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Saturday, April 17, 2010

Physical Touch Matters

Circle of Wellness

As human beings, we thrive on touch. The abundance or absence of touch we receive in our childhood shapes up our emotional balance, physiological well-being, and our capacity to lead a normal and healthy life when we grow up. 

Where do Canadians stand?

A recent study in Canada shows that only 50% of Canadians are able to derive the psychological and social benefits from touch that are essential to their overall health and well-being. The main reason the other 50% of Canadians lack these benefits is the lack of touch in their childhood and adult lives. Sadly, for years the custom of touching and holding infants was fast disappearing from Canadian society in the name of progress. But thanks to public awareness due to the work done by organizations such as Canadian Touch Research Institute, the art of touching and holding infants is returning to Canadian society.


Many parents think that touching a baby will only provide temporary benefits, such as soothing or reassuring the child. But research has proven that touching and holding your baby can have far reaching benefits, including the development of the vestibular nervous system.

A love filled touch therapy given to the child by its parents is considered second only to breastfeeding in its positive effects. Touch not only benefits the child, it also benefits the parents by making them aware of the baby’s signals and cues, enabling better understanding of the baby. Touching and holding the baby for a long time develops a special bond between parent and the child. For a better physical and psychological future of your child, start holding him or her more often. Remember, there is no upper limit here!

Types of touch
A safe and gentle touch is often the best form of communication between parent and child. Although most of us habitually hold, hug, and kiss our children, many of us do not know that there are other varieties of touch. Knowing about the different types of touch can help parents tremendously, as they can communicate with their child through the right kind of touch.

Engaging Touch
Engaging touch is the basis of the relationship between a child and an adult. These kinds of touch, which include hugging, kissing and holding, strengthen the bond between the parent and child. It’s important for the child to experience safe, gentle, engaging touches regularly to have a healthy emotional and physical life

Nurturing Touch
Activities like bathing the child, taking care of his or her wounds, and feeding, fall under this category. Nurturing touch helps children to develop the capacity to calm and soothe themselves.

Structuring Touch
Children cannot hide their emotions. They express their emotions in whatever way they can. If children fail to control their emotions, parents should hold them with a structuring touch, such as an arm around the child, cradling, or close soothing physical contact. Please remember that these touches are meant to calm children, not to make them feel restrained.

It is important to understand the scientific effects of the touch in order to be a good parent. A heartfelt love and understanding of the psychology of your child are key tools to be a great parent.

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