Food and Nutrition
Essential fatty acids (EFA) are the fatty acids that are required to create and repair cell membranes in the human body. These essential fatty acids cannot be obtained synthetically and they have to be obtained only through diet.
Why do I need EFAs?
Many studies and researches have shown that EFAs are absolutely essential to our body. They not only keep our body fit and healthy, they also prevent many diseases.
A regular supply of EFAs helps the body to carry on the essential body functions like maintaining the blood pressure, heart rate, fertility, blood clotting and conception. EFAs also prepare the body to fight against infections.
EFAs may slow breast cancer: A group of cancer researchers from Toronto, Canada, conducted a research on 39 women who had breast cancer tumours. It was found that many women experienced a slow down in the growth of their breast cancer tumours.
EFAs slow down the risk of heart diseases in women: Researchers at the University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada, conducted a test on 31 healthy women by providing them various quantities of EFAs and found that the EFAs improved cholesterol levels in the women, thereby reducing the risk of heart attack.
Consumption of fish can prevent Alzheimer’s: A research conducted under the leadership of University of Guelph Professor Julie Conquer found out that eating fish, which contains omega-3, can help in the prevention of Alzheimer’s.
Apart from the above mentioned preventive qualities of EFAs, they also help the body to dispose the toxins and maintain the nutrients in the cell. Studies have shown that EFAs can positively affect adverse health conditions such as skin conditions, diabetic neuropathy, premenstrual syndrome, arthritis, immune function etc.
Where are they available?
As mentioned above, Essential Fatty Acids are only available through diet and they cannot be manufactured synthetically. EFAs can be found in flaxseed (linseed), fish, shellfish, Soya oil, hemp oil, chia seeds, sunflower seeds, walnuts, leafy vegetables and canola (rapeseed oil). Apart from these natural resources, EFAs are also ‘made’ using a number of natural sources like Borage Oil, Evening Primrose Oil, the seeds and oil of Flax and fish oil.
It can be noted that there is no such thing as an overdose of essential fatty acids. Studies conducted in this field have indicated that consumption of EFAs will not have any side effects.
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