Home Remedies to strengthen the immune system.
Home Remedy #1: Astragalus boosts the immune system and generates anticancer cells in the body. It is also a powerful antioxidant and protects the liver from toxins. This makes this plant ideal for people suffering from dark circles due to liver problems and depressed immune system. IMPORTANT: Do not take this herb if fever is present.
Home Remedy #3: Echinacea boosts the immune system and enhances lymphatic function.
Home Remedy #4: Goldenseal strengthens the immune system, cleanses and detoxifies the body. It has anti bacteria properties.
Home Remedy #5: In a small town called Chirchik, Russia, a flu epidemic swept the town. When many adults and children did not get sick scientists wanted to know why they were immune to the disease. It turns out that all of them used the berries from an herb called Shizandra.
Home Remedy #6: Immune System Booster. 2 cups of water. 1 tsp. echinacea root. ½ tsp. chamomile leaves. ½ tsp. shizandra berries. ½ tsp. peppermint leaves.
Home Remedy #7: Immune Tincture. ½ tsp. Echinacea root tincture. ½ tsp. pau d´arco bark tincture. ½ tsp. Siberian ginseng root tincture. ½ tsp. licorice root tincture. ½ tsp. astragalus root tincture. ½ tsp. bupleurum root tincture.
Combine all these ingredients. If you have evidence of a depressed immune system, take 3 tsp. of the formula daily for up to 5 days. Double the dose during an infection.
Home Remedy #8: Include in the diet chlorella, garlic and pearl barley. These foods contain germanium, a trace element beneficial for the immune system. Also giant red kelp contains iodine, calcium, iron, carotene, protein, riboflavin and vitamin C, which are necessary for the immune system’s functional integrity.
Home Remedy #9: Vitamin C may be the single most important nutrient for the immune system. It is essential for the formation of adrenal hormones and the production of lymphocytes. It also has direct effect on bacteria and viruses. Vitamin C should be taken with bioflavonoids, natural plant substances that enhance absorption and reinforce the action of this vitamin.
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