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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Dark Under Eye Circles Because of Allergies

While most people suffer from black circles under their eyes because of genetic dark eye circles, many others have dark under eye circles because of allergies. The connection between dark under eye circles and allergies primarily deals with the histamine reactions caused by allergies. When an undesirable substance enters your body it usually comes in contact with your skin or the sensitive lining of your intestines or airways. At this point, antibodies are sent to the area of intrusion to fight off the allergens. This internal combat between the allergens and your antibodies causes histamines to be released. These histamines can lead to the formation of a rash, dilated blood vessels, fluid leaks, puffy and watery eyes, wheezing, muscle spasms, runny nose. Additionally, the frequent itching often leads one to constantly rub their eyes in order to get relief. As a result, black eye circles tend to develop.

Dark Under Eye Circles Because of Allergies to Food

It has been discovered that certain foods contribute to allergic reactions which manifest as dark circles. While there are many foods to which one may be allergic, some are more allergenic than others. Of this sort, there are a small number of them that actually cause dark under eye circles. Allergies to the following foods can cause these blemishes:
  • Dairy Products
  • Egg Whites
  • Soy
  • Wheat
  • Yeast

Preventing Dark Under Eye Circles because of Allergies

If you've suffered from dark under eye circles because of allergies, there are also some preventive measures you can take once you get rid of them. Since the dark under eye circles that come from allergies arise mainly because of food, it's best to read labels to ensure they don't contain any of allergenic foods listed above.

Causes of Dark Circles

Dark circles - ever wonder why you get them?

Heredity is the primary cause of dark circles. Like so many things - eye color, curly or straight hair, skin tone - predisposition for dark circles is inherited.
The genes related to dark circles are actually the genes that cause weakened capillaries in the skin around your eyes (learn more about the biology of dark under-eye circles). Skin tone, including transparency of the skin, is also inherited and can make dark circles appear more dramatic.

What Causes Dark Circles?

Heredity isn't the only cause of dark circles. A variety of factors, both common and uncommon, can influence or cause the appearance of dark circles under the eyes.

Dark circles and sun exposure

Exposure to the sun can exacerbate your dark circles. Sunlight darkens the skin by raising melanin levels and bringing melanin to the surface of the skin. These boosted melanin levels make dark circles look darker.
So if you notice dark circles after a trip to the beach or the tanning bed, you're not alone.

Do fatigue or lack of sleep cause dark circles?

Short answer: no.
Long answer: not exactly. Lack of sleep makes your skin pale, which emphasizes your dark circles. Anything else that makes your skin pale, like fatigue or illness, makes your dark circles much more noticeable.
Pregnancy and menstruation also frequently make your skin pale. Many people associate dark circles with hormones -- but the hormones don't cause dark circles, just paleness.

The link between allergies and dark circles

Many people associate allergies with dark circles. This is a real and established connection. In fact, many doctors consider dark circles as an indication of allergies in children.
Allergies cause dark circles in two ways: first, histamine reactions themselves can cause dark smudges to appear under the eyes. The biology of this is way too complicated to get into here. Second, allergies frequently cause the eyes to feel itchy. Rubbing the eyes and the skin around the eyes makes dark circles even darker.

Age and dark circles

Yes, it's true -- age makes dark circles even worse. As we age, the skin of our faces becomes thinner. Thinner skin allows the discoloration of dark circles to be seen more easily, and dark circles become much more obvious.

Nutrition and dark circles

In some rare cases, lack of vitamins can cause dark circles under the eyes. This is relatively uncommon. Nevertheless, if you're not eating a balanced healthy diet, you may see dark circles. And sometimes changing to a more healthy diet can help to diminish those dark circles.

All about Dark Circles

How and why your body creates dark under-eye circles

Learn about the causes of dark circles under eyes
Most people think that dark under-eye circles are caused by staying up late watching monster movies, or having that last drink the night before, or sitting up with your laptop trying to finish the quarterly report. Most people think that their behavior is somehow linked to dark under-eye circles.
Well, most people are dead wrong.
If nothing else, I want you to know that dark under-eye circles are not your fault. They don't mysteriously appear when you misbehave or are stressed out, only to vanish when you get 8 straight hours of sleep. Dark under-eye circles are a by-product of the very same mechanism that produces bruises (and you don't blame yourself for bruising, do you?). Changing your behavior will, in almost every case, NOT get rid of your dark under-eye circles.
Having said that, onto the specifics:

What causes dark under-eye circles

Your shiners, your raccoon eyes, your blue luggage... whatever you call your dark under-eye circles, here's what they really are: oxidizing hemoglobin.
Dark under-eye circles begin in the capillaries, the tiny blood vessels that web the delicate skin around the eyes. Now, your capillaries are so small that red blood cells sometimes have to line up, single file, to get through. Frequently, red blood cells get lost and wander into the surrounding skin. This isn't a problem - it happens all the time - and your body has a mechanism to mop up these escapees. Enzymes in your body break down the red blood cells, including their hemoglobin (the molecule that gives them their distinctive red color).
No problem, right? Except for one thing: when hemoglobin is broken down, its remaining components have a dark blue-black color. Just like a bruise. So your dark under-eye circles are actually caused by leaky capillaries.

How dark under-eye circles are like bruises

When something hits you, blood vessels are traumatized and sometimes broken. Blood leaks out into the surrounding skin. Your body begins the mopping-up process, and you see a dark, purplish or blue-black discoloration.
So, as you can see, dark under-eye circles are very similar to bruises. The same mechanisms produce them.

Why are dark under-eye circles so visible?

It's quite possible that capillaries all over your body are leaking small amounts of blood all the time (I don't know if this is true or not). But the reason dark under-eye circles are so apparent is this: the skin around the eyes is some of the thinnest, most delicate skin of your entire body. The capillaries are much closer to the surface of the skin there. Many people's skin is not only thinner around the eyes, but also more translucent.
The combination of capillaries near the skin's surface and translucent skin makes this discoloration much more apparent. And that's why you have those dark under-eye circles staring back at you in the mirror.

Keep Yourself Healthy

Most of the people are consumed with their busy schedules, vacations, shopping and parties during the holiday season. Although the holiday season is an exciting time, don’t let the excessive amount of activities affect your waistline. 

Make exercise a daily priority. Wake up early and workout before all the festivities begin for the day. It is important to plan a workout into your schedule, along with cooking, parties, etc. Incorporate exercise into a family affair by taking a walk after a holiday meal, walking to look at Christmas lights, etc.
Don’t over-indulge on the holiday sweets. Choose which indulgences you have to have, and choose them first. Try having old fashioned caramel rolls. Also, try to avoid skipping meals, which will slows down your metabolism and causes you to over-eat during the next meal.

Focus on maintaining your current weight. The holiday season is not an ideal time to begin a diet. Weigh yourself right before the holidays start and focus on maintaining your weight. To do this, it is important to drink extra water, exercise at least three times per week, leave your favorite foods alone, and try to make your other choices a little healthier. More veggies and fruit as snacks, previous the important meals, is also a good choice.


Milk Does a Body Bad?

If you’re like most Americans, you were raised—thanks in large part to the U.S. government and National Dairy Council—to believe that several daily glasses of milk were good for you. On the other hand, a growing number of doctors and researchers say that milk and other dairy products may worsen inflammation, allergies, asthma, and other health problems. Some experts also theorize that lactose intolerance—the inability to digest milk sugar—is a signal from our bodies that we shouldn’t be drinking animal milk at all.

The Raw Deal

There’s another side to the dairy debate:
raw milk.

Once a dinner-table staple, raw milk’s popularity decreased during the 20th century, with the advent of pasteurization, a process that kills E. coli and other pathogens with heat. But that may not be all that pasteurization destroys, say raw milk advocates, who claim the process also kills beneficial bacteria, proteins, vitamins, and digestive enzymes.

Instead, they praise raw milk’s nutritional value, creamy flavor, and alleged health benefits for conditions like eczema, allergies and Crohn’s disease. They may be right: A study published in the June 2006 issue of the Journal of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology found that British children who drank raw milk regularly were 40 percent less likely to develop eczema and 10 percent less likely to develop hay fever than those who didn’t drink raw milk.

Not so fast, says the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), whose director of dairy and egg safety has likened drinking raw milk to “playing Russian roulette with your health.” The FDA claims it’s safe to drink milk from cloned cows, but has banned interstate sales of raw milk—although individual states can determine commerce within their borders. Currently, raw milk is legal in 22 states and its devotees are growing in number: An estimated half-million Americans drink it.

Liquid Assets

The issue isn’t as simple as the FDA implies, however. All raw milk isn’t created equal, point out advocates. Yes, raw milk is unhealthy—if it comes from an industrial dairy. They view pasteurization as an excuse to produce dirty milk: Pasteurization doesn’t prevent contamination, it merely kills germs after they surface. In fact, outbreaks of salmonella, listeria and Campylobacter have been traced to pasteurized milk and cheese.

Unlike industrial dairies whose milk is later pasteurized, raw milk dairies tend to be cleaner and their cows are fed organic grass rather than corn. When purchased from such dairies, raw milk may be healthier, safer—and tastier—than pasteurized varieties.

For more on raw milk, see Real Food: What to Eat and Why by Nina Planck (Bloomsbury USA, 2006). Click here to find a raw-milk distributor in your area.

Could you cut out milk from your diet altogether?


From the Founder: Raw Milk

The topic of Raw Milk has a lot of buzz around it right now due the legal issues of how and where it can be sold. It’s interesting to me because once again the FDA wants us to believe what’s best for their bottom line which now a days seems to be more business-related rather than concern for our education and safety.

I personally wrote off milk back in 2004, when I became serious about living a wellness lifestyle. As I mentioned in the past from my findings in the book Ultra Prevention, I discovered that that medical research has linked milk to many common and preventable health problems.

This sentence is what that made me give up milk forever, “For many, milk is the cause of allergies, sinus problems, eczema, and ear infections as well as a potential source of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and digestive problems.” Most of which I used to suffer from, until I stopped consuming the majority of the dairy products in my diet.

The book states that over 75% of the world’s population suffers from lactose intolerance. The book also goes on to say that we should not consume milk from a cow unless we are a calf.
I know some of you are wondering, “Where will I get the calcium by bodies needs if I am not drinking milk?”

Ultra Prevention also notes that most women in Africa ingest little calcium – perhaps 300 to 500 mg a day – yet they rarely come down with osteoporosis. This is because they are not drinking alcohol, colas, caffeine, or eating salt or excessive animal protein – all of which leach calcium out of your bones and into the toilet.

Now, I know most of you may want to stop reading this, but while living a wellness lifestyle I also insist upon balance – not giving up the things that make you happy. Most of us do enjoy a cocktail, a cup of coffee, a steak and other indulgences, but there are other amazing sources of calcium such as broccoli, bok choy, french beans / haricot verts, quinoa, dried figs, sardines, parsley, sesame seeds and almond butter. (For more foods that contain calcium, click here.) There is also supplementation, but find out which form calcium is best for your needs.

Back to the topic of Raw Milk, my vote is yes due to the hormones, antibiotics, and pesticides found in our pasteurized milk supply. Bovine growth hormone, used to increase milk production, may increase the likelihood of breast cancer. So on top of the everyday ailments, the additives in our milk supply can also lead to major diseases!

Overall, my suggestion is to avoid dairy at all costs. With all of the information we discovered while researching this topic, if consuming dairy makes you happy I say stick with the raw. Yes, it takes an extra step or two to get it, but aren’t you worth it?

Were you aware of all of the issues involved with what was marketed to us as an innocent and beneficial drink? Ever wonder what happened to all of the “Got Milk?” advertisements?????

Tiffany Houser


Thirsty for the Truth?

With the recent introduction of Diet Coke Plus, you may be wondering if soda is now considered a health food. Vitamins, minerals and sweet sparkling cola—what more could you ask for? For starters, you deserve a beverage that does not increase your risk of heart disease, obesity, metabolic syndrome and perhaps even cancer.

Bursting the Bubbly

It’s no coincidence that a Coca Cola bottle closely resembles a slender and attractive woman’s body. Diet soda manufacturers, boasting $21 billion dollars of profit each year, would have you believe their products are a wise option for those trying to cut calories and lose weight. But an eight-year study conducted by researchers at the University of Texas Health Science Center shows that your odds of becoming obese increase by 41% for each can of diet soda you drink per day. Surprisingly, the risk is much higher for diet soda drinkers than for people who consume regular soda.

Scientists have offered several theories to explain the link between diet soda and obesity. Some in the medical community note the role of artificial sweeteners in increasing appetite and disrupting the body’s regulation of caloric intake. It seems that consuming sweet foods, especially those containing aspartame, causes us to crave carbohydrates and stimulates our cells to store fat. Other researchers point out that people who drink soda are more likely to eat fast food and make unhealthy dietary choices. Whatever the connection, it’s obvious that the diet soda industry has duped us.

Can of Controversy

Adding insult to injury, several studies highlight a relationship between diet soda and serious diseases like hypertension, high cholesterol, diabetes and cancer. A trial funded by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute revealed that people who drink just one daily diet soda raise their risk of metabolic syndrome by 34%. And though there has never been a definitive conclusion about ties between the aspartame in diet soda and certain types of cancer, many well respected health organizations have criticized the FDA for too quickly dismissing these possible connections.

If you enjoy a fizzy drink now and then, there’s no need to panic. Many companies offer carbonated beverages made with natural fruit juices that don’t contain artificial sweeteners or preservatives. However, if you find yourself hooked on diet beverages, check out this aspartame detoxification program and information about Splenda (sucralose). On the site,, there is an interesting press release from 2007, announcing how Coca-Cola will start to use Stevia in their beverages…which makes you wonder, why would they change a financially successful formula?

How often do you consume artificially sweetened food and beverages?


From the Founder: Brain Fitness

This topic comes at interesting time for me. This past weekend I celebrated my birthday, and as I enter another age, I am beginning to notice a few differences in myself. To speak specifically about this topic, my mental capacity seems to be overloaded.

I recall a conversation I had with few friends of mine a while ago and how we believe that a person does not necessarily forget things or has gone down on the sharpness totem pole, but that we come up short in the brain game due to the new information we receive and seek.

Just like a computer, we felt that the brain can only hold so much information in our memory. We were discussing how our brain deletes files for us that may not be as important or that we haven’t referenced in a long while to free-up space for new and more everyday information. We were also discussing how our brains have a recycle bin just like a computer and is very contextual b/c even though something has been "deleted", we are shocked how random, useless information pops up again over our best friends wedding anniversary.

Yes the memory degenerates, and cells are damaged and destroyed, but if you really think about it, your brain or consciousness has some sort of filter, mysterious storage and contextual retrieval system. However, brain fitness does seem to have some substance to it as I’ve known that Alzheimer's patients are given jigsaw and crossword puzzles to work on in their treatment.

I do believe the brain needs work-out and it is not something we need to wait to do until our twilight years. Some things I’ve heard people try with math are figuring out a gratuity, calculating the amount of materials needed for home improvements, or adding up monthly bills without a calculator. There are also CD's/mp3's that you can listen to as well to give your brain some braun.

A little brain game I like to play is trying to dial phone numbers from memory, which by the way could come in handy one day if you are ever in an emergency situation. Another brain game, which could do you some good beyond brain health, is to go through the calendar in your head and write down the birthdays and anniversaries for the people in your life and match it up to the calendar you use everyday. Try this once a week for a set amount of time until they match up perfectly. This will also put a smile on the face of a few people in your life.

What are some brain fitness techniques that work for you?


If You Recall Clearly...

Maybe Not.

How long ago did you memorize world capitols, do long division or learn a new language? We're guessing you answered eighth grade or thereabouts. When was the last time you misplaced your car keys, forgot an acquaintance’s name, or spent many frustrating hours trying to recall who sings that song you can’t stop humming? If you’re like most of us, the response is last week or maybe this morning. What, you ask, does long division have to do with the missing car keys? The connection is brain fitness and a theory known as “use it or lose it.”

Where Brain Cells Go To Die

If you think you are too young to be concerned about memory loss, lack of concentration and even dementia, think again. In reality, your neurons start to die off after puberty and your brain begins shrinking at the ripe old age of 20! Luckily, with a little effort you can stimulate the growth and connection of new neurons and help keep your mind quick and clever throughout your life.

With every speed dial programmed on your phone and calculator used for balancing the check book, we sacrifice another opportunity to engage our brains. Yet the very technology that offers those tempting but detrimental shortcuts may also be your biggest ally in the fight against brain fog. Among the many exciting new computer based tools for memory and creativity cultivation is brain training, also known as brain aerobics.

Wake Up Your Mind

Though a variety of activities enhance brain health, such as reading a challenging book, completing a cross word puzzle or joining a social club, brain training offers unique benefits. Whether you’re eight or eighty, sharp as a tack or feeling a bit mentally sluggish, brain training can improve your cognitive function. One company, fittingly called Brain Aerobics, offers a software package and classes known as TrainBrain that is aimed at increasing brain plasticity. The beauty of products like TrainBrain lies in their individualized approach. The difficulty of each challenge conforms to your personal pace of mental growth. Thus your brain won’t be bored silly with easy tasks or overwhelmed with exercises that are too advanced.

Pump It Upstairs

And one, and two and three and think? If you are the kind of person who lets the Pilates DVD languish in a dusty drawer, perhaps joining a brain gym will keep you motivated to work out your neurons. While the idea of wearing a sweatband to put together a puzzle may sound a little strange, businesses that offer a place to focus on mental fitness are cropping up all over the US. If you aren’t quite convinced enough to invest your money in a neuro-gym membership or even an intellectual video game, you can try out riddles and other exercises at websites with free brain-boosting activities.

What’s on your mind and how do you cope with an ever aging brain?


From the Founder: Alcohol

Sipping on cocktails or wine is something I enjoy a few times a month. Whether for relaxation purposes or as a social release during the times I catch up with my friends, having a drink is part of my life. However, there is a shot of irony with alcohol when it comes to living a balanced lifestyle.

It seems for most of us the scale is tipped too far when it comes to alcohol. Let’s not kid ourselves; we all tend to go a little too far with alcohol in some way, shape or form. Anyone who knows what a hangover feels like has put a boulder on the scale, which we know makes it very difficult to get the scale even with those odds.

I have had some really unforgettable hangovers where all I could think about was the next minute giving me some salvation from the horrible feeling. You may be wondering, why drink to the point where I feel like that the next day, and my answer to you is that when I am drinking I am serving another aspect of my well-being (as mentioned above).

When I think about wellness, I think about Balance- keeping everything in your life that makes you happy while learning how to make adjustments to keep the scale even to achieve goals. So for me when it comes to drinking alcohol, for the most part, I incorporate preventative measures to combat any of the extreme side effects of a happy hour gone wild.

First, I make sure I eat. Of those unforgettable hangovers 99% of them were the result of me not having enough food in my system giving the alcohol an all-access passport to travel throughout system wrecking havoc. On top of eating, I also eat a banana, take Vitamin B complex and OPC-3 (antioxidant with Pycnogenol) before or after my alcohol consumption. The banana is pretty hearty, plus the potassium rehydrates. In the home remedy world, Vitamin B is said to fight off the toxins in alcohol leading to that crushing headache due to its depletion. The antioxidant is just an overall back up fighting off free radical damage. I really notice a difference when I do not follow this regimen.

Now for my liver, I eat apples for breakfast during the work week. Even though it is a home remedy, I believe in the power of natural solutions. Twice a year I do a 7-day cleanse which includes a liver component that contains Milk Thistle, N-Acetyl-L-cysteine (amino acid), Dandelion Root, Garlic Bulb, Hawthorn Berry Extract, Schizandra Chinensis Fruit and Seed Extract, Yellow Dock Root, Burdock Root, Licorice Root, Barberry Bark and Root, Rosemary Leaf, Ginger Root, Green Tea Leaf Extract, Hyssop, Red Clover Flower, and Turmeric Root Extract.

If you’re a drinker like myself, consider how to be a ‘Well-Drinker’. Cheers!


You Snooze, You Don't Lose

With A recent study by the National Sleep Foundation reports that the average American gets 6 hours and 40 minutes of sleep per night (down from the 7+ hours reported last year). We know that sleep is needed for mental clarity, immunity, preventing premature aging and mood stabilization, but did you know that a good night's sleep also provides cellular detoxification and renewal of the skin?
Sleeping is actually the easiest way to look better! It will therefore come as no surprise that many orally administered medications prescribed by dermatologists for skin conditions such as acne and eczema contain small amounts of sedatives; looks like even modern medicine is forcing us to sleep more for enhanced beauty results.
Even if you don't have specific skin problems, puffy under-eyes and a pale complexion is never a good look, so why do we routinely deprive ourselves of this much-needed restoration? An increased average workday is the top culprit, but other factors such as lifestyle, increased stress levels, poor food choices and sleep disorders are also to blame.

Ever-dedicated to encouraging all to reach full wellbeing potential, the spa world's answer to this imbalanced dilemma is The Sleep Spa, of course!!

One of the top trends in the spa industry in 2008 is the prevalence of sleep programs in the spa environment, according to Spa Finder's CEO, Susie Ellis. That's right, the power nap has returned, and this time, it's trendy! For European and Latin Americans, the siesta midday break has been more of a staple than a trend- they may have been on to something this whole time. If you pay attention to your inner circadian rhythm, you'll find that there is a late afternoon lull, about 8 hours after you wake up, and that it is natural to want to sleep. So, instead of going for that 4pm coffee jolt, it's actually more natural and beneficial to take a 20-minute nap.

Yelo, a Manhattan-based sleeping haven, is on the cutting edge of this trend. They offer signature YeloCabs, ideal cubbies for optimized napping that can be booked in 20 or 40-minute increments. I treated myself to their 20/20 therapy (20 minutes of reflexology followed by a 20 minute nap), and the experience was unlike any other I’ve had.

The anti-gravity chair positioning was truly restful, and before the reflexology was over, I had already succumbed to nap-land. A LED light mirroring the sunrise awakened me naturally, and I felt completely rested and revived! This natural awakening process was key in rounding out a truly restful and restorative nap, and left me with a peaceful feeling as I returned to reality. I treated a friend to this same sequence, as he had complained recently of chronic exhaustion (and looked it!). Doubting the power of the power nap, he went in a skeptic, only to emerge a believer! I took pride in complimenting him on his newfound de-puffed and bright-eyed, refreshed appearance, and he felt, to his surprise, well-rested. It was fantastic to know that I was not the exception to the rule and that the Yelo formula and its components were truly vetted and right on point.

In just one nap therapy I saw a dramatic shift in appearance in my friend, as if he had just received a facial! The drained face and puffy eyes were replaced with color and an awakened gaze. Looking and feeling well-rested brings an obvious change in appearance and also attitude!
Look for more dedicated sleep spas and designated sleeping areas and therapies to be incorporated into your local spa soon...sleeping never looked so good!

Will you be a true sleeping beauty?

From the Founder: Sleep Spa

Sleep for me these days seems like a luxury. Lately, I just can’t seem to get enough. Last night, or afternoon I should say, I fell asleep at 6pm! No, I am not 70- I know most of you are wondering my age since falling asleep at that time seems to be the norm of the people living in a retirement community.

As much as my current lifestyle requires more hours for work and somehow I still put a decent amount of time into my social life, I am learning to give in to sleep. In this go-getter era, our lifestyles rarely allow us to give in to sleep except on the weekends and even then most of us feel guilty that we are wasting our time or that it is not allowed. After reading this week’s guide, I know most of you are thinking (whether there is a sleep spa in your city or not) There is no way I could break away from work for a nap!

Now back when I worked 9 – 5, I could see where that mentality comes from, but at the same time if I think hard enough I could really add some wasted time spent on Instant Messenger, Email, Chatting in the Lunch Area, etc. All of which could add up to 20 minute increments which if I had known back then would have traded for some ZZZ’s.

Napping of course is not something we need everyday. Even though an afternoon rest is a part of the European and Latin American cultures as Susan mentioned, we Americans need moderation for both setting the time aside and accepting the fact that it's OK to shut down just like a computer and reboot 20 minutes later.

When Susan shared the experience she and her friend had at Yelo in her Spa Blog, I wanted our BalanceBoost readers to know more. One of the things she told me that stuck out was how she woke up naturally. She said that they simulated a sunrise with the LED light which as most of us nappers know when we pass or voluntarily take a nap, sometimes waking up comes with a jolt of confusion- was I sleeping? how long was I sleeping? or from the noise of an annoying alarm. Most of know that feeling sometimes defeats the whole rest that we got from the nap and in
Susan’s feature, she told us about the benefits sleep has on our skin and appearance. Now napping, for me at least, has more value to it, because not only am I hoping to increase my energy and concentration when I wake up, I may also be contributing to my aesthetics.

Even though I have not been to a sleep spa yet, I definitely recommend that you try it once just to have the experience to compare to a cup of coffee, energy drink or to see what you look like after (it's not a makeover, keep your expectations in the realistic zone).

So sleep away and you may wake up looking better and ready to conquer the world! Source:

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