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Monday, April 19, 2010

Ayurvedic Skin Care

Skin Guide

Vata skin

Recommendations for care: Since your skin does not contain much moisture, preventing it from drying is the major consideration. You can do so by following these easy tips: 

Diet • Olive oil rich diet is particularly good for this skin type.

You can switch to olive oil as your cooking oil.

• Cook with fennel; fennel is the best spice for this type of skin.

• Favor sour, salty and sweet tastes (natural fruits, not refined sugar) as they balance Vata.

• Soaked and blanched almonds and soaked walnuts provide nourishment as well as lipid support.

• Avoid drying foods like crackers.

• Eat lots of tender asparagus and zucchini.

• Drink 6-8 glasses of warm water throughout the day.

Protection • Draw a light scarf across the lower part of your face and pull a cap down over your forehead when you go out on cold windy days.

• Stay away from skin care products containing harsh chemicals and artificial preservatives Avoid cleansing products that dry the skin (like alcohol-based cleansers).

Lifestyle • You generally tend to be susceptible to the effects of mental stress. Avoid getting stress and learn stress management.

• Take short breaks when performing tasks that require extended periods of intense mental focus as it can take its toll on your skin too.

• Going to bed early will have a tremendously positive influence on your skin.

• Laughter is powerful medicine for your skin and for your overall well-being as well.

• Daily full-body massage with Ayurvedic massage oils can help relax and revitalize your body and mind.

Pitta Skin

Recommendations for care: The Pitta skin type needs both cooling and nurturing. Of all the three skin types, Pitta skin has the least tolerance for the sun, is photosensitive, and most likely to accumulate sun damage over the years.

Diet • Avoid hot and spicy foods. Opt for bitter and sweet foods as they balance Pitta.

• Eat lots of sweet juicy fruits like melons, pears and ripe mangoes.

• Summer squashes, leafy greens (except spinach) and cabbage are recommended vegetables.

• Include coconut in your diet— coconut juice makes a refreshing beverage.

• You tend to have almost zero tolerance to hot foods such as long hot red peppers and cayenne pepper.

• Drinking plenty of water helps wash impurities from sensitive Pitta skin.

Protection • Avoid excessive sunlight, tanning treatments and heating therapies like facial or whole body steams.

• Try to stay indoors or in the shade during the hottest parts of the day.

• Sponge face and body daily with a blend of rose water and milk.

Lifestyle • Avoid situations that give rise to anger, jealousy or emotional stress, as negative emotions can adversely impact the health and appearance of this skin type.

• Be sure to get your emotional stress under control through plenty of outdoor activity, exercise, yoga and meditation.

• Try rose aroma to pacify Pitta emotions

Kapha Skin

Recommendations for care: The Kapha skin is thick and oily, and is more prone to accumulating toxins under the skin. People with Kapha skin need internal and external detoxification on a regular basis.

Diet • Avoid heavy, hard to digest and fried foods like fatty meats, cheeses and rich desserts.

• Favour leafy greens such as kale, spinach. Cabbage and brussel sprouts are also good for this skin type.

• Drink lots of warm water throughout the day to aid internal purification.

• Sweet juicy fruits are beneficial for the skin, specially citrus fruits.

• Olive oil is the best cooking oil for you and a little ginger and lime juice can be taken before meals to increase your characteristically sluggish digestive fire.

Protection • Take warm baths and use gentle cleansers to open the skin pores.

• For whole body massage, try a dry massage prior to bathing. Dry massage will open the skin’s pores for circulation and accelerate removal of toxins.

• Herbal steam treatments can be done everyday at home to cleanse and purify the skin.

Lifestyle • Try to get some exercise every day to increase circulation and help purify the skin through the sweating process.

• Practice deep breathing so that your body and your skin receive proper oxygenation.

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