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Friday, April 30, 2010

Vital Lessons on Acupuncture

Acupuncture is one of the most popular Chinese medicines practiced today in the west as a form of alternative or complimentary therapy. It was first introduced into Europe in the 1600s, from where it penetrated to North America. Today, acupuncture is widely used for the treatment of chronic and acute pain through out the world. It is also used for the treatment of allergies, infertility and asthma.

It is also used in chemotherapy and surgery to reduce vomiting and nausea. Other uses include treatment of sexual dysfunction in men, drug addiction, normalization of blood pressure and breast enlargement. The effectiveness of this form of medicine is still being debated among medics. The Acupuncture Foundation of Canada indicates that at least 2000 physicians in Canada have undergone training in acupuncture. In Canada, acupuncture is also practiced by naturopaths, chiropractors and veterinarians.

Acupuncture is defined as the process that involves inserting fine needles into specific points on one’s skin for therapeutic purposes that involve unblocking the energy flow. The insertion of the needles serves to stimulate the nervous system. The needles are inserted at acupuncture-points (Acupoints), which act as the trigger points to the nerves. These needles are inserted in the skins surface and the deepness is dictated by the nature of condition being treated. This ranges between from 15 to 90 degrees. The patient is not supposed to feel pain but get a sensation referred to as deqi. Once the needle is inserted in the skin, the acupuncturist may use techniques such as rotating and twirling, thrusting and raising, trembling, scraping and plucking. These techniques create different sensations in someone’s body.

The duration of treatment however varies from one person to another. People have testified to its effectiveness in the treatment of various ailments. The needles used are nine in number though six will still do the magic. The difference between these needles is the shape of their heads, their length and their shaft’s width. Safety measures must always be taken in the use and disposal of acupuncture needles. The emergence of contagious diseases has led to the production of disposable needles.


Acupuncture is administered using a variety of techniques. Electro acupuncture is a form of treatment using whereby electrical impulses are passed through the needles in small quantities. This is used in the treatment of minor conditions like reduction of pain. If the condition is surgical, higher frequencies are administered. Sonopuncture is the other type of technique where sound waves and lasers are used. Ear acupuncture otherwise known as auricular is widely used since ears are susceptible to high sensitivity. They are therefore believed to send signals to many parts of the body. This treatment has been used with drug addicts, alcoholics and those with obesity. Moxibustion is another form of treatment where the acupuncture-points in the body are subjected to heat. This is used to cure bronchitis, arthritis and paralysis. Acupuncture-points may also be stimulated through wood and metal suctions in a technique referred to as cupping. This works for sprains, chronic bronchitis and backaches. Acupressure is another form of acupuncture where no needles are used. Fingers are used instead to apply pressure to the acupuncture-points.

Disputes and controversies have however emerged following the different theories that have been given to determine how acupuncture works and how effective it is. It is known to create a placebo effect in people’s minds whereby they believe in their minds that they are healed without the procedures necessarily working. It is good to be well advised that it has its own risks. Allergic reactions to the needles have been reported as well as breaking of needles in peoples skins. Punctures have also been reported in the bladder and lungs. Expectant mothers are guided against the use of this treatment during pregnancy as it may lead to premature labor.

1 comment:

acupuncture infertility new york said...

We have really been thinking about it, everything else is so expensive.

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