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Friday, April 9, 2010


Acupuncture and Skin

Acupuncture is an old therapeutic method that includes both needle and non-needle acupuncture.

Acupuncture and moxibustion

Acupuncture and moxibustion are two therapies that are commonly applied in combination. They have the same therapeutic theory and use the same stimulating points, though the equipment and materials used in the two methods are different. Acupuncture uses needles whereas moxibustion therapy uses heat produced by ignited moxa wool to stimulate certain points of body.

Acupuncture therapy

From a Western medical standpoint, there are over 2000 conditions that acupuncture can treat. The effects of acupuncture have been clinically shown to increase oxygen and blood flow, in order to speed up healing. Also, the hormonal system can be directly stimulated, which can aid in the repair of your body’s cells.

Acupuncture effectively treats acute urticaria, acne, herpes zoster, psoriasis and atopic dermatitis, as well as rosacea, pruritus, systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma and eczema.

There have been several reports in the medical literature that auricular (acupuncture applied to the ear) and electroacupuncture therapies reduce the symptoms of acne.

Non-surgical facelift

Acupuncture can reduce wrinkling and sagging of skin of the face. According to Chinese medicine, wrinkles and sagging can be a result of weak Qi, or low energy which could be a result of overwork, stress, fatigue, and poor digestion. The meridians of energy that flow towards the face that normally provide a lifting influence become deficient in energy.

By needling certain acupoints on the body, positive energy is stimulated and transmitted throughout the meridian pathways of those points that pass along the face (especially by the eyes and lips) together with oxygen, blood and nutrients, and therefore reducing wrinkles.

By using electro-acupuncture, facial muscle tissues are also stimulated to interlock among themselves and tighten the loosened muscle to achieve face lifting. Acupuncture also stimulates the body metabolism to achieve a healthier and younger looking skins and face.

Modern vs traditional acupuncture Traditional Asian acupuncture is based on correcting imbalances of Qi (the life force), blood fluids, yin and yang. By contrast, modern medical acupuncture is based on the knowledge of neurophysiology and stimulation of different points on the body to alter neuro-endocrine, autonomic and immune function. Modern medical acupuncture sometimes uses electrical currents to stimulate acupuncture points.

Tread with care There is low risk of infection when sterile disposable needles are used. Some patients may have a vasovagal episode during their first few treatments. Acupuncture is not an ideal option for patients who are on anticoagulants, because of the risk of developing hematomas. Serious complications, though extremely rare, include pneumothorax, organ injury and nerve injury.

Caution: If you opt for acupuncture to treat any skin condition, consult a qualified acupuncturist.


Skin Guide
Know Your Ayurvedic Skin Types

According to the five element theory of Ayurveda, there are three main types of skin. This categorisation is based on the predominance of the three Doshas - Vata, Pitta and Kapha.

Often, people have different skin-type in different phases of there life. You may be born with a certain skin-type, but that type may change with factors such as climate, diet, lifestyle and your environmental conditions.

Each skin type is susceptible to a different set of problems. Here is how to know your skin type, identify the problems and their causes, and find their solutions:

Vata Skin

This skin type has dominance of air and space elements. Vata skin type is dry, thin, fine pored, delicate and cool to the touch. When balanced, it glows with a delicate lightness and refinement that is elegant and attractive. When imbalanced, it is prone to excessive dryness and can even be rough and flaky.

Potential problems: The greatest beauty challenge for this skin type is its tendency to show symptoms of early aging. Being dry and thin, Vata skin tends to develop wrinkles earlier than other types. Bad digestion can make this type of skin look dull and greyish, even in 20’s and 30’s. Also, it is more susceptible to disorders such as dry eczema and skin fungus. Mental stress such as worry, fear and lack of sleep, has a powerful debilitating effect on Vata skin and can make it look tired and lifeless.

Pitta Skin

This skin type has dominance of fire and water elements. Pitta skin type is fair, soft, warm and of medium thickness. When balanced, it looks beautiful, slightly rosy or golden glow, as if illuminated from within. The complexion can be pinkish or reddish, and often there is a copious amount of freckles or moles.

Potential problems: Among the many beauty challenges of Pitta skin type is its tendency to develop rashes, rosacea, acne, liver spots or pigment disorders. Because of the large proportion of the fire element, this skin type does not tolerate heat or sun very well. Of all the three skin types, Pitta skin has the least tolerance for the sun, is photosensitive, and most likely to accumulate sun damage over the years. It is aggravated by emotional stress, especially suppressed anger, frustration, or resentment.

Kapha Skin

This skin type has dominance of earth and water elements. Kapha skin type is thick, oily, soft and cool to the touch. It has a glowing porcelain whitish colour complexion like the moon. Kapha skin type, with its more generous collagen and connective tissue, is fortunate to develop wrinkles much later in life than the other two types.

Potential problems: If imbalanced, it can have enlarged pores, excessively oily skin, moist types of eczema, blackheads, acne or pimples, and water retention. Kapha skin is also more prone to fungal infections.


Ion Detox: Spa Your Way Healthy
Mark Sterling, Healthier Living 4 You

We are facing a global epidemic. On a daily basis, the food we eat, the air we breathe and the stress we endure allbombard our bodies to millions of harmful toxins, much to the detriment of our health and overall well-being. The accumulation of toxins in the body has been associated with decreased immune function, lower energy levels and the acceleration of the aging process.

Detoxification through ion technology, especially when administered in the form of footbaths, is one of the most effective ways of eliminating dangerous toxins from our bodies. By cleansing the body of these chemicals, detoxification helps to restore energy and vitality.

The best part is that this treatment feels more like a visit to a luxury spa than an actual medical treatment.

What is an ion?

An ion is a charged atom that has gained or lost an electron, creating a magnetic field capable of attaching to and neutralizing opposite-charged particles.

How it works….

While enjoying a soothing footbath, a device called an array is inserted into the water alongside your feet. The array is connected to a power supply that delivers a low-level, direct current into the water. The current separates the water molecules into oxygen and hydrogen, thereby generating positive and negative ions.

When it is set to positive, the current is directed to the positive pole, producing more negative ions in the water. Conversely, when the array is set to negative, the current is directed to the negative pole, which results in the production of more positive ions in the water.

The ions generated by the footbath travel through the body, attaching to and neutralizing oppositely charged particles. This creates an imbalance of charge between the body and the water. Through osmosis, the neutralized particles are drawn out through the sweat glands in your feet as they soak in the water. As a result, the footbath water will likely change colour, possibly even displaying a variety of colours, as well as flakes and speckles during a detoxification session. This is caused by a reaction between toxins from the body and particles in the water, and the acidity or alkalinity of the person undergoing the detoxification.

This detoxification procedure is non-intrusive and does not detract from the relaxing experience of a footbath.

Who might benefit from a detoxification?

Toxin build-up can detract from our body’s ability to function properly. By ridding our bodies of these toxins, we allow ourselves to heal.

Specifically, people suffering from the following conditions can benefit significantly from detoxification.

• Obesity

• Low energy

• Mood swings

• Irregular bowel movements or Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

• Digestion problems (indigestion, heart-burn, belch and bloating etc.)

• Gallbladder problems (pain or stones)

• Chronic pain or arthritis

• Fibromyalgia

• High cholesterol

• High blood pressure

• Diabetes

• Depression or anxiety

• Allergies or sensitivities (food and environmental)

• Skin problems (eczema, psoriasis, rashes)

• Gingivitis

• Bad breath

• Cancer

What can I expect from doing a detoxification?

Healthy individuals can expect to feel lighter and experience a greater sense of well-being from each session. In addition, people often report experiencing:

• Weight loss

• Stabilization of moods

• Increased energy

• Improved bowel movements

• Improved digestion (especially of fats)

• Improved liver function, specifically relating to the metabolism of nutrients

• Clearer mind

• Decreased cravings

Note: Detoxification is only one step in attaining and maintaining good health and is not meant as a replacement for a well-balanced diet and regular exercise.

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