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Saturday, April 17, 2010

Bhadrasana (The Gracious Pose)


Bhadrasana (The Gracious Pose)This asana is simple and easy to perform. It is preventive as well as curative in nature. Not only it averts the chances of genital related problems, it also provides relief in for patients suffering with problems such as hernia.


• Sit in sukhasana.

• Stretch your legs stretched outwards and keep them together.

• Fold the legs slowly at knees and join both the soles with each other. With the soles of your feet facing each other, join the toes and the heels together.

• Hold your ankle in a fingerclasp and draw your feet towards the body.

• Keep your head and torso straight.

• With the help of your hands, push the heels in till they reach under the perineum.

• Place the heels firmly on the either sides of the perineum.

• Try to touch the floor with your knees. Ensure that there is a proper distribution of the weight of the flexed knees.


• Improves posture.

• Brings suppleness to the ankle, hip and knee joints.

• Tones up the adductor muscles running along the inner thighs.

• Strengthens the pelvis and groin muscles.

• Beneficial in urinary tract, bladder, prostrate and kidney related problems.

• Beneficial for the muscles and ligaments of the uro-genital region and promotes fresh blood supply to this region.

• Relieves tension in the sacral and coccygeal regions of the spine.

• Prevents prostrate enlargement, weakness of the perineal muscles.

• Relieves sciatica.

• Helps strengthen leg muscles.


Waist and neck should remian erect.

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