the alarming growth of diabetes, both globally and in Canada. According to Health Canada, diabetes affects approximately 2 million Canadians, and more than 180 million people worldwide.

Just for the Girls

Healthy Living — Womens Health
Humera Sayeed

It was a fun-filled weekend full of style tips, contests and loads of goodies – and it was just for the girls! The Sixth Annual National Women’s show took place on November 2- 4, 2007 at the Metro Convention Centre, attracting more than 32000 people.

Resolve To Butt Out In The New Year

Healthy Living-Healthy Habits
Success Quitting Smoking Depends On Early Preparation

TORONTO, Dec. 20 /CNW/ - Smokers have many reasons for smoking, but the reasons for quitting outweigh them all, says Health Promotion Minister Margarett Best. "A New Year’s resolution is a great way for Ontarians to quit smoking, but it is important that they prepare themselves properly," said Best.

Oil Change in Calgary

Healthy Living —Food & Nutrition
Arlen Panchoo

Calgary started 2008 by making history as the first Canadian city to ban the use of trans fats in restaurants. On January 1, all margarines, spreads, and oils used for cooking in restaurants were limited to a maximum of two percent trans fats of the total fat content in foods.

The liver – Your body’s barometer for ill-health

Healthy Living
Common Ailments

Have you ever wondered if there was a gage within your body measuring health? Many people would assume the closest thing would be the heart or cardiovascular system. The liver, however, turns out to the true barometer of modern ill-health.

Learning to Understand Learning

Healthy Living
Alessandra Cerroni

Learning is an important part of our lives. However, education has historically catered mainly to children and young adults, because the brain was thought to be at its most malleable during the formative years.

Whole Grains vs. Whole Wheat - What is Best For You?

Healthy Living — Food & Nutrition
Kim Edmundson, R.N.C.P., R.h.A.

We hear it all the time, “Eat more whole grains”. But what does this really mean? Most people think that eating more whole grains means simply eating more whole wheat.

Ovarian Cancer

Healthy Living
Womens Health

Ovarian cancer is a form of gynecological cancer that affects the ovaries. It is the most severe of the gynecological cancers, made worse by the fact that there is no screening test for this type of cancer available in hospitals. Most doctors usually ignore the possibility of such a diagnosis even when the symptoms are there as the symptoms of ovarian cancer can be very confusing and subtle.

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