Alternative Therapy
In an era Playstations and stressed parents transporting kids to extracurricular activities such as piano classes, swimming lessons etc., it’s no wonder that children—even kindergarteners—sometimes find life stressful. In response, an increasing number of schools are using private donations to teach the ancient practice of yoga to youngsters as a way to encourage relaxation while building self-esteem.
Above all, the instructors strive to help children learn to stay focused as they navigate daily tasks. Many teachers believe that the kids develop listening skills, focus, and the ability to go from an active state to a calm one whenever they want.
Young children naturally gravitate to poses that mimic the actions of butterflies, snakes, lions, and other creatures. Referring to a pose commonly called down dog, the kids aren’t concerned with competition or doing the perfect pose. They’re just being dogs. They get what yoga is supposed to be about.
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