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Saturday, April 17, 2010

Earth Day: Build your Eco-Knowledge (Energy)

Courtesy of

Build your Eco-knowledge and share it with others. Use these fun and challenging questions as resources in your environmental activities and initiatives.

Earth Day was first celebrated in:

A) 1960

B) 1965

C) 1970

D) 1975

Answer: C - Earth Day is celebrated every year on April 22nd.


Which household appliance uses the most energy?

A) Refrigerator

B) Toaster

C) Dishwasher

D) Washing machine

Answer: A – Refrigerators use about 11% of a household’s total energy consumption.

Take Action: Buy Energy Star endorsed refrigerators, which will use less energy and save you money. Also, make sure your refrigerator is set to optimal energy use temperatures (between 2°C and 3°C).

What country has the greatest number of coal powered generators?

A) Canada

B) Russia

C) U.S.A.

D) China

Answer: D - China requires a great deal of energy to power their rapidly developing economy. Unfortunately burning coal causes pollution.

“Phantom carriers” is a term used for electronic devices that:

A) Move from room to room

B) Continue to consume electricity even when switched off

C) Are really expensive

D) Are energy efficient

Answer: B – “Phantom carriers” are products that draw power 24 hours a day. Appliances that have a clock or programming displays such as coffee makers, DVD players, computers, printers, and stereos are considered phantom load carriers. 75% of the electricity used to power home electronics is consumed while the products are turned off.

Take Action: Unplug electrical appliances and equipment when you leave the room or use a power bar that connects all of these units and then simply switch the bar off.

What percentage do heating costs rise by for every degree above 20°C that you set your household thermostat in the winter?

A) 2%

B) 4%

C) 5%

D) 7%

Answer: C

Take Action: Don’t overheat your home in the winter. Put on a sweater and dress accordingly in order to save money and to use less energy.

Your residential water heater uses _________ of your home’s energy and produces approximately two tones of carbon dioxide annually.

A) 5 percent

B) 10 percent

C) 15 percent

D) 20 percent

Answer: C

Take Action: Turn down the thermostat on your water heater to reduce energy consumption. Often the level is set unnecessarily high for regular use. If you go on holiday or away for a long period of time, you can turn off the heater since the water does not need to be constantly heated when no one is home to use it.

Recycling 1,000 kg of aluminum saves enough energy to heat a/an ____________ for 10 years.

A) Typical home

B) Elementary school

C) Corner store

D) Restaurant

Answer: A - Recycling 1,000 kg of aluminum saves the equivalent of 10,000 L of gasoline.

What household appliance uses the second most amount of energy (the first is the refrigerator)?

A) Hair dryer

B) Clothes Dryer

C) Microwave

D) Computer

Answer: B

Take Action: Whenever possible air-dry your laundry. You can use an outdoor clothes line or purchase a drying rack to use indoors. Air drying can save $85 in energy costs per year and help reduce your impact on the environment.

What is the most energy efficient cycle to wash and rinse your clothes on?

A) cold-cold

B) warm-warm

C) hot-cold

D) warm-cold

Answer: A

Take Action: Use cold water to wash your clothes. If every household in Canada did this, it would reduce approximately 1.5 billion kg of greenhouse gas emissions yearly.

The average Canadian home is illuminated by ___ light bulbs:

A) 31

B) 41

C) 51

D) 61

Answer: B

Take Action: Use compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) which use much less energy than incandescent bulbs; thus, saving you money.

Which energy source produces the greatest amount of atmospheric carbon dioxide?

A) Natural gas

B) Nuclear

C) Oil

D) Coal

Answer: D - Gases emitted from coal burning plants contribute to acid rain and global warming.

What type of sector uses the greatest amount of electricity?

A) Commercial and industrial

B) Restaurant and fast food

C) Residential

D) Institutional

Answer: A – The commercial sector uses almost 70% of all electricity produced.

Take Action: When at home or at work, make sure to turn off lights, computers and other energy consuming equipment when not in use.

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