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Monday, April 19, 2010

Put your Best Foot Forward

Health Guides
Put your Best Foot Forward
Foot Care

The outing was great, you couldn’t expect it to be better! And now you feel like putting your feet up and relaxing! Your feet are aching so badly that you see a new relevance of ‘putting your feet up’ to relax.

Plight of our feet

Sounds familiar? Well, we all tend to forget that our feet endure the entire weight of our bodies. Even when we are not walking or standing, our feet are at work. Don’t think so? Try sitting on your work desk without the support of your feet…and what happens when you are driving…or playing…. Yes, it’s true! That’s the plight of our feet. We don’t even realise when we put our feet to work.

Most neglected parts of our body

If not most, our feet are undoubtedly one of the most neglected parts of our body. Unfortunately for most of us, foot care still remains at the bottom rung of our priority while caring for ourselves.

Importance of foot care

However much it may sound like indulgence, foot care is essential – not just for the beauty and aesthetic purpose but also for various health reasons. According to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons foot care is essential for everyone specially those over 50 years of age.

Some Common Foot Problems:

Improper Shoes Ill-fitting footwear, shoes without sufficient cushioning or very high heels can cause blisters, stress on the joints, spine and back injury, ankle sprains, short Achilles tendons and gait problems to name a few.

Cleanliness and hygiene If proper care is not taken, feet can develop fungal infection, corns and calluses, in-grown toenails etc.

Health related problems Diseases such as diabetes, arthritis and gout take toll on feet which may result in peeling of skin, blisters etc. Polio can put extra or improper pressure on one or both legs causing strain on feet. In such cases special care is required.

In extreme cases of diabetes, nerves in the feet could be so damaged that the person might not even sense any injury to the feet. Statistics show that out of an estimated 2 million diabetics in Canada about 4 to 10 percent will develop foot ulcer.

Profession Certain professions that put extra pressure on feet such as dancing, playing football increase the risk of feet injury and therefore call for more attention to feet care.

Other causes include:

• Inadequate stretching before exercise

• Being over weight

• Allergies

• Lengthy periods of strenuous physical activity

• Improper gait or posture

• Tendency to sweat more in soles

Regular Foot Care

Proper fitting shoes – You may select a pair of shoes for its look and style but don’t buy it unless it fits you properly and is comfortable to walk in.

Avoid high heels – As far as possible wear 1 to 2 inch high heels. If you choose to wear heels higher than this – choose box heels over pencil heels, and walk / dance extra carefully.

In-soles – Extra cushioning reduces the strain on feet. Use in-soles for extra comfort, not to fix a wrong size.

Proper hygiene – Proper hygiene for feet is essential for our overall health. In addition to cleaning your feet properly while bathing, one should wash the feet after coming back from outside (even if you wear closed shoes with socks), from garden or lawn etc, use clean socks and wipe the feet dry before putting on socks or shoes.

Pedicures – Are essential for foot care, because regular pedicures prevent and cure problems such as stress on your feet and ingrown toenails.

Feet – the magic wand for your overall health

Ever felt your tension melting away while getting a pedicure done at a good salon? It is because of the pressure applied on a point between the first and second toes on the top portion – the point that is linked to brain. When the right pressure is applied on this point, it relaxes brain and induces calmness and sleep. It is often used by acupressure therapists to help people with insomnia, stress and anxiety.

Similarly, there are other pressure points on the feet soles. Each of these points is linked to some or the other parts of the body. For example, the pressure point for your eyes is located at the base of the second and third toes of your feet; the pressure point for the kidneys, lies just at the beginning where the hollow of the foot starts; the Sinus point lies at the tip of your big toes on both the feet.

How almost all our body’s vital organs are directly connected to specific pressure points on the soles of our feet is simply amazing! So, massage or press your soles for better health. Even if you are not a pro, it can’t harm you. However, if you want to just relax and have someone else treat your feet, book an appointment at a foot massage parlour or with an acupressure specialist.

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