Weight loss: Myths Vs. Facts
Weight Loss
Myth 1: Ab exercises flatten the stomach
Fact: Ab exercises only tone and firm the lower layers of stomach muscle. If you happen to have layers of fat above, it won’t make any difference. Therefore, do aerobic exercises (like walking, jogging or skipping) to first shed all that fat off and then move on to the ab exercises.
Myth 2: Drinking water before exercise is harmful
Fact: Water is essential to replenish fluids lost during strenuous exercise. Therefore, drink water in equal amounts – before, during and after any exercise.
Myth 3: Eliminating fats helps shed weight faster
Fact: Fats in large doses are harmful. However, in small amounts, they can help you feel fuller during the day. That way, you’re less likely to binge later.
Myth 4: High protein, low carb diets burn fat faster
Fact: Ingesting too much protein can result in high fat and cholesterol levels in the body. It can also lead to heart diseases. Too many carbohydrates in the diet can result in the formation of Ketones (which are broken down variations of fat). This increases the production of Uric acid which leads to kidney stones. Therefore, a balanced diet of fibre, protein, carbohydrates and small doses of fat is essential.
Myth 5: One can lose weight no matter what one eats
Fact: The formula to weight loss is no rocket science – the number of calories exhausted should be less than the number of calories ingested. Therefore, not watching what’s eaten can lead to an alarming weight increase.
Myth 6: Skipping meals burns fat quickly
Fact: When you skip meals, your body goes into a conservation mode where its metabolic rate starts dipping. This can actually result in weight gains. Therefore, do not skip breakfast, lunch or dinner. Instead have several small meals.
Myth 7: Weight training doesn’t shed weight
Fact: Weight training can actually be a great way to lose weight in a short time span. This is because muscle tissues burn more calories than fat. However, weight training needs to be balanced with aerobic exercises.
Myth 8: Consuming nuts and dairy products can be fattening
Fact: If taken in small doses, nuts can actually be good for health. They contain the good fat or unsaturated fat. Dairy products like milk cheese etc. have proteins and calcium essential for the body. Try low-fat variations of these.
Myth 9: Counting calories isn’t really necessary
Fact: It is absolutely necessary to keep track of everything you eat – right from sugar to tea or even snacks. This will help you cut down on extra calories.
Myth 10: Salads are a great health snack
Fact: Yes salads are great but not with the fatty dressing. Even an ounce of mayonnaise contains hundreds of calories.
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