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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Bringing Epilepsy Out of the Shadows

Bringing Epilepsy Out of the Shadows
By: Alessandra Cerroni

Approximately two in every hundred Canadians are diagnosed with having epilepsy, most often during early childhood or in later life.Luckily, there is hope for a significant number of children who, with age, outgrow this disorder and for the great number of individuals who are able to successfully manage epilepsy thanks to anti-epileptic medication.

In addition, we have come a long way in our understanding of the disorder considering throughout most of history, demonic possession was thought to be responsible for epileptic seizures.

Epilepsy does, however, remain a stigmatized and misunderstood disorder. It is often kept a secret to avoid special treatment or prejudice at school or the workplace.

Understanding and awareness is paramount to successfully recognize, diagnose and treat epilepsy.

Parents, teachers, coworkers and classmates alike should be aware of what epilepsy is and what to do in case they witness someone having a seizure.

A person is suspected of having epilepsy after experiencing several unprovoked seizures. Contrary to some people’s beliefs, seizures are not contagious.

Seizures are caused by abnormal activity in brain cells affecting the functioning of the brain and resulting in temporary confusion, complete loss of consciousness, a staring spell or uncontrollable jerking movements of the arms and legs.

First Aid for Seizures • Stay calm. Do not restrain a person having a seizure

• Move sharp objects out of their way

• Do not put anything in their mouth

• Roll the person onto their side; place something soft under their head

• Let the seizure take its course.

• If the seizure lasts more than 5 minutes or repeats, call for medical attention

(Health and Community Services, Government of Newfoundland and Labrador – Canada)

The factors that contribute to this complex neurological disorder are multi-faceted and sometimes altogether unknown.

Epilepsy can be a result of brain trauma caused by stroke or injury, or a brain infection such as meningitis. There is also a risk of inheriting the disorder if you have a family member who suffers from epilepsy.

In many cases, epilepsy can be properly managed not only through medication, but also through increased knowledge of potential triggers. This knowledge can serve to empower those coping with the disorder especially since seizures sometimes may seem to come out of nowhere.

Research points to the following triggers: Stress, fever, flashing lights, too much caffeine, poor eating habits, lack of sleep and missed medication as factors that should be avoided as they may contribute to the onset of a seizure.

Activities such as swimming, bathing, driving or operating machinery should be handled with care. For instance, in Ontario people with epilepsy can hold a driver’s license as long as they meet certain criteria that ensure the condition is controlled (i.e. not having had a seizure in the past 12 months).

It is also very important to remember to wear a medical bracelet stating who to contact in the case of an emergency and what medications are used, as well as any allergies to medications.

Thanks to the wealth of knowledge available, coupled with the right medication, those coping with epilepsy no longer need to cope in silence.

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