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Friday, April 30, 2010

Homeopathy: Get Healed Naturally

Homeopathy is a form of alternative treatment whereby the mind and body are stimulated to heal themselves naturally. It is derived form two Greek words “homeo” meaning the same and “pathos” meaning disease. This practice has its roots in Germany where it had been in use since the 18th century. The whole idea was created by Samuel Hahnemann who was a doctor.

The homeopathy treatments are dilute and they are created in a way that they resemble the symptoms of a particular ailment. These cures are also recommended in regard to the patient’s psychological and physical state. After the diagnosis, the repertories which serve as reference books for this treatment are consulted to give a prescription for the particular condition.

Homeopathy is based on the belief that diseases are caused by people’s states of mind. If they are negative about something then it will work against them. This is known to attract disease units which are referred to as miasms or evil spirits. Samuel Hahnemann connected these manifestations to chronic diseases. These units invest themselves in the body and cause people to exhibit symptoms of certain diseases. He came up with a theory that showed that the cure of a disease is similar to its symptoms.

He created a remedy that generated the symptoms of malaria using the bark of a cinchona tree.

He then injected the symptoms to a healthy human who in turn became sick with malaria. He concluded his findings and noted that a prescription of this symptom causing remedy in healthy humans to a sick person in small doses would cure him.  This generated the principle “like cures like” under the “law of similars”. This implies that the symptoms of a disease can be healed by the same.


Samuel Hahnemann also came up with the “law of minimum dose” which declared that medicines were more effective if administered in small doses. This applied to homeopathy remedies which were diluted to come up with a solution that was low in concentration. Among his other findings was that diseases are caused by disturbances in people’s systems that make it hard for them to heal themselves. He went ahead to conclude that healing would be ignited by use of a stimulus and in small quantities.

People interested in using homeopathy should be well guided that it must not be taken as a supplement or replacement for formal treatment. One must see a doctor if they have a medical condition. In cases where people are interested in the treatment of a particular condition using this method, they must take their time to research on its homeopathy cures. Expectant mothers must take precaution before using this treatment. They are only allowed to do so after consultations with their doctors. This applies also for nursing mothers and children. People should always let their physicians know the kind of treatment they have used in the past to enable them make a sound judgment on the prescription they will administer. However, homeopathy is controversial in that most of its findings are not scientific.

The safety of using these procedures has not been documented though people have reported its effectiveness. The sale of these drugs is however legal and you will find them in pharmacies, on the internet and in health stores. They are mainly made from botanical and mineral substances whereby the substances are highly diluted using water or alcohol. The concoction is then shaken vigorously in a process known as “succession”. It would be funny to note that what is left of a substance after this high dilution is “spirit like” since the original substance will be almost non existent leaving people with only a “memory” of it. This is what is known to awake a “vital force” in the body thus igniting a natural healing process.

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