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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Yeast Infection: Causes, Symptoms and Cures

Home Remedies

Yeast infections primarily inflict women of child-bearing age.According to the medical statistics, 70% to 80% of this infection is caused by Candida Albicans, a common strain of yeast. Normally, this and some other strains of yeast present in a woman’s vagina in miniscule amount, are kept in control by Lactobacillus Acidophilus which is a bacterium existing naturally in the vagina. However, when there is an imbalance of these organisms, yeast infection occurs.

Yeast Infection Causes:

• Broad-spectrum antibiotics, steroids and certain birth control pills that kill the bacteria responsible for maintaining the balance.

• During pregnancy and prior to menstruation a woman goes through hormonal changes. This can also contribute to yeast infection problem.

• When the vagina is frequently exposed to semen, the acidic balance of the vagina is affected causing the infection.

• Sanitary products, including sanitary napkins, sprays, body washes etc. (especially the ones with fragrance) can cause infections.

• Wearing tight clothing such as skin-fitted jeans does not leave room for skin to breathe and can create an environment for this infection.

• Reduced body immunity levels due to illness, lifestyle or heredity.

• Physical and mental stress can cause the yeast level to go up considerably.

• Diabetic conditions may cause the infection in certain cases.

Yeast Infection Symptoms

• Itching and burning in the vagina. May be mild in the beginning and increase gradually.

• Swelling, itching and burning around the skin surrounding the vagina (known the vulva). Vulva may become very tender and sensitive to even the lightest of contact.

• Vaginal discharge. This is typically white, thick and odourless secretion.

• Pain and discomfort during sexual intercourse.

• Burning sensation during urination, and sometimes even after urination, on the skin in and around the vagina.

Maintaining good hygiene and health can help prevent yeast infection. But if you get it then, rather than rushing to a drug store to pick up a quick-fix medication, try these home remedies. Not only they have a lasting effect, they save you the trouble of exposing yourself to known and unknown side-effects.

Following is a list of time tested home remedies for yeast infection:

• Daub diluted apple cider vinegar in the vaginal areas.

• Eat garlic. Raw as well as cooked garlic helps cure the infection.

• Include curds and yogurt in your daily diet to prevent and cure yeast infection.

• Soak a tampon into curds and place it in the vagina for at least an hour. Repeat a couple of time a day. This helps as it takes the healthy bacteria from the curds to replace the unhealthy yeast bacteria.

• Include buttermilk in your daily diet to prevent and cure yeast infection.

• Mix olive leaf extract and grapefruit seed extraction in a glass of water to prepare a curative tonic for this infection.

• A few drops of tea tree oil poured on a tampon and inserted in the vagina can provide some relief.

• For non-vaginal yeast infections, apply garlic paste directly on the affected parts. This remedy is not for the vaginal yeast infection.

• Avoid wearing tight underwear or acrylic garments. Opt for easy fitting cotton underwear and panties. Say NO to tight jeans, leggings and pantyhose.

• Use cotton sanitary pads without deodorant. Change them often. Avoid sprays and other such external agents as they could cause irritation.

• Wearing wet clothes for a long time can provide a breading ground for infection causing bacteria. Wash thoroughly your affected body parts and change into dry clothes as soon as possible.

• Avoid fruits that are rich in sugar content as this can fuel the yeast problem.

• Avoid foods high in carbohydrates as these turn into sugar if not burned off through exercise. Instead, try to keep a diet that consists of mostly vegetables.

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