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Monday, April 19, 2010

Maintaining your Ideal Weight

Weight Management
Maintaining your Ideal Weight
Weight Maintenance

Gaining and losing those extra pounds to reach your ideal weight was not a small feat. And now when you have done this, you can’t slack back and undo your achievement.

How to Maintain a Healthy Weight

Weight Management
How to Maintain a Healthy Weight
Weight Maintenance

There is nothing as frustrating as gaining weight after you worked so hard to lose it. It is a stab in the back, especially for those people who put so much time and effort to reach their goals but did not stick to a healthy lifestyle after attaining their desired weight.

Which Diet Pills Are Safe

Weight Management
Which Diet Pills Are Safe
By Denis Seguin

Almost all weight loss diet pills promise to burn fat, increase metabolism, and keep that excess weight off. What many people don’t know is that a lot of the products on the market are unsafe. When trying to find out which diet pills are safe, there are a few things to keep an eye out for. If you’re planning to use prescription drugs, take this into consideration.

25 Slow & Steady Tips for Healthy Weight Loss

Weight Loss
25 Slow & Steady Tips for Healthy Weight Loss
By Mary M. Alward

I know that you’ve heard it a million times, but in order to lose weight you have to burn more calories that you consume. No one promised it would be easy to lose weight – and it’s not.

Weighing in on Weight Loss

Weight Management
Weighing in on Weight Loss
Weight Loss

Dieters have long searched for secret paths to easy weight loss. Soon enough, anyone trying to lose weight will discover a mind-boggling variety of weight loss plans, even some that appear to contradict others.

Natural approach to Weight Loss

Weight Management
Natural approach to Weight Loss
Weight Loss

Starting on a new weight loss program or to follow any diet plan is nerve-racking for a beginner. We should all work towards making our health better. The right preparation and positive attitude can surely take us on the road to weight loss.

Weight Loss and Diabetes

Weight Management
Weight Loss and Diabetes
Weight Loss

Diabetes prevention; losing weight

Diabetes (type 2) is often triggered by rapid weight gain or obesity in the childhood years. Obesity is a big risk factor and approximately 90 percent of all sufferers of diabetes type 2 are overweight, or were overweight, when they started receiving treatment for diabetes.

Dieting – To do or not to do?

Weight Management
Dieting – To do or not to do?
Weight Loss

While dieting for weight gain is growing in both popularity and recognition, dieting is mostly favoured by people trying to lose weight. If you are healthy and physically fit, yet think that skipping a few meals or halving your meal size will do you a world of good, you may be mistaken.

Keep Those Calories Off While On A Holiday

Weight Management
Keep Those Calories Off While On A Holiday
Weight Loss

After slogging out day and night in the office, you have been able to save up enough for a nice short vacation. After returning from well-deserved, hard-earned holidays, the last thing you want to do is to hit the gym, because you have put on weight.

Wise Weight Loss

Weight Management — Weight Loss
Wise Weight Loss
Kim Edmundson, R.N.C.P., R.h.A.

As we celebrate the holidays, many of us will probably partake in a little too much good food, and decide in January that we need to lose weight.

Are Toxins Making You Fat?

Healthier Living for You

Warm weather is coming! Unfortunately, this also means leaving our cozy confines, stepping out from hibernation and removing the heavy sweaters that have camouflaged the excess weight we have been secretly accumulating over the winter months.

Aging and Vision Loss

Eye Care
Aging and Vision Loss
Dr. Dennis Ruskin

We expect more from our eyesight now than ever before. Whether at work or play, our sight is precious to our understanding and enjoyment of the fascinating world around us.

Let Your Eyes Sparkle This Winter

Health Guides
Let Your Eyes Sparkle This Winter
Eye Care

Your eyes may light up seeing preparations for the winter holiday season in Canada. But are you prepared for the care that your eyes need in the winter?

Computer Vision Syndrome

Health Guides
Computer Vision Syndrome
Eye Care

Your eyes are dry and stinging, and your head is pounding. Just another rough day at the office? Or could your computer screen be the culprit? Sore eyes and headaches are just two symptoms of Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS). CVS is a relatively common problem occurring in approximately 70-75 per cent of computer users.

Sunglasses – Not just for summer anymore

Health Guides
Sunglasses – not just for summer anymore
Eye Care

Your eyes need protection from the sun all year round – the same as the rest of your body. Just as in the summer, the two main risks are damage from the sun’s UV rays, and discomfort caused by glare. 

Vision Loss Etiquette 101

Health Guides
Vision Loss Etiquette 101
Eye Care

So you’ve just met someone with vision loss – perhaps at work, through a friend or out in the community. It’s only natural to feel unsure about how to behave and to want to avoid doing something inappropriate. Here are a few simple tips to help you be more comfortable and supportive around a person with vision loss. 

What to expect during an eye exam

Health Guides
What to expect during an eye exam
Eye Care

That big “E” on the wall of your family doctor’s office is looking blurry, and you’re off to your first-ever eye exam. Here’s a primer on what to expect when you get there. 


Health Guides
Eye care

Q. My mother has glaucoma. What are my chances of getting it? What can I do to prevent it?

Canadian researchers break ground unlocking mysteries of glaucoma in one of world’s largest studies of disease

Health Guides
Eye Care

CNIB-funded study produces “gold mine” of new data, bringing hope to 67 million affected by open-angle glaucoma.

MONTREAL, June 22 – The world community of glaucoma researchers and 67 million people with this devastating eye disease worldwide can expect to benefit from a groundbreaking CNIB-funded study released today. More than 15 years in the making, the Canadian Glaucoma Study positively identified, for the first time, several risk factors predicting the progression of this little understood disease.

New method to detect high-risk glaucoma patients

Health Guides
New method to detect high-risk glaucoma patients
Eye Care

A scientific method of identifying glaucoma patients at high risk for rapid deterioration and blindness has been developed by a researcher at Montreal’s Maisonneuve-Rosemont Hospital.

Dental Route to Disease Depiction

Health Guides
Dental Route to Disease Depiction
Dental Care

Your smile can reveal more than your teeth. Researches show that 90% of systemic health problems show dental symptoms. Diseases such as diabetes, HIV, heart problem, liver disease and even some pregnancy risks can be detected through oral symptoms.

Natural Treatments For Dandruff

Solution Center
Natural Treatments For Dandruff
Hair Guide

Dandruff, known to science as seborrheic dermatitis, is one of the most common conditions of the hair and scalp. In a classic case of dandruff, there is inflammation of the top layers of the skin, which causes scales on the scalp and other parts of the body.

Watch Your Mouth: Poor Oral Health Can Kill You

Dental Guide
Watch Your Mouth: Poor Oral Health Can Kill You

Lots of Canadians neglect their teeth. Big mistake. Aside from the cosmetic and aesthetic positives of having attractive teeth, poor dental hygiene leads to more than gum diseases like gingivitis. Poor dental hygiene also increases the severity of other diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and stroke.

The one Dimensional Approach

Health Guides
The one Dimensional Approach
Skin Care

Dry? Oily? Combination? Sensitive? We have all heard the usual words to describe skin types. But what do they actually mean?

Dealing with Heel Pain

Health Guides
Dealing with Heel Pain
Foot Care

With every step, we pound our feet more and more. Put too much stress and you end up with sore heels, an ordinary problem which usually recovers on its own. When we walk, the heel bone or calcaneus, the largest bone in the foot is the first to hit the ground.

The Right Fit

Health Guides
The Right Fit
Foot Care

An interesting fact about our feet is that they are of slightly different size and shape. And so, when we go out to buy shoes, we have to get the fit for the bigger foot.

Foot care and Pregnancy

Health Guides
Foot care and Pregnancy
Foot Care

You have just found out that your bundle of joy is on its way and life turns over a whole new leaf for the mother-to-be. The body changes in structure, undergoes a lot of hormonal variations and gains a lot of weight.

Keep Those Aging Feet Agile

Health Guides
Keep Those Aging Feet Agile
Foot Care

For many, the feet are mere body appendages that carry them from one place to another. But, it is the feet that contribute significantly to your sense of well-being and independence. And as you age, these need just as much more care as the rest of your body.

Little Footprints

Health Guides
Little Footprints
Foot Care

Foot care is important at all stages in life, but the first few years are the most crucial to your children’s development of healthy feet. After all, these little twinkle toes are going to carry them places for the rest of their life.

Put your Best Foot Forward

Health Guides
Put your Best Foot Forward
Foot Care

The outing was great, you couldn’t expect it to be better! And now you feel like putting your feet up and relaxing! Your feet are aching so badly that you see a new relevance of ‘putting your feet up’ to relax.

Head Oil Massage

Health Guides
Head Oil Massage
Hair Care

Scalp massage for Healthy Hair

To save your skin from harmful UV rays you use SPF, but what about your hair? Your hair bears the brunt of the hot sun, but it is often unprotected. The sun is not the only culprit - unavoidable tensions at work, dust, dirt and stress all take their toll on your tresses.

Exercises for healthy hair

Health Guides
Exercises for healthy hair
Hair Care

Did you know that long hours in front of a computer or TV, bad posture, and lack of physical activity can make your hair brittle and lustreless?

Greying Before Time

Health Guides
Greying Before Time
Hair Care

Greying hair used to be a phenomenon linked with aging and often used to set in after 50 years. But now its early onset is becoming very commonplace.

Treating Dry Hair

Solution Center
Treating Dry Hair
Hair Guide

We all know how damaging the winter months can be to our hair. Many of us even face the same problems - dry, frizzy, flyaway hair - in the summer. Lack of humidity, cold, blustery winds, indoor heating, hats, and long hot showers can all contribute to the problem.

Natural Treatments for Dandruff

Solution Center
Natural Treatments for Dandruff
Hair Guide

Dandruff, known to science as seborrhea dermatitis, is one of the most common conditions of the hair and scalp. In a classic case of dandruff, there is inflammation of the top layers of the skin, which causes scales on the scalp and other parts of the body. This mild inflammation of the scalp is caused by the reaction of the body to both the pityrosporum yeast and to products that break down oils.

Sunburn: Causes, Care, Cures and Cautions

Health Guides
Sunburn: Causes, Care, Cures and Cautions
Skin Care

Days are getting hotter and mercury is rising. While some would be heading for shade whenever possible, others may head for the sun to get a tan. If you are the later type, stop. Don’t expose yourself to the danger of UV rays.

Move It or Lose It

Move It or Lose It
Skin Care

Talk about exercise and the idea conjures up images of losing weight, building muscle, and trimming thighs. But do you know that regular workouts can work wonders for your skin? Exercise plays a big role in how young and healthy your skin looks and feels.

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate
Skin Care

Drinking water moisturizes your skin from the inside out. Water is essential to maintaining elasticity and suppleness, and it helps prevent dryness. Avoid alcohol as it dries out your skin, giving you premature lines and wrinkles.

Smoking and Your Skin

Smoking and Your Skin
Skin Care

It may be hard, but the best thing you can do to have a beautiful, glowing complexion - Stop smoking. After you quit smoking, you will see one of the real benefits – a more beautiful, smoother and more radiant skin.

Eating Healthy for Great Skin

Eating Healthy for Great Skin
Skin Care

Vitamins and minerals play an important role in maintaining health of your skin. Following chart will help you ensure that you are including these vitamins and minerals in your daily diet.

Head for the Shade

Health Guides
Head for the Shade
Proactive Skin Care

Soaking up the sun’s rays used to be healthy when global warming had not depleted environment of its ozone layer leaving us vulnerable to sun’s ultraviolet rays.

Tips for Darker Skin Types

Skin Guide
Tips for Darker Skin Types

Darker skin is melanin rich and is definitely less prone to skin diseases and ailments. But it’s important to preserve the smooth, rich tone of your skin. You can look after your skin with simple and safe skin care routine.

Photo facial Rejuvenation

Skin Guide
Photo facial Rejuvenation

We all want clear skin, but nature has a way of sabotaging us with frustrating imperfections. The good news is that you can rejuvenate your skin with photofacial technology.

Ayurvedic Skin Care

Skin Guide

Vata skin

Recommendations for care: Since your skin does not contain much moisture, preventing it from drying is the major consideration. You can do so by following these easy tips: 

Botox and Wrinkles

Are you unhappy about your wrinkles letting out your age secret or is it your flat cheek bones which make you miserable? Whatever it may be you can resolve these and similar problems.

Herbal Skin Care

Skin Guide
Herbal Skin Care

Today, when more and more people are rediscovering the art of healing with herbs, herbal skin care is more popular than ever. This is found to be specially useful in the following skin conditions:

Holistic Skin Care

Skin Guide
Holistic Skin Care

Holistic skin care proposes that instead of putting stuff inside of our pores and sticking things on our face, we instead expel things from the inside out. In simpler words, have a positive outlook.

Asian Skin Types

Skin Guide
Asian Skin Types

Asian skin is generally smooth and has yellow undertones. This skin type is more prone to irritation and acne problem. It has a greater need for daily upkeep to minimize the appearance of pores, and even out skin tone and texture. 

Hispanic Skin Types

Skin Guide
Hispanic Skin Types

Hispanic skin care, like the skin care for any other race-based skin type varies from person to person. So, looking after your skin will depend on your individual skin type. However, there are some useful generalities when it comes to taking care of the brown skin. Here is a daily regime to suit this skin type: 

Caution, Care for Cavities in Children

Health Guides
Caution, Care for Cavities in Children
Dental Care

Children’s refreshing smile can warm up the hearts of even complete strangers. But sometimes it is not so. Unfortunately, dental health trends among young children are both worsening and worrisome.

The Dreaded Dry Nose

Health Guides
Skin Care

Winter is a magical time of year: picturesque, snow covered vistas; romantic strolls through the brisk air; children building snowmen; holiday cheer. Unfortunately, it is often impossible to enjoy all that winter has to offer.

Weightlifting linked to eye risk

Health Guides
Weightlifting linked to eye risk
Eye Care

Now that the holiday feasting is over, many people step up their exercise regimes to burn off those extra pounds. But new research shows that you may want to take extra precautions before hitting the weight machines.

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