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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Flushing you clean –A Guide to Detoxing

Healthy Living
Healthy Habits

Toxins in the body are the underlying cause of almost all illnesses, both minor and major. From fast foods to environmental pollution, there are many factors that lead to the accumulation of toxins in the body. Some of the main sources of toxins in the digestive system include pesticides, chemical additives, denatured processed food and undigested stored wastes from foods.

The process of Detoxing

Detoxification is a way for the body to flush out the waste material built up over time. Detoxing occurs naturally through the release of perspiration, urination and bowel movement. However, sometimes these toxins are not properly released and can result in fatigue, poor digestion and acne.

Normally, the kidneys, intestines, lungs, liver, lymph and skin all help to eliminate excess waste, but when compromised, the body is unable to release these contaminants fully. In such situations, health care professionals often recommend methods or products (natural or pharmaceutical) to help eliminate the build up of toxins over time.

There are many over the counter options available to help release body toxins. However, it is always advisable to consult a physician or naturopath to find out which detox plan or product is best suited for you

Detox options
Here is a list of activities and foods that can help detox your body naturally:

  1. Eat plenty of fibre. Some rich sources of fibre include brown rice, as well as organically grown fresh fruits, and vegetables such as beets, radishes, artichokes, cabbage, broccoli, spirulina, chlorella and seaweed.

  2. Green tea helps to protect and cleanse the liver.

  3. Vitamin C helps the body to produce gluthathione, a liver compound that drives away toxins.

  4. Drinking at least two litres of water will encourage frequent urination, helping to eliminate toxins from the kidneys.

  5. Breathing deeply encourages oxygen circulation throughout the body.

  6. Hydrotherapy will also help eliminate toxins – Take a very hot shower for five minutes, allowing the water to run on your back. Then turn the water on cold for 30 seconds. Do this three times and then get into bed for 30 minutes.

  7. Perspiring eliminates waste. Try sitting in a sauna for 30 minutes.

  8. Foot Baths remove toxins from the pores of your feet. You can also try detoxifying patches, available at most health stores.

  9. Exercise, exercise, exercise. Yoga, Pilates or even aerobics help alleviate stress and remove excess toxins from the body.

In addition, many herbs that can help you rid yourself of excess pollution in your body:

  1. Dandelion – this herb is excellent for the immune system as it boosts white blood cells and is generally good for the whole body. It helps eliminate toxins from the body’s cells. It also increases bile production and movement.

  2. Licorice Root – this herb acts as an antioxidant, helps fight viruses and creates antibodies.

  3. Cascara Sagrada – this herb helps bowl movement and acts as a laxative.

  4. Black Walnut Hulls – this herb also assists bowl movement and helps rid the body of parasites, fatty material and toxins.

  5. Garlic – is used as an antiseptic. It helps detoxify the gut and eases bowel movement, thus acts like a laxative.

  6. Remember that detoxing is not a fast solution for weight loss, but a productive way for a healthier lifestyle. Detox sessions can last for up to one week, and should be done at least twice a year. And always remember consult a physician or naturopath before attempting any method of detox.

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