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Thursday, April 8, 2010

Hair Care

Solution Center
Treating Dry Hair
Hair Guide

We all know how damaging the winter months can be to our hair. Many of us even face the same problems - dry, frizzy, flyaway hair - in the summer. Lack of humidity, cold, blustery winds, indoor heating, hats, and long hot showers can all contribute to the problem. But what can you do to make it better, since many of the problem-causers you can do nothing about? Here are a few hints and tips.

Taking care of dry hair is much the same as taking care of dry skin. Many of the same techniques apply. Keeping it well-moisturized is the key. And many of the same methods of doing this are likewise the same.

Before the shower, a hot oil treatment can be invaluable to dry hair. Opinions vary on which oil is best to use; some say corn oil, some sunflower, some olive, some grapeseed, some jojoba, some avocado, and so on. All agree that *some* sort of oil is good for dry hair, though.

To use, take two to three tablespoons of oil of your choice, warm it, add any essential oils you choose, and apply to your hair, starting with your scalp and roots, and then moving outward. Cover your hair with a towel to keep it warm, and allow to sit for at least 15 minutes. Some of the essential oils most beneficial for dry hair are Sandalwood and Lavender. Also of use are Bay, Rosemary (better for dark hair colors), Geranium, Carrot, and Parsley.

Avoid long, hot showers. This will strip your hair of even more of its natural oil, and cause brittleness. No one wants to take a cold shower in the winter, but keep it to a comfortable lukewarm.

Wash your hair only every other day, or even less if you can stand it. This gives your hair a chance to recuperate between washings. If you feel you absolutely *must* wash it every day, use only a pea-sized amount of shampoo, and only on the roots. When you do shampoo, concentrate on the root area; as you rinse, the shampoo will rinse down over the ends of your hair and clean it. Be sure to use a rich, moisturizing conditioner every time you shampoo; let it sit in your hair for at least three minutes. Towel-drying your hair partially just before applying the conditioner can help your hair absorb it. When rinsing, a bit of water as cold as you can stand it at the end can help smooth the hair cuticles, sealing in moisture and making your hair shinier.

An apple cider vinegar final rinse can also help. Use a few drops of essential oil in one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, and add this to about three cups of boiled water. Placed in a bowl, you can allow most of your hair to soak in it, and splash it over the rest with your hand to rinse it just before you get out of the shower.

Once out of the shower, treat your wet hair carefully, as it is more susceptible to breakage and damage when wet. Never blow-dry your hair when it is avoidable! That much heat and wind can do major damage. Towel dry it carefully - rubbing it too vigorously can likewise cause damage and breakage. Use a wide-toothed comb to detangle, then allow it to air-dry the rest of the way. Avoid going out in the wind and cold until it is dry; if it is cold enough, your hair can actually freeze when wet, compounding the problem much further.

When static is a problem, causing frizz and flyaways, an unscented dryer sheet (like Bounce) run lightly over your hair can help tame it. You can also use a tiny amount - no more than a few drops rubbed between your hands - of one of the oils mentioned above once your hair is dry to calm dry frizz and static. Another idea here is when you moisturize your hands with lotion, run your hands over the ends of the flyaway parts of your hair to add a bit of moisture where it is most needed.

One recipe for a good deep-conditioning, homemade hair conditioner is 4 tablespoons of plain (full-fat) yogurt and one egg, mixed together well - obviously, use more for very long hair, less for very short. You can also add any of the oils or essential oils you wish to this. Apply it to the hair working from roots to tips, making sure all your hair gets a good coating. Let it sit for about 10-15 minutes, then wash as normal. It makes dry hair much softer and more manageable, as well as less frizzy.

1 comment:

John Roy said...

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