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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Shed Those Extra Pounds with Yoga


If you are overweight and cannot or do not want to do vigorous exercise or hit the gym, yoga is your best bet. Not only will it help you shed those extra pounds but also offer many other health benefits.

The problem of obesity has both physical and psychological aspects; yoga works two ways in solving the problem.

How Can Yoga Help?

Regular yoga facilitates reduction of extra fats in a person. Yoga practices can effectively stretch the body muscles, which normally become rigid due to possible inactivity, stress and tension. The practices also assist in enhancing flexibility and the span of motion of various joints as also correcting postural problems arising from excessive weight.

The yoga practices help in toning, augmentation and strengthening of the muscles. Other logical facts in support of yoga aiding weight loss are:

• Certain yoga practices help greatly in improving digestion.

• Yoga postures also help effectively getting rid of obesity-related factors such as constipation, bloating/water retention.

• Yoga improves blood circulation thus regulating appetite, moods, sleep patterns and self-image that, in turn, help manage the weight problem.

• Some yogasanas are helpful in regulating functioning of certain glands including thyroid glands and pancreas, which affect abnormal weight gain.

• Another aspect of yoga is that the different asanas enable one to activate the vital energy, ‘prana’, which can also help in getting rid of extra fat, boost the dwindling energy and to combat sluggishness.

• Apart from the physical and spiritual gains, Yoga also provides psychological benefits. Obesity and overweight problems are often accompanied by a number of emotional issues that could be causes as well as the effects. In such cases yoga helps by instilling peace, confidence and a sense of purpose in such people.

Yoga Practices Specific to Weight Loss

The yoga practices, which are considered especially effective in combating obesity/overweight problems, are given below:

1. Yogasanas.

Asanas that help in weight loss are: -

• Pawanmuktasana (Parts 1, 2 and 3).

• Vajrasana series.

Suryanamaskara (Sun Salutations).

• Dynamic pada hastasana.

• Druta halasana.

• Vipareeta karani asana.

• Matsyasana.

2. Pranayama.

All the pranyamas are considered effective, especially the following three: -

• Bhastrika.

• Sheetali.

• Seetkari.

3. Yogic diet.

In accordance with the yogic traditions, the diet advice for obesity/overweight specifies avoidance of the followings: -

• Avoid oily, fried and starchy food items.

• Avoid oscillating between fasting and overeating.

• Avoid eating between meals.

Canadian Connections

There are a number of yoga centres in Canada that offer comprehensive advice/training with regard to weight loss. If you want to find a yoga teacher/ school in your area, look in our directory pages.

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