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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Resolve To Butt Out In The New Year

Healthy Living-Healthy Habits
Success Quitting Smoking Depends On Early Preparation

TORONTO, Dec. 20 /CNW/ - Smokers have many reasons for smoking, but the reasons for quitting outweigh them all, says Health Promotion Minister Margarett Best. "A New Year’s resolution is a great way for Ontarians to quit smoking, but it is important that they prepare themselves properly," said Best.

Every year, half of all Canadian smokers try to quit, and more than 3.8 million Ontarians are already former smokers. Those who resolve to quit for the New Year will be much more successful if they start preparing now by getting the information and support they need to develop a quit plan.

"We understand how difficult it is to quit smoking," says Peter Goodhand, CEO, Canadian Cancer Society (Ontario). "We want people who are trying to quit to know that they’re not alone in their resolution." The Canadian Cancer Society’s Smokers’ Helpline offers free confidential advice, information and support by phone at 1-877-513-5333 or online at to help develop a personalized quit plan.

You can also talk to your doctor, nurse practitioner, health promoter or pharmacist to find out about smoking cessation resources in your neighbourhood.

Here are some other suggestions for ways to get prepared:

Understand why you smoke: Write down your reasons for smoking and for quitting. Think of things like: self-image, health, how you cope, finances, and social life.

Break other habits: Once you figure out why you smoke, you’ll be able to recognize trigger situations and then you can change those situations. For example, if you’re used to a cup of coffee with your cigarette, drink tea instead.

Make a commitment to quit: Tell your friends and family that quitting is important to you and that you need their support and help.

Do a test run: Before you’re able to quit, you need to start thinking like a non-smoker version of yourself. Take small steps to prepare yourself for the big step - delay your first cigarette of the day or cut down on the amount you smoke.

Set a date to quit: Give some thought to where you’ll be and what you’ll be doing at that time. Pick a date that is relatively routine and mark it on your calendar. You’re much more likely to quit if it’s written down.

Expect changes: Avoid situations that give you the urge to smoke. Do something you enjoy to pass the time.

In the early stages you may feel agitated or experience trouble sleeping as your body adjusts to nicotine withdrawal, but your blood pressure will return to normal and so will your senses of taste and smell.

Staying smoke-free: Quitting is quite an accomplishment. A small slip or two isn’t a big deal. Just try to battle any negative thoughts you have with positive ones - for example, think about what you can do with the money you will be saving.

Get physical: Physical activity makes you feel good and can help your body recover from the negative effects of smoking. Use the stairs instead of the elevator, take the dog for a walk or do another physical activity that you enjoy.

Make healthy food choices: Many people think that they will gain weight if they stop smoking. Drink a lot of water and eat healthy snacks such as fruits and vegetables.

Most people quitting for the first time try to do it on their own, "cold turkey". While this may work for some, there are many other options available. If one strategy doesn’t work, don’t give up. Try another one, or even a combination of strategies.

Here are some alternatives to quitting cold turkey.

Self-help: Pamphlets, booklets and online programs can help you develop your own quit plan.

Counseling: Trained health professionals can work with you to develop the skills you need to quit. This could be done one-on-one, in a group, over the phone or online at sites like

Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT): Considered an effective treatment with few side effects, NRT may help control withdrawal symptoms and cravings. NRT is available as a patch, chewing gum or an inhaler.

Be sure to consult your healthcare provider before using NRT if you suffer from heart disease, are pregnant or are on psychiatric medication.

Prescription medication: Medical professionals can advise you on other treatments that lessen nicotine cravings and withdrawal symptoms by activating chemicals in your brain normally stimulated by nicotine.

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