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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Shavasana (The Corpse Pose)


Shavasana (The Corpse Pose)

Shavasan is one of the most important asanas. It looks very simple to do and it’s indeed very easy to get into this pose physically – but unless you quieten your mind and keep it from wandering, you are not really practicing this asana.

This deceptively simple pose is the best asana to relieve stress and anxiety, promote calmness of the mind, and to relax and refresh the body and the mind. It is also known as the Sponge Pose.

It is must to practice Shavasana in between the asana during a yoga practice session, at the end of a yoga practice session and before the meditation.


• Lie on your back with your feet slightly apart.

• Rest your arms on the floor on your sides with palms facing up.

• Rest your head on either side or in the centre.

• Keep the whole body straight but relaxed. Be as still as a corpse. Do not move.

• Close the eyes gently, take a few deep breaths and relax.

• Make a conscious effort to relax all your body parts.

• Visualise your body parts one by one and relax them.

• Start with your feet. Imagine the muscles of your feet relaxing.

• Then, move on to your calves, thighs, arms and rest of the body imagining all your body relaxing and becoming tension free.

• There should be no strain on any part of the body nor any tension or anxiety in the mind. Breathe easy and concentrate on your breath. There should be no tension or anxiety at all. Breathe in and breathe out naturally.

• Practice it for 5 to 10 minutes and then slowly bring consciousness to all your body parts.

• Slowly open the eyes and sit up in the normal pose.


• Removes the physical and mental fatigue and tension.

• High blood pressure, heart problems, anxiety, stress and depression.

• Induces calmness and alertess.

• Alleviates insomnia, nervous debility, mental imbalance, lack of memory, fear-psychosis, and many other psychological ailments.

• If practiced after meals, this asana rectifies the digestive system.

• Establishes a natural harmony between the body and mind.


• Don’t sleep while performing Shavasan.

• At the end, return slowly to full consciousness.

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