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Monday, April 19, 2010

Botox and Wrinkles

Are you unhappy about your wrinkles letting out your age secret or is it your flat cheek bones which make you miserable? Whatever it may be you can resolve these and similar problems.

As we age, there is a natural loss of the water content in the skin. This, combined with the loss of collagen, result in the signs of aging.

If you want to have a skin free of noticeable wrinkles and folds, enhanced contours or full sensuous lips, and a fresh appearance! Injectable fillers can offer you all this and more! To know more, read on.

Board on BOTOX bandwagon

BOTOX Cosmetic has established itself as an excellent semi-permanent treatment for frown lines, crow’s feet, thick bands in the neck, and all facial wrinkles. And its popularity is growing. It creates no downtime and is nearly painless. According to the statistics compiled by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, last year (2006) alone over 3.8 million North Americans benefited from the impact that BOTOX Cosmetic can have on the appearance of the forehead, face, and neck.

BOTOX Cosmetic is made from the purified form of a toxin, which blocks the nerve impulses to the facial muscles that cause wrinkles. During the treatment, muscles that contract to cause your wrinkles are targeted. Each muscle receives about three injections, and the entire treatment lasts for about 10 to 30 minutes.

The results of BOTOX ™ treatments last up to four months at which time another injection is required. After several treatments, the effects of BOTOX™ may begin to last longer.

There is minimal discomfort with this injection. Most patients compare this sensation to a bug bite. No sedation or local anaesthetic is required, and normal activities may be resumed immediately.

When performed by an experienced facial plastic surgeon BOTOX Cosmetic is an effective and simple treatment for wrinkles.

The Botox Procedure The selection of injection points is critical to the success of the procedure. The doctor may select numerous injection points for each location to be treated. These points may not be located on the wrinkle itself, but at the area where the muscle contracts. The doctor will then determine the amount of Botox to be used for the procedure.

The Botox filler is then injected into the marked points beneath the skin. The toxins in Botox fasten to the muscles’ nerve endings, which inhibits the release of the chemical acetylcholine. This will stop the muscle contractions that wrinkle the skin.

Side Effects and Safety As with any medication, there are potential side effects of Botox™. These side effects may vary according to injection site, dose, frequency of injections, and the amount of physician expertise. Most side effects are temporary and occur within a few days after the treatment.

The most common side effects of injections are around the eyes and include pain, tenderness, or bruising at the injection site, eyelid drooping (ptosis), dry eyes, and double vision (diplopia) and facial droop.

These side effects usually resolve within days, or in rare cases, months after the procedure. Patients are advised to stay out of the sun. Unmanageable pain or any symptoms that are progressive or abnormal should be reported to your doctor immediately.

Rely on Restylane

This product represents a breakthrough in non-surgical facial contouring treatments, and is convenient, predictable and cost-effective. As we age, soft tissue in the face loses volume, resulting in a thinning of the skin and a loss of firmness, plumpness and elasticity. This leads to sagging, sinking and a general flattening of facial features. The loss of volume can result in forehead lines becoming more prominent, drooping of the eyebrows, lips becoming thinner and wrinkles becoming more visible.

Restylane is an effective method to restore this lost volume, reduce sagging and hollowness, and to help you look fresher and more youthful. The Restylane® gel is composed of hyaluronic acid, a natural substance already present in the human body.

Restylane treatments can be carried out without the need for allergy testing. This safe, biocompatible gel produces immediate aesthetic results with minimal recovery time, and the effects of treatments generally last about six months.

Restylane is tailored for the cheeks and chin, because it works by adding volume to shape facial contours. Patients with flat cheekbones can benefit from Restylane® SubQ™ treatments, as it can create the appearance of more defined cheekbones without surgery.

Restylane is also an excellent tool for augmentation or rejuvenation of the chin profile in sagging or recession of the chin. It is an excellent option for seeking a non-surgical method of chin augmentation.

Side Effects and Safety Allergies are less common with Restylane® but can still occur in rare cases. The most common side effect is bruising, which is seen in roughly 20% of all patients. People also experience more pain with Restylane® injections than they would with collagen injections because collagen has an anaesthetic.

Some patients may also experience swelling, pain, redness, itching, discoloration and tenderness at the point of injection. These effects usually subside within a day or two. Most side effects experienced by Restylane patients are classified as mild. However, roughly one in 2,000 patients suffers more severe reactions, such as extreme tenderness, long-lasting redness and acne-like skin formations. These side effects can last for only a few days after injection up to as long as four weeks after treatment.

Art of Artecoll Artecoll is semi-permanent cosmetic filler that produces results that typically last about 10 years. It is composed of polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) microspheres suspended in collagen. PMMA has been used in medical procedures for years. When Artecoll is first injected; the body absorbs the collagen in one to three months, leaving the PMMA microspheres. These microspheres stimulate the body to lay down connective tissue, which eventually encapsulates the microspheres. This lasting result appears within two to four months of treatment.

Side Effects and Safety Some of the potential side effects, like an acute allergic reaction or anaphylactic shock, may be discovered with an allergy test administered by your doctor prior to scheduling the procedure. Others, like hypertrophic scarring, redness, swelling, skin atrophy, and the presence of small superficial nodules are risks that arise later. Some of these may resolve by themselves with time, but others can mar the result.

Depend on Dermalive

Dermalive is made of flexible particles of acrylic hydrogel suspended in hyaluronic acid. Acrylic hydrogel has been used in intraocular implants for years and is safe for the body.

Dermalive provides long-term solution for wrinkles and other flaws in the skin, including thin lips. It can treat deep wrinkles, deep creases around the mouth or nose, frown lines, and depressed scars, including acne scars. It can even be used to augment the cheeks, chin, or lips. Dermalive stimulates the body to create collagen. Optimal results are usually gained after two or three treatments, with results lasting several years.

Side Effects and Safety Dermalive is not recommended for filling superficial wrinkles or for being used on patients with thin skin. A little redness and oedema, with or without pain, may develop after the injection, usually disappearing spontaneously within a few hours or days. Occasionally, a localised inflammatory reaction may occur several months after the injection.

Rejuvenate with Juvederm

Juvederm uses hyaluronic acid to correct wrinkles, advance the lips, correct deep folds, and even shape facial contours such as the chin and cheeks.

Side Effects and Safety Redness, edema and erythema which may be associated with stinging or pain on pressure may occur after the injection. These reactions may last for a week. Swellings or nodules may develop at the injection site. Very rare cases of discolouration (reversible) of the injection area have been reported.

Talk to your doctor to fully understand the risks, complications, and remedies.

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