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Monday, April 19, 2010

Are Toxins Making You Fat?

Healthier Living for You

Warm weather is coming! Unfortunately, this also means leaving our cozy confines, stepping out from hibernation and removing the heavy sweaters that have camouflaged the excess weight we have been secretly accumulating over the winter months.

For some of us, it’s a time of year we dread: unpacking our spring and summer clothes with the realization that our swimsuits just don’t fit the same way it did last year. Our bodies have transformed over the winter season.

Some take the easy way out: buying a new swimsuit that fits this year’s body. Still, many of us have high ambitions to diet and work out to shed the excess weight. Unfortunately, overhauling one’s lifestyle can be a slow and thankless process.

One of the healthiest and most effective ways to facilitate weight loss is by undergoing a liver detoxification.

The body holds toxins in the fatty tissues and will often keep fat in place to dilute high levels of toxicity in the body. More than that, the body will resist burning this fat to prevent these same toxins being released into the blood and overloading your system. A vicious synergism! Ensuring a health liver and a detoxified system is the only way to break free of this cycle.

The liver cleanses 90 per cent of impurities in our blood, including toxic chemicals, bacteria, viruses, alcohol, caffeine, toxic byproducts of metabolism, pharmaceutical medications and excess hormones. A healthy liver also ensures proper bile acid production, which has many benefits for our health, including better digestion and bowel movement, as well as removing gall bladder stones and bile-sludge.

The liver is responsible for the conversion of all of the carbohydrates, protein and fat that we ingest, thereby determining one’s overall nutritional balance and weight. It is also responsible for 80 per cent of the cholesterol production in our bodies. A healthier liver is not only responsible for a strong immune system; it is indeed the answer to many health problems.

When commencing a liver detoxification program, it is important to note that weight loss may not happen immediately. The rate of weight loss will depend upon the initial toxicity of your body because you much undergo the detoxification process before weight loss will occur.

It has been observed by many that on average it takes 2 to 6 weeks to notice weight loss. However, there are cases in which people have lost weight within the first week. During the preliminary phases of detoxification, people may even notice their weight rise slightly, but this is only a side effect of the detoxification process resulting from a temporary increase in water retention. This weight will disappear once the body becomes less toxic.

As soon as you notice the first signs of weight loss, you will start to lose fat mass efficiently.

Some even claim that liver detoxification, when used in concert with the proper supplements and exercise, can help reduce cellulite.

Who might benefit from a clean liver?

People suffering from… • Obesity (overweight)

• Low energy

• Mood swings

• Irregular bowel movements or Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

• Digestion problems (indigestion, heart-burn, belching, bloating, etc.)

• Gallbladder problems (pain or stones)

• Chronic pain or arthritis

• Fibromyalgia

• High cholesterol

• High blood pressure

• Diabetes

• Depression or anxiety

• Allergy/sensitivities (food and environmental)

• Skin problems (eczema, psoriasis, rashes)

• Gingivitis

• Bad breath

• Cancer

What should I avoid eating to help clean my liver?

People who are serious about clearing their liver to achieve weight loss should avoid or lower their intake of caffeine, spices, red meat, sugar, alcohol, processed food and/or any foods to which they may be sensitive.

Note: Cleaning the liver is only part of the solution when you are looking to shed excess weight.

Changing your daily routine to include a well-balanced diet and regular exercise are two important adjustments that will ensure your success in achieving a healthy lifestyle.

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