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Saturday, April 17, 2010

Office Products for the Long Haul

Office Products for the Long haul

The products that are best for the environment are often the best for your business as well. When considering the cost of new office equipment, take a life-cycle approach.

This concept examines the future savings associated with energy-efficient equipment, rather than only looking at the purchase expense. Read on to learn about products that will help your office run more smoothly and efficiently.

• When purchasing office supplies, buy them in bulk! This will reduce excess packaging, such as cellophane wrap.

• Purchase a photocopier that has the ability to easily create double-sided copies.

• Does your fax machine use thermal paper? The problems associated with this kind of paper are twofold:

1. Thermal paper is, for the most part, non- recyclable.

2. Often documents on thermal paper are photocopied to enhance durability, which just wastes more paper.

Consider purchasing a fax machine that runs on fine paper.

• What kind of lighting does your company use? New compact florescent lights use a fraction of the energy of incandescent bulbs to deliver the same amount of light. These bulbs last between five to nine years of heavy use.

• Halogen desk lights are a great alternative to incandescent ones. They can last two to four times longer, and create a pleasant, white light.

• Ensure that all new office appliances are energy-efficient. Look for Energy Star specifications for computers, monitors, printers, and photocopiers.

• Purchase timers for the electronic devices in your office. These timers will turn off power at night time and enable you to enter a work-ready office in the morning (you can time some equipment, like the photocopier, to warm up before the work day starts.)

• Install controlling devices for your heating and AC. This will not only conserve energy but will also bring down your electricity bills, sometimes by as much as half of your present average.

• Install blinds and shades to keep heat in the office during the winter, and to keep the office cool during the summer.

• Wasting water in offices is a growing concern. To remedy the situation, install faucet aerators and toilet water savers. Have plumbing inspected regularly, and repair any leaks.

• Provide for or request facilities that enable staff to walk, run or bike to work. These facilities can include safe, sheltered bike parking and showers on the premises.

• Renovating? Now is the opportunity to make your office green! Purchase heating, cooling, and ventilation systems that are energy efficient. To maximise the efficiency of heating and cooling systems, introduce better insulation and air sealing in the office. Try natural ventilation and passive solar heating. Install taps, toilets, and shower-heads that reduce water use.

By making green purchases now, you can start saving immediately. Environment-friendly options abound, so weigh your options, and have a great time looking around!

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